(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 29329

آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت ششم

ساختاری برجسته برای رایتینگ‌های نوع Two-Part Type Essays

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در این نوع از عناوین، دو سوال مطرح می شود که باید برای هریک از آنها حداقل یک پاراگراف بدنه اختصاص یابد. همچنین بهتر است در انتهای مقدمه و ابتدای نتیجه گیری هم پاسخ سوالات ارائه شود. به سه سوال زیر و پاسخ های نمونه آنها توجه کنید.

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Most people agree that money cannot buy happiness. Why is happiness difficult to define? How can people achieve happiness?

In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Writing Plus

سمپل شماره یک:

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

There is no doubt that traffic and pollution from vehicles have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere. Solving these problems is likely to need more than a simple rise in the price of petrol.

While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long. As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very unpopular with everyone who needs to travel on the roads. But there are various other measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on these problems.

I think to tackle the problem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed. The technology is already available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter and cleaner to use. Persuading manufacturers and travellers to adopt this new technology would be a more effective strategy for improving air quality, especially in cities.

However, traffic congestion will not be solved by changing the type of private vehicle people can use. To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travellers. For example, if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. Long—distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own car for long journeys.

In conclusion, I think that long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems.


سمپل شماره دو:

Most people agree that money cannot buy happiness. Why is happiness difficult to define? How can people achieve happiness?

Many people agree with the idea that happiness cannot be bought. Happiness is difficult to define because everyone has a different concept of it. I think people can become happier by changing their mindset, spending time in nature and working on themselves more.

The concept of happiness is a very difficult thing to define because many people have different ideas as to what contributes happiness. Some feel that money is key, others would say that family is the main factor and yet others believe that freedom and self-expression contribute to a happy existence. To illustrate this, a study carried out by leading psychologists in the USA in 2007 over a two year period, which polled over ninety thousand people, showed that opinions varied greatly. A vast majority said that freedom and creativity were paramount while many others cited a multitude of other reasons for happiness, one of those being financial gain.

In my view, people can become much happier by introspection and meditation. When an individual works on themselves and reflects on their inner feelings it leads to emotional maturity. All too often it is easy to focus on the outside world and materialism, this can lead to a shallow existence where success can become a hollow pursuit. I believe that by spending time in nature, such as walking in the forest, meditation and working on inner feelings, a person can achieve far greater happiness than if they focus on material success such as a making lots of money or pursuing fame and recognition.

To sum up, although happiness is hard to clearly define due to many differing views, I think that through meditation, introspection and time in nature an individual can develop a greater sense of well being.


سمپل شماره سه:

In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Exploring one’s family background and history is becoming increasingly popular in numerous countries around the world. In my opinion, through research and knowing more about one’s family, people can see common trends passed through generations and useful information which can only be seen as beneficial for people’s future.

Firstly, some people look into their family history in order to discover any common trends with family members of a previous generation. This can be especially so with people who have particular skills, gifts or interests in uncommon fields. In other words, as some gifts and skills are hereditary, it can be interesting for people to learn how many others in their family shared these talents from previous generations.

Another reason for the popularity of finding out about one’s family history is often due to general curiosity of one’s geographical origins. That is to say, some families moved abroad, away from their own country, generations ago which resulted in them losing their original culture and adopting the culture of the country they moved to. Therefore, through research, people can learn more about their country of origin and understand more about the culture that their family originally came from.

Finally, the trend of researching family history is certainly beneficial and can help people find their place in the world. Some people feel a lack of direction in life or are dislocated from others but by learning more about their past family history, it can help them relate to the world and feel more comfortable about who they are. Take, for example, a person who feels nervous about making a certain choice in life, they may feel comforted by knowing that others in their family made the same choice many generations ago.

In conclusion, it can be advantageous for people to learn more about the family’s background and origins. It would be useful for children to learn about their own family history, if this was incorporated into the school curriculum.


حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین شماره ۱۱: برای موضوع زیر یک رایتینگ 250 کلمه ای بنویسید.

Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older? (250 Words)

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (29)

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من ادامه جلسات رو نمیتونم پیدا کنم ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید

سعید ولی زاده
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There is an inclination among many parents to provide anything their children require and to allow them to act as they see fit. This is definitely an improper way of raising children because as adults, they will be extremely dependent to their...

There is an inclination among many parents to provide anything their children require and to allow them to act as they see fit. This is definitely an improper way of raising children because as adults, they will be extremely dependent to their parents which will inevitably lead them to some serious complications.

Providing anything children want and allowing them to do as they please are probably the worst ways of raising children. In other words, the more parents allow their children to do as they please and make everything they need available for them, the harder it will become to control their needs, not only regarding the financial matters, but also about the issues concerned with their personality. For instance, my nephew who is about 6 years old, has had the privilege of growing up in a wealthy family, being provided with anything she needs, but this has made her spoiled and her demands have become uncontrollable as well.

However, this method of raising children will inevitably have some drastic consequences on the future of children. This is because by providing anything one’s children require and allowing them to do whatever they want, parents are making their children excessively dependent to them, and consequently, children will be faced with some severe conflicts in their lives when they are older. Take many older individuals around us who are still living with their parents even in their 30s as an example; if parents were to raise them more appropriately and did not provide anything they required in their childhood, they would have surely been able to make decisions of their own and were probably more independent in their lives.

In conclusion, despite the fact that raising children is a difficult task for many parents, I think limiting the things we provide for our children and controlling their behavior are of vital importance, as we will be allowing them to depend more on themselves and deal with confrontations on their own more effortlessly

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کریم محرابی
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There is an inclination among many parents to provide anything their children require and to allow them to act as they see fit. This is definitely an improper way of raising children because as adults, they will be extremely dependent to their...

There is an inclination among many parents to provide anything their children require and to allow them to act as they see fit. This is definitely an improper way of raising children because as adults, they will be extremely dependent to their parents which will inevitably lead them to some serious complications.

Providing anything children want and allowing them to do as they please are probably the worst ways of raising children. In other words, the more parents allow their children to do as they please and make everything they need available for them, the harder it will become to control their needs, not only regarding the financial matters, but also about the issues concerned with their personality. For instance, my nephew who is about 6 years old, has had the privilege of growing up in a wealthy family, being provided with anything she needs, but this has made her spoiled and her demands have become uncontrollable as well.

However, this method of raising children will inevitably have some drastic consequences on the future of children. This is because by providing anything one’s children require and allowing them to do whatever they want, parents are making their children excessively dependent to them, and consequently, children will be faced with some severe conflicts in their lives when they are older. Take many older individuals around us who are still living with their parents even in their 30s as an example; if parents were to raise them more appropriately and did not provide anything they required in their childhood, they would have surely been able to make decisions of their own and were probably more independent in their lives.

In conclusion, despite the fact that raising children is a difficult task for many parents, I think limiting the things we provide for our children and controlling their behavior are of vital importance, as we will be allowing them to depend more on themselves and deal with confrontations on their own more effortlessly

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سلام دستتون دردنکنه استاد عالییییی بود طرح جدیدتون برای لغت ممنون... امروز آخرین جمعه ۹۸ است... همیشه موفق ودر اوج باشید

فرشته حسینی
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سلام استاد گرامی واقعا اموزش هاتون بی نهایت برای من مفید بود.و واقعا ازتون ممنون و سپاسگذارم. استاد الان من می تونم عضو پلاس بشم که رایتینگ هام صحیح بشه؟؟

مریم صدری
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سلام استاد یکدونه اید

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با سلام و سپاس فراوان برای آموزش های خوب و عالی.

جسارتا فقط اگه برنامه ایی بود تا جواب تمرین های لسنینگ و ریدینگ روزهای مختلف که زحمت می‌کشید میزارید توی سایت، هم بعد از حداقل یک روز ارائه میشد خیلی کاربردی تر بود. من حقیقتا چندتایی از تمرین ها...

با سلام و سپاس فراوان برای آموزش های خوب و عالی.

جسارتا فقط اگه برنامه ایی بود تا جواب تمرین های لسنینگ و ریدینگ روزهای مختلف که زحمت می‌کشید میزارید توی سایت، هم بعد از حداقل یک روز ارائه میشد خیلی کاربردی تر بود. من حقیقتا چندتایی از تمرین ها را انجام دادم.. اما چون جایی نبود که درستی جوابم را چک کنم تا بتونم خودم و جوابها را ارزیابی کنم.. دیگه سراغ بقیه ی بخش ها نمیرم و فقط درس و تمرین همون درس را انجام میدم.
ممنون میشم اگه تدابیری در این زمینه اندیشه شود.
با تشکر و سپاس فراوان ??????

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In this era, childeren turned to be the center part of a family that has made a lot of changes in parents' performances towards their offspring, which would include preparing whatever their childeren ask them to, with no enough consideration...

In this era, childeren turned to be the center part of a family that has made a lot of changes in parents' performances towards their offspring, which would include preparing whatever their childeren ask them to, with no enough consideration towards the probable impacts of such behavior on their childeren's future, I personally do not have a promosing viewpoint toward this type of interactions in a family.
There is no doubt that a child is the most precious one in his parents' lives, whom would enjoy watching his happiness, but they are also responsible for his future which is directly depended on their today's interactions behaviors and decision-making process in relation with their offspring. considering psychological proved fact that every cognitive behaviors , expectation patterns from others and the ability to solve different problems stem from our childhood events and others behaviors toward us, having the happiness of our childeren in mind, we still should consider our responsability towards our beloved ones' future as our priority.
turning to possible consequences of the mentioned type of parenthood, probably the gravest outcome would be the negative impact on the ability to live as an independent person in their future as a grown up, and the probable reluctance to be far from the parents in order to postpone facing the real world where they should take responsibility of their needs and desires. A further serious impact would be lack of motivation to privide wise targets in their life_path and also making proper efforts in order to reach to those goals.
In conclusion, the major effects of this trended behavior would happen in the future to come for those families and the offsprings and the key solution to such regrets would be in taking more rational interactions towards the childeren.

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yasaman farrokhrad
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سلام استاد،سپاس از لطفتون این هفته تعطیل بود خیلییی پشتمون باد خورد،نزارید ماتنبل شیم

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ممنون جناب محمدحسيني از توضيحاتتون , ارزوي بهترينها رو دارم براتون

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سلام به همگی، یه سوال داشتم ازدوستان. تو متن اول هیچ جا صحبت از آموزش مردم به استفاده از حمل و نقل عمومی نشده ولی تو نتیجه گیری گفته باید این کارو کنیم.
تا جایی که من میدونم مطرح کردن ایده جدید تو نتیجه گیری کار درستی نیست.
کسی اگر جواب رو میدونه...

سلام به همگی، یه سوال داشتم ازدوستان. تو متن اول هیچ جا صحبت از آموزش مردم به استفاده از حمل و نقل عمومی نشده ولی تو نتیجه گیری گفته باید این کارو کنیم.
تا جایی که من میدونم مطرح کردن ایده جدید تو نتیجه گیری کار درستی نیست.
کسی اگر جواب رو میدونه به من کمک کنه. مرسی.

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سلام وقت بخیر، دوره بعدی کی باز میشه ؟

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با سلام.
من در دوره پلاس ثبت نام کردم ولی چون از کلاس عقب بودم هنوز رایتینگ ارسال نکردم.
من فقط در یک کانال تلگرامی عضو هستم و دو تا تمرین هم برای اکانت VIP آقای محمدحسینی فرستادم که هنوز جوابی نیومده.
میخواستم ببینم آیا گروه یا اکانت دیگری هم...

با سلام.
من در دوره پلاس ثبت نام کردم ولی چون از کلاس عقب بودم هنوز رایتینگ ارسال نکردم.
من فقط در یک کانال تلگرامی عضو هستم و دو تا تمرین هم برای اکانت VIP آقای محمدحسینی فرستادم که هنوز جوابی نیومده.
میخواستم ببینم آیا گروه یا اکانت دیگری هم هست یا خیر؟ مرسی

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اگر Seen کردن، حتما تصحیح شده برگه ها رو بهتون برمیگردونند.

Super User
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سلام، تشکر بابت برنامه های خوبتون .من دوره پلاس ثبت نام کردم ولی تکالیف یکی دو تاشون تصحیح شده بودن هیچ فیدبکی.

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سلام منظورتون رو متوجه نشدم. به اسم ترانه کسی داخل اسامی ثبت نام شده نیست. لطفا به استادتون یک پیام بدید اگر فیدبکی داده نشده

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سلام ببخشید می شه یک گروه در وات آپ درست کنید یا بشه برای استاد تو واتس آپ ارسال کرد. به دلیل فیلترینگ تلگرام خیلی کارکردن آسان نیست.

Mohammad Reza Eslami
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می تونید براشون ایمیل کنید. این امکان را هم که گذاشتند

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خواستم اول از همه یک تشکر خالصانه از استاد ارجمندمون آقای محمد حسینی داشته باشم برای تصحیح رایتینگامون و فید بک هاشون که واقعا برا من خیلی مفید بوده".استاد سپاسگزارم." یه خواهش که ازتون داشتم من یکم نمیتونم تو تصحیح هاتون یه جایی ها یی رو...

خواستم اول از همه یک تشکر خالصانه از استاد ارجمندمون آقای محمد حسینی داشته باشم برای تصحیح رایتینگامون و فید بک هاشون که واقعا برا من خیلی مفید بوده".استاد سپاسگزارم." یه خواهش که ازتون داشتم من یکم نمیتونم تو تصحیح هاتون یه جایی ها یی رو بعضی وقتامتوجه بشم مثلا bpمخقف چی هست؟ و یا اگه میگید vague هست منظورتون کل اراگراف هست و یا اون جمله خاص ممنون میشم اگه این رو واضح تر بهم بگید. بازم ممنون

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پس از دریافت فیدبک میتونید از خودشون برای تصحیح داده شده توضیح بخواهید.
فقط در مورد سوالاتتون من در همین حد اطلاع دارم که منظور از BP همون Body Paragraph است.

Super User
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با سلام و خسته نباشید ببخشید من جواب جمله سازی۵,لغت انتهای درس پنجم رو ندیدم ایا ارسال کردید؟

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انتهای هفته ارسال می کنند داخل کانال

سید مهدی محمودی
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سلام ضمن تشکر بابت کارگاه آموزشی رایتینگ، میخواستم بدونم چرا 5 لغت مربوط به جلسه ششم در فایل پی دی اف و فیلم موجود نبود؟؟

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هرجلسه تمرینات متفاوته...

سید مهدی محمودی
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سلام وقت بخیر بابت این دوره عالیتون از استاد محمدحسینی و گروه بیان برتر سپاسگزارم .
خواستم بدونم بعد ثبت نام باید متنهای نوشته شده را برای استاد ایمیل کنیم یا از طریق تلگرام باید براشون بفرستیم. خیلی ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمایید.

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تفاوتی نمی کنه هم از طریق تلگرام و هم ایمیل امکان پذیر است.

سید مهدی محمودی
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من اين سئوال رو از خود استاد محمدحسينى پرسيدم فرمودند بعضى هفته ها كه دروس سبك تر هستند سه درس مى گذارند

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سلام. بسیار ممنونم از این همه صداقت در توضیحات و کامل بودن مطالب.
یک سوال ذهن منو درگیر کرده ۳۰ جلسه رو چطوری توی دو ماه میخواید تموم کنید؟؟
الان هفته ای دو درس داده میشه دو ماهش میشه ۱۶ درس.
اصلا هفته ای ۳ درس داده بشه. بازهم دوماهش میشه ۲۴...

سلام. بسیار ممنونم از این همه صداقت در توضیحات و کامل بودن مطالب.
یک سوال ذهن منو درگیر کرده ۳۰ جلسه رو چطوری توی دو ماه میخواید تموم کنید؟؟
الان هفته ای دو درس داده میشه دو ماهش میشه ۱۶ درس.
اصلا هفته ای ۳ درس داده بشه. بازهم دوماهش میشه ۲۴ درس.
چطوری ۳۰ درس قراره تدریس بشه؟؟؟؟
بازم از این همه خوبی که در حق ما میکنید ممنونم

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