(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 38551

آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت نهم

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در این ویدیو در ارتباط با نحوه نوشتن یک مقدمه سریع و کارامد برای تمامی مدل های رایتینگ تسک 2 بحث خواهیم کرد.

Writing Plus


برای نوشتن مقدمه به سه بخش نیاز خواهید داشت.

  • A general statement about the topic (If mentioned in the topic).
  • A paraphrase of the statements in the question.
  • Thesis Statement - Your plan (and your opinion if wanted)

ساختارهای پیشنهادی برای هر سه قسمت ذکر شده را در بخش زیر مشاهده میکنید.

General Statement Sentence

There is no doubt that/ It is clear that …

Nowadays…/ These days,… (Present Simple or Continuous)

In recent years, … / Over the last few years,… (Present Perfect)

It is important to consider … (+ Question word e.g. how/whether/why…)

Paraphrase the question sentence

While some people believe ..., others argue that …

There are many people who think…

While there are many benefits to …, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

Opinion and plan sentence

I completely agree/disagree with this statement…

I tend to agree/disagree with the former/latter argument ...

… and in this essay I will support my view with examples.

In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument/topic…

In this essay, I will explore/discuss some of the problems associated with … and propose/suggest some solutions.


این تمرین تنها مربوط به دانشجویان دوره پلاس می باشد

تمرین شماره ۱۴: برای چهار موضوع داده شده یک مقدمه بنویسید.

حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین شماره ۱۵: پنج لغت انتهای ویدیو را بخوانید و با استفاده از یک دیکشنری سعی کنید کالوکیشن های آن را پیدا کنید. سپس جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (23)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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1. In recent years, the use of computers in educational systems has been widespread. As a result, the role of teachers is fading more and more, since students tend to use online courses. I believe that in near future, traditional tutoring will be...

1. In recent years, the use of computers in educational systems has been widespread. As a result, the role of teachers is fading more and more, since students tend to use online courses. I believe that in near future, traditional tutoring will be substituted with computer-based education.

2. There is a group of people who believe we should train our kids the skill of competition, while others argue that co-operation is an essential quality to teach our offspring. Despite the benefits of competition, I strongly agree that teamwork is far more practical in individuals' life.

3. In a fast-paced world, our lifestyle is seeing dramatic transformations. These changes affect our feeding habits, so our diet should be in harmony with our way of living. I believe the reasons behind this trend are associated with the growing technology and its impacts on our daily lives.

4. Some people believe that news can be an excellent source of information, while others argue that journals are not trustworthy. Although media plays an essential role in our life, I am in complete accordance with the latter one since newspapers are unreliable in terms of authenticity.

The world’s population is increasing to such an extent, that it highlights the need to search for suitable land to people’s settlements outside the planet.

Even if urban developments are able to accommodate the growing population, water and electricity supply, sewage and sanitation will be uncontrollable for this volume of our planet.
Although these metals and other natural resources are rare on the earth, might abound on the other planets.

Our planet is currently facing an unexpected resource problem, which can only be tackled by discovering new resources on other planets.

In addition to seeking shelter for the next generations, space programs contribute to the earth's well-being. For example, by monitoring the hole of the ozone layer, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental threats, satellites help people find solutions to the worst environmental threats.

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رویا عبادی
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Topic 1:
Today, many believe that tutors aren’t an essential part of the education system, on the basis of widespread computer use in classes. In my opinion, it would be wrong to not consider their vital effects on the success of the students’...

Topic 1:
Today, many believe that tutors aren’t an essential part of the education system, on the basis of widespread computer use in classes. In my opinion, it would be wrong to not consider their vital effects on the success of the students’ learning process.
Topic 2:
About being a more advantageous human, while some people believe in the importance of taking part in competitions by children, others argue it’s foremost to tutor them about cooperation. Despite some benefits of attending competitive activities, I agree more with the latter, because teamwork is a vital skill in modern communities.
Topic 3:
Evidence suggests that the new modern cuisines are wide-spreading by drastically modifying the classical recipes. There are several root causes for this transformation and I believe, despite some of its negative effects, there are more benefits than drawbacks.
Topic 4:
While many believe current affairs news is a great source of gaining knowledge, others argue that journals are not reliable. I would argue if journalists pursue some specific policies, their news can be more trustworthy.

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علی لک
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Recently, the world’s population is increasing dramatically, that urges the need to search for the proper land to accommodate people in the other planet.

Even if urban development can home increasing dwellers, providing utilities including...

Recently, the world’s population is increasing dramatically, that urges the need to search for the proper land to accommodate people in the other planet.

Even if urban development can home increasing dwellers, providing utilities including electricity and water as well as swage treatment and sanitation will be incontrollable at this level.

These metals and the other natural resources, although rare on earth, possibly abound in the other planets.

Our planet is facing an unprecedented condition that can be tackled only with exploring new resources in the other planets.

In addition to search a shelter for the next generations, space programs contribute greatly to well-being of the planet in a tangible way. For instance, by supervising ozone layer depletion, global warming, vanishing rain forests, and the other threats, satellites help people to find some remedies for the worst natural disasters.

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مجتبی حیدری
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[]1.It is clear that,computers have an crucial impact on education,so it is argued by many that, teachers can play less vital role in comparison to the past.However,I compeletly agree with the statement because of online courses and student's...

[]1.It is clear that,computers have an crucial impact on education,so it is argued by many that, teachers can play less vital role in comparison to the past.However,I compeletly agree with the statement because of online courses and student's tendency to use computer.

2.It is argued by many that,there are different views about whether childeren should be competitor or having a sense of cooperative .However,I fully agree with the idea that,I believe,a spirit of cooperation can be productive and use ful in life.

3.There is an argument that,new healthy nutrition has been become popular among people instead of traditional meal recently.while ,In my opinion, technology and new life style has the vital impact on this point.

4.It is thought by many that news can be the best source of knowledge to being informed about events that happening around us in camparison to others thinking there is no trustworthy on journalisms .However, in my opinion, knowlegble and harworking journalism are play an important role to make people about news.

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مهری حسنی
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استاد حامد عزیزکارتون بسیارعالی هست

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In this modern era,the belief that teachers dont
have a crucial role to play in education ensue from the developement of using computers for .education.However I completely disagree with the given statement.It is because for a number of...

In this modern era,the belief that teachers dont
have a crucial role to play in education ensue from the developement of using computers for .education.However I completely disagree with the given statement.It is because for a number of damaging consequenses of excessive use of computers for learning.

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عالییی اسـتاد سپاس....؟

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با سلام و سپاس فراوان.
به دوره ی پلاس شدیدا نیازمندم. خواهشا یه فکری کنید برای ما که معلمی نداریم. و حالا که داریم دوره های عالی که زحمتش رو کشیدید دنبال می‌کنیم... بتونیم حداقل نتیجه رو ببینیم.
با تشکر فراوان.

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In this modern era, evidence illustrate that a growing number of using computers in a way of educating the students in comparison by the traditional training then by teachers at school. I, however, agree with this given statement on the...

In this modern era, evidence illustrate that a growing number of using computers in a way of educating the students in comparison by the traditional training then by teachers at school. I, however, agree with this given statement on the basis of up to date information and the newest technology.

While some people argue that it is a good idea to learn pupils the way of competitions, others say that the teamwork is an essential parts of a child’s educational development. I agree with the latter, because educating as a group work helps them to communicate and co-operate better in the society specially useful for their futures.

Evidence suggests that a growing number of healthier food replaced by traditions, in the past few decades. There are many specific causes behind this trend, so, I believe that the benefits occurring to this lifestyle are by no means negligible.

While some people argue that they can receive useful information from news correspondent, others believe that they are not reliable. Although, I agree that reports contain valuable knowledge, effective policies can be adopted to monitor the journalist’s reports.

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In this modern era, evidence illustrate that a growing number of using computers in a way of educating the students in comparison by the traditional training then by teachers at school. I, however, agree with this given statement on the...

In this modern era, evidence illustrate that a growing number of using computers in a way of educating the students in comparison by the traditional training then by teachers at school. I, however, agree with this given statement on the basis of up to date information and the newest technology.

While some people argue that it is a good idea to learn pupils the way of competitions, others say that the teamwork is an essential parts of a child’s educational development. I agree with the latter, because educating as a group work helps them to communicate and co-operate better in the society specially useful for their futures.

Evidence suggests that a growing number of healthier food replaced by traditions, in the past few decades. There are many specific causes behind this trend, so, I believe that the benefits occurring to this lifestyle are by no means negligible.

While some people argue that they can receive useful information from news correspondent, others believe that they are not reliable. Although, I agree that reports contain valuable knowledge, effective policies can be adopted to monitor the journalist’s reports.

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Topic 1
In recent years, computer-based technologies have been employed in educational systems extensively. Some person believe that computers will act as a teacher in the future. In my opinion, although, the helpful role of computers, it cannot...

Topic 1
In recent years, computer-based technologies have been employed in educational systems extensively. Some person believe that computers will act as a teacher in the future. In my opinion, although, the helpful role of computers, it cannot be considered as a teacher which its main duty is training in different situation.
Topic 2
There is no doubt that reactions of adults in different situations usually originated from their childhood. Based on this, some people believe that children should be trained how to contend. While, others believe if they instructed how to set a cooperation it would be better. In this essay, both side of argument will be discussed.
Topic 3
In this fast-step world, feeding habits had experienced fundamental changes due to the tendency of people to fast food which lead to extinction of traditional one. Following people’s growing concern on health, eating regime transformation owned dire consequences which will be discussed below.
Topic 4
Living in the information age, people are bombarded with substantial daily doses of news in multiple media. While some people believe we can rely on media while others argue that they are not trustworthy. I tend to agree with the latter argument because of unfairly domination of authorities on press. Financial supporter of a reporter should be clearly defined.

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Saeid Sar
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omidvaram har chi az khoda mikhayn behetoon bede

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سلام استاد عزیزم ممنون از وقتی که میزارید❤واسه من لغات نیومد امروز

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استاد عزیز ایشالله هر چی از خدا میخواین بهتون بده، بهترین معلمی هستین که دیده ام✌

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با سلام و سپاس
از وقتی تلگرام طلایی قطع شده ارتباط من کلا برای دوره پلاس قطع شده. تلگرام معمولی نصب کردم که اونهم حتما باید شما من رو اد کنید .بنابراین با ایمیل با ایشون کانکت شدم برای رایتینگها که امروز متوجه شدم اصلا دلیور نشده
اگر ممکنه توی...

با سلام و سپاس
از وقتی تلگرام طلایی قطع شده ارتباط من کلا برای دوره پلاس قطع شده. تلگرام معمولی نصب کردم که اونهم حتما باید شما من رو اد کنید .بنابراین با ایمیل با ایشون کانکت شدم برای رایتینگها که امروز متوجه شدم اصلا دلیور نشده
اگر ممکنه توی تلگرام من رو اد کنید که بتونم بفرستم تمرینهارو@Rose131

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با سلام... اگر ایمیل ارسال کردید حتما استادتون دریافت کردند.
در مورد تلگرام لطفا به شماره ۰۹۱۲۰۷۰۷۶۸۳ یک تکست تلگرام بدید.

Super User
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سلام خیلی ممنون استاد دستتون دردنکنه

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ممنون میشم اگر ثبت نام دوره پلاس رو باز کنید تا افرادی که علاقمند به ثبت نام هستند ولی متاسفانه نتونستند ثبت نام را انجام بدند یک فرصت دیگر برای ثبت نام داشته باشند.
با سپاس

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سلام.. درخواستش را به استاد محمدحسینی اعلام کردیم. ایشون باید دستور بدن برای باز کردنش. نتیجه حتما اعلام میشه

Super User
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با سلام و ضمن تشکر از دوره بسیار عالیتون واقعا خسته نباشید اما یه انتقاد دارم ازتون یه خواهش
انتقاد: شما باید ابزار و نیازهارو قبل شروع دوره اماده میکردید واقعا سخته که الان نمیشه دوره پلاس ثبت نام کرد و یه جورایی زحماتی که استاد میکشه تا مفاهیم...

با سلام و ضمن تشکر از دوره بسیار عالیتون واقعا خسته نباشید اما یه انتقاد دارم ازتون یه خواهش
انتقاد: شما باید ابزار و نیازهارو قبل شروع دوره اماده میکردید واقعا سخته که الان نمیشه دوره پلاس ثبت نام کرد و یه جورایی زحماتی که استاد میکشه تا مفاهیم یاد بده واقعا حیفه که نمیشه بازخورد گرفت
خواهشم اینه که یکم تو این چند جلسه فاصله جلسات طولانی تر کنید تا بتونیم خودمون در سطح اموزش ها برسونیم فکر میکنم الان که وارد مرحله عملیاتی و نوشتن شدیم یکم تمرین بیشتر و تایم نیازه
بازم ممنون از لطفی که در رایگان بودن این دوره کردید
واقعا خسته نباشید

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استاد واقعا كارتون ارزشمنده. من دو بار كلاس رفتم اما نصف اينها رو هم بهم نگفتن

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You deserve a zillion thanks.

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آفرین حامد عزیز. کارت بسیار عالی هست.

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