(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 37612

آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت هفتم

پاسخ به سوالات رایج آیلتس و چگونگی زمان بندی در بخش رایتینگ آیلتس

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در این درس به بررسی سوالات رایج زیر می پردازیم.

۱. برای رایتینگ تسک ۲ آیلتس چند لغت باید بنویسیم؟

۲. لغات در رایتینگ آیلتس چطور شمرده خواهند شد؟

۳. آیا برای کم نوشتن یا زیاد نوشتن در رایتینگ آیلتس نمره از دست خواهم داد؟

۴. چند پاراگراف برای رایتینگ تسک ۲ باید بنویسیم؟

۵. آیا دست خط برای ممتحن اهمیت دارد؟

۶. آیا ابتدای هر پاراگراف باید تورفتگی داشته باشیم؟

۷. آیا من برای رایتینگ تسک ۲ می توانم یک رایتینگ حفظ کنم؟

Writing Plus

برای رایتینگ تسک ۲ آیلتس باید چگونه زمان بندی کنم؟

آیا در ابتدای نوشتن رایتینگ آیلتس نیاز به برنامه ریزی داریم؟

چگونه زمانبندی درست برای رایتینگ آیلتس دو داشته باشیم؟

برای زمانبندی باید چه کارهایی انجام دهیم؟

- ابتدا باید key pointهای سوال را پیدا کنیم.

- طوفان ذهنی و ایجاد یک مایند مپ

- ساپورت ایده های خود را نت برداری کنید

- به کلمات مرتبط به تم فکر کنید

زمان برای proof-reading چقدر خواهد بود؟


حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود


تمرین شماره ۱۲: پنج لغت انتهای ویدیو را بخوانید و با استفاده از یک دیکشنری سعی کنید کالوکیشن های آن را پیدا کنید. سپس جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (27)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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26. Furthermore, to these fundamental needs, people crave a positive imagination from themselves, and their participation should be valued and appreciated.
27. For this reason, promotion was used for enhancing employees job satisfaction, which...

26. Furthermore, to these fundamental needs, people crave a positive imagination from themselves, and their participation should be valued and appreciated.
27. For this reason, promotion was used for enhancing employees job satisfaction, which convey a message to them, that their commitment was considered.
28. Beside of external factors, internal factors also important. Beliefs are based on this view that employees who have positive viewpoint and are full sense of optimistic, irrespective of their type of careers or workplaces, they achieve more job satisfaction.
29. Job satisfaction attribute to many parameters, which are external or internal. Many of them that impact on job satisfaction are external, which financial need is the most important of them for employees.
30. An employee will be delighted, if a sustainable job is created for him, by other words occupying in only one job for a long time.

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صبا تمیزی
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In addition to these essential needs, people crave a positive image of themselves and being appreciated for their participation.

This is due to that the promotion is often used to increase the employees’ job satisfaction, to send a message to...

In addition to these essential needs, people crave a positive image of themselves and being appreciated for their participation.

This is due to that the promotion is often used to increase the employees’ job satisfaction, to send a message to employees that their commitment has been seen.

Along with extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors are also important. It is believed that the employees with a positive life view and are optimistic, may get a higher level of job satisfaction, irrespective of their job or work environment.

Job satisfaction attribute to many different factors, extrinsic and intrinsic. Most of the factors which affect job satisfaction are external factors, that the most important of them is the employees’ material needs.

An employee will be delighted if he/she has a continuous job, which is being in the same job for a significant period.

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علی لک
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Besides these basic needs, people crave a positive image of themselves as well as respect and appreciation in proportion to their contributions.

It is the reason that promotion is mainly dedicated to improve job satisfaction which conveys a...

Besides these basic needs, people crave a positive image of themselves as well as respect and appreciation in proportion to their contributions.

It is the reason that promotion is mainly dedicated to improve job satisfaction which conveys a message that the commitments are made by employees are acknowledged.

Apart from outside factors, inside ones are also important. It is believed that employees who hold positive attitudes towards life and are fully optimistic tend to reach greater job satisfaction, irrespective of occupation or workplace atmosphere they are benefiting from.

Job satisfaction is attributed to several factors; external and internal. This is external factors that impact more on contentment, and the most important one is employee’s remuneration needs by far.

Once steady job is provided, an employee becomes delighted; that means holding an individual job for remarkable duration of time.

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مجتبی حیدری
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با تشکر از تیم بیان برتر. ببخشید ویدیوهای 1-6 رو نمیتونم روی سایت پیدا کنم. ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمایید

روجا ....
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با تشکر از تیم بیان برتر

روجا ....
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Besides these basic needs, people crave for a positive image of themselves and that their commitment would be valued and appreciated.

This is to say that mostly promotion is used to boost the job satisfaction of employees, which sends a message...

Besides these basic needs, people crave for a positive image of themselves and that their commitment would be valued and appreciated.

This is to say that mostly promotion is used to boost the job satisfaction of employees, which sends a message that their commitment is seen.

Besides the external factors, the internal factors are important as well. It is believed that employees who have a positive look to life and are filled with optimistic feeling, are more provable to achieve a greater job satisfaction, irrespective of their job or work environment.

Job satisfaction attributes to various factors, both external and internal. Most of the factors affecting the job satisfaction are external, which among the most important ones are the financial needs of personnel.

If continual job is provided, an employee would be delighted; meaning to stay at a job for a considerable amount of time.

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کریم محرابی
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سلام استاد نازنین دست شما دردنکنه، به امید خدا حضوری هم میشه، ممنون از این لطف و مهربونی

فرشته حسینی
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26.Besides these fundamental needs, people crave a positive image of themselves and that their partnership gets well evaluated and much appreciated.

27.It's because, in order to elevate job satisfaction among employees, promotion is used and it...

26.Besides these fundamental needs, people crave a positive image of themselves and that their partnership gets well evaluated and much appreciated.

27.It's because, in order to elevate job satisfaction among employees, promotion is used and it sends them the message that their commitment has been considered.

28.In addition to internal variables, external variables are also vital. It's believed that employees who have a positive perspective and are filled with the sense of optimism, are more likely to achieve higher levels of job satisfaction irrespective of their job or the atmosphere they work in.

29.Job satisfaction is attributed to different variables; internal and external ones. Most of the influencing factors are the external ones and the most indispensable one of them are financial needs of employees.

30.An employee will be delighted if he's provided with a permanent job, meaning to remain in a particular position for a considerable amount of time.

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مرتضی اسلامی
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با سلام و تشکر
روز 23 مجددا مسائل مربوط به روز 22 قرار گرفته یعنی رایتینگ تسک 2 قسمت 7 ام ممنون میشم اصلاح کنید

عباس احمدی
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Beside these fundamental demands , people crave a positive vision of themselves and also their contribution to be evaluated and appreciated.
It is due to common use of promotion for fostering professional consent of employees that convey them...

Beside these fundamental demands , people crave a positive vision of themselves and also their contribution to be evaluated and appreciated.
It is due to common use of promotion for fostering professional consent of employees that convey them this comment which their commitment has been considered.
Foreign factors are as essential as inner ones.it is believed that employees with a positive perspective on life and ones filled of sense of optimism , would achieve more job satisfaction irrespective of occupation or workplace are in.
Job satisfaction attribute to various inner and outer features , most of them influencing professional contentment are exteriors which physical demands of employees are the most indispensable.
If a persistent career be provided for an employee , he will be delighted.it means being in vocation for a considerable period.

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فاطمه عرب نيا
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ممنون از لطف تیم بیان‌برتر، مخصوصا اساتید گرامی
کاش امکانش باشه انتهای هفته چهارم طمرین نکن، یه وقفه کوتاهی باشه
تا بتونیم یه جمع‌بندی داشته باشیم و همچنین چند درس عقب مونده خودمون را برسونیم.

مهدی فروغی
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being delighted and cheerful at work irresponsible of having a high significant of commitment ,craving at job is more noticeable.because it attributes to your passion .

مهری حسنی
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Aside from their basic need,people crave to have a positive imagine of themselves

زهره ابراهیم پور
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سلام اقای محمدحسینی،
واقعااا کلیپها عالی اند.من تو اتوبوس ومسیرومسیر خرم اباد واسه عروسی دوستمم.تمرینها رو نتونستم حل کنم و فقط شنونده بودم،اینقدر عالیه که من از قسمت۱تا الان که رسیدم خرم اباد،قسمت ۸روتموم کردم.فقط یه کلمه ۲۰ ۲۰
امیدوارم همیشه...

سلام اقای محمدحسینی،
واقعااا کلیپها عالی اند.من تو اتوبوس ومسیرومسیر خرم اباد واسه عروسی دوستمم.تمرینها رو نتونستم حل کنم و فقط شنونده بودم،اینقدر عالیه که من از قسمت۱تا الان که رسیدم خرم اباد،قسمت ۸روتموم کردم.فقط یه کلمه ۲۰ ۲۰
امیدوارم همیشه صداتون پرانرژی و پرتلاش باشید

ادامه مطلب
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28)Besides foreign parameters, inside parameters are also important. many people believe that employees with a positive perspective on life, maybe reach more satisfying of their work, irrespective of kind of their job and their job's...

28)Besides foreign parameters, inside parameters are also important. many people believe that employees with a positive perspective on life, maybe reach more satisfying of their work, irrespective of kind of their job and their job's environmental29)job satisfaction is related to a lot of factors, both inner or outside. most of the factors that affect job satisfaction are extrinsic factors, indeed, financial needs are the most important of them30)an employee will satisfy if they gets a permanent job, 'permanent job' means a job for a long time

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26)besides of basic needs of people, they crave a positive image of themselves and they tend to appreciate their roles in the society
27)This is because promotion is often used to increase employee job satisfaction, which gives employees a...

26)besides of basic needs of people, they crave a positive image of themselves and they tend to appreciate their roles in the society
27)This is because promotion is often used to increase employee job satisfaction, which gives employees a message that their commitment is visible

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علی رضا
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Mercc OStad aZizam♥♥?

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سلام ممنون ازخدمات بسیار عالیتون، ما که تهران نیستیم خیلیییی تحت فشااریم

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مرسیی استاد حامد عزیزم ♥♥♥

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مرسي ك انقد عالي توضيح ميدين استاد

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Hello Thank you So Much Ostad

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با تشکر از زحمات تیم بیان برتر و مخصوصا جناب حامد حسینی. با توجه به اینکه ددلاین بعضی از دوستان نزدیک هستش ، اگه براتون مقدوره تعداد جلسات کلاس رو در هفته افزایش بدین... مثلا محتوای این جلسه بسیار کم بود و کلا میشه گفت حجمش برای این هفته بسیار...

با تشکر از زحمات تیم بیان برتر و مخصوصا جناب حامد حسینی. با توجه به اینکه ددلاین بعضی از دوستان نزدیک هستش ، اگه براتون مقدوره تعداد جلسات کلاس رو در هفته افزایش بدین... مثلا محتوای این جلسه بسیار کم بود و کلا میشه گفت حجمش برای این هفته بسیار محدود و کم بار بود.

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حتما به استاد محمدحسینی ارجاع میشه نظرتون

Super User
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سلام خیلی خوبه من تازه از سربازی اومدم تازه شروع کردم کلیپا و درس هارو کار کردن
میخاستم بدونم به هیچ نحو دیگه نمیشه دوره پلاس ثبت نام کرد؟

Mahdi Ghasvari
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خوش آمدین. از ابتدای خردادماه دوباره باز میشه ظرفیت

Super User
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خیلی ممنون استاد بخاطر لطفتون

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خيلى خوشحال شدم يك هفته زمان داديد من واقعا عقب مونده بودم

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