Self Acceptance

پذیرش خود

بازدید: 2130
subtitle: پذیرش خود

 Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-62-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-62-2-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


Self-acceptance does not mean that you think you’re perfect or better than others or that you believe you don’t have any faults or weaknesses. Self-acceptance means that you understand you are human, walking this universal journey of humankind , and that, of course, you have strengths and weaknesses. It means you accept that you have had—and will continue to have—failures and successes but that you are willing  to engage in the ongoing process of self-growth .

We have to wonder why so many of us are so severely critical of ourselves. But if we have the power to beat ourselves up , we also have the power to stop beating ourselves up.

Steps to self-acceptance

Determine your own value systemTake an inventory of what you believe in and what you don’t believe in. Write down your most important values and why you want to live by  those values. Your value system may include some of what you were taught growing up, but you may also make the conscious decision not to include some of what you were taught to believe in your family of origin. Your value system should only include what is right for you.

Forgive yourself for mistakes and failures. Make a conscious decision to offer yourself forgiveness. We can’t blame ourselves for things we didn’t know or weren’t aware of before, even if we are aware of those things now. It’s important to learn from our mistakes, but it is never helpful to keep punishing ourselves for regrets we may have.

Accept imperfection. No one is perfect, and no one can be perfect. Ask yourself: Who do I think I am that I have to be perfect, but I don’t expect others to be? Learn to accept yourself for all of who you are: your strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, and all.



 How do you feel about yourself? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.


Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-62-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-62-2-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Self-acceptance does not mean that you think you’re perfect or better than others. It doesn’t mean that you believe you don’t have any faults or weaknesses. Self-acceptance means that you understand you are human, just like other people, and that, of course, you have strengths and weaknesses. It means you accept your failures and successes in the past and future. It means you are prepared to grow continuously.

Why do so many of us talk about our own faults? If we have the power to think we are responsible for bad things, we also have the power to stop this kind of thinking.

Steps to self-acceptance

Find your own value system. Make a list of what you believe in and what you don’t believe in. Write down your most important values. Why do you want to live according to  those values? Your value system may have some of your childhood lessons. But you may also decide not to believe in some lessons related to your family of origin. Your value system should only have what is right for you.

Stop being angry about mistakes and failures. Stop being angry at  yourself. It is not possible to know about everything. It’s important to learn from our mistakes. But it is never helpful to punish ourselves for past mistakes.

Accept imperfection. No one is perfect, and no one can be perfect. Ask yourself: Why do I have to be perfect? I don’t expect others to be! Learn to accept yourself: your strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, and all.



  How do you feel about yourself? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.





 دوست داری فواید خندیدن رو بدونی؟

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ترجمه فارسی

خودپذیری به این معنی نیست که فکر کنین بی نقص هستین یا از بقیه بهترین یا اینکه باور داشته باشین هیچ عیب یا نقطه ضعفی ندارین. خودپذیری یعنی درک کنین یه انسان هستین که مثل بقیه آدمها یه مسیر همگانی رو طی میکنین و اینکه البته نقاط ضعف و قوتی دارین. خودپذیری یعنی قبول کنین که شکستها و موفقیتهایی داشتین – و خواهید داشت – اما دوست دارین در روند بی وقفه رشد فردی باشین.
ما باید از خودمون بپرسیم چرا خیلیهامون انقدر نسبت به خودمون منتقد هستیم. اما اگه ما این قدرت رو داریم که خودمونو مقصر بدونیم، این قدرت رو هم داریم که جلوی مقصر دونستن خودمونو بگیریم.
مراحل رسیدن به خودپذیری
سیستم ارزشی تونو مشخص کنین. یه لیست از چیزایی که بهشون اعتقاد دارین و چیزایی که بهشون اعتقاد ندارین تهیه کنین. مهمترین ارزشهاتونو بنویسین و همینطور اینکه چرا میخواین با این ارزشها زندگی کنین.

سیستم ارزشی تون ممکنه شامل بعضی از چیزایی باشه که وقتی بزرگ میشدین بهتون یاد دادن، اما ممکنه بعضی از چیزایی که تو خانواده بهتون یاد دادن رو آگاهانه در نظر نگیرین. سیستم ارزشی تون باید فقط اون چیزایی رو دربر بگیره که براتون درسته.
خودتونو بابت اشتباهات و شکستها ببخشین. یه تصمیم آگاهانه بگیرین که خودتونو ببخشین.

ما نمیتونیم بابت چیزایی که قبلا نمیدونستیم یا ازشون بی خبر بودیم خودمون سرزنش کنیم، حتی اگه حتی اگر الان میدونیمشون. مهم اینه که از اشتباهاتمون درس بگیریم، اما اینکه دائما خودمون رو برای حسرتها و پشیمونی هایی که داریم تنبیه کنیم هیچ کمکی نمیکنه.
کاستی رو بپذیرین. هیچکس بی عیب نیست و هیچکس نمیتونه بی عیب باشه. از خودتون بپرسین: من فکر میکنم کی هستم که باید بی عیب باشم اما انتظار ندارم بقیه بی عیب باشن؟ یاد بگیرین که خودتونو همونطور که هستین بپذیرین: نقاط قوتتون، نقاط ضعفتون، اشتباهاتتون، و همه چیز رو.


 حسّتون نسبت به خودتون چیه؟ یادتون نره واسمون کامنت بذارین.


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