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در سوالات Problem Solving همیشه از سه وجه Causes ، Effects و Solutions، دو وجه را می خواهند که بنویسید.

Problem Solving

Our cities are noisier than ever before. Why is this so, and what can be done about it?

These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of this migration from the country to the city and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed.

Some findings have revealed that cities around the world are growing large. Outline the possible causes and predict consequences?

 Writing Plus

با توجه به مطالب بالا سه نمونه از رایتینگ های Problem Solving در بخش زیر ارائه شده است.

سمپل شماره یک:

Our cities are noisier than ever before. Why is this so, and what can be done about it?

Heavily urbanized regions are said to suffer from noise pollution more than any other time in the history of mankind. Although there are specific root causes behind this environmental concern, effective policies can be adopted to remedy the situation.

There are two main reasons why cities tend to be noisy these days. Firstly, there is more population density in such areas. In other words, a growing number of people are attracted to urban areas where life is facilitated by countless amenities. As a direct result, cities become vibrant places teeming with people whose daily activities contribute to this modern life problem. A good illustration of such activities is daily commutes; car horns and engine noises are known to be major sources of this pollution. Secondly, since cities keep burgeoning, there are numerous construction projects going on. More specifically, all the pounding and banging noises produced by construction workers aggravate the situation.

There are, however, some workable solutions to help city dwellers cope with this new phenomenon. One step would be improving insulation in newly built apartments, particularly the ones that are located in close proximity to congested highways. For instance, property developers should make sure that all windows are double-glazed so that no external sound can permeate through the glass. Another viable alternative is to raise people’s awareness about the gravity of this matter and strongly advise them to lead quieter and more peaceful lifestyles. This could directly affect the TV volume in households, leading to a more relaxing atmosphere.

To conclude, cities are afflicted by noise pollution because of many reasons, the most important of which is overpopulation. In spite of all the contributing factors, proper insulation implemented by the construction industry can reduce the severity of this issue considerably.


سمپل شماره دو:

These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of this migration from the country to the city and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed.

Immigration from the countryside to urban areas continues to proliferate nowadays.  Although this phenomenon is believed to have certain negative effects on city life, authorities can come forward with viable solutions to address the situation effectively.

On the flip side, the damaging impacts of this great influx should be noted. Firstly, the more people relocate to cities, the more adversely urban infrastructures are affected. To put it differently, roads and streets, which have to accommodate countless numbers of people, will be afflicted by the uncontrollable upsurge in city dwellers. Take traffic congestions as the most patently obvious example; teeming with cars and motorcycles, highways and motorways become impassable at times. Secondly, food and water supplies are likely to be severely depleted in these regions as there will be more unmet demands. This can be even further aggravated considering that there will be fewer and fewer farmers or stockbreeders to help feed the population.

Having said that, however, prohibitive regulations can be enforced to make sure that the negative aspects are kept at bay.  To begin with, government officials are expected to improve the basic amenities in suburbia. That is, if countrymen are provided with the essential facilitates that ensure a comfortable life, they will be highly unlikely to immigrate. For instance, new and well-equipped hospitals not only create numerous job opportunities for the young but also satisfy people’s medical needs. Moreover, small businesses including farming and stockbreeding which are mostly located in the suburbs or countryside should receive government funding.  Therefore, they can flourish, making considerable profits without having to undergo relocation.

In conclusion, owing to the fact that manifold aspects of urban life are negatively affected by the recent surge in the number of immigrants, governments need to curb the tide by implementing the right policies. That is, tremendous financial support is needed to tackle the problem.


سمپل شماره سه:

Some findings have revealed that cities around the world are growing large. Outline the possible causes and predict consequences?

There is mounting evidence indicating that urban sprawl is on the rise worldwide. This new phenomenon is attributed to a number of causative factors, but the resulting issues are evident as well.

As regards the root causes, there are two which should be taken into consideration. Firstly, urban areas nowadays have to accommodate an ever increasing number of people flocking to these parts in search of a better life. More specifically, a massive influx of immigrants gravitate towards cities in hopes of more ideal living conditions. For instance, job seekers are more likely to find a broad scope of professional possibilities in a city compared with the suburbs or the countryside. Additionally, since the majority of businesses are located in heavily urbanized regions, the workforce has no choice but to seek accommodation in the vicinity of the workplace. This in turn results in more and more construction to meet the growing demand.

On the other hand, the irremediable problems brought about by this unmanageable growth should be highlighted as well. First and foremost, environmental cost is a major concern in these densely populated areas. That is, the higher the number of citizens and vehicles in a particular city, the greater chances of emitting immense amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. Take the unimaginable volume of carbon dioxide emissions released by thousands of daily commuters and countless factories; there will eventually take their toll on the environment. Moreover, as cities continue to develop, more and more villages and suburbs fall into ruin, abandoned by all their former residents. As a result, in the foreseeable future we will witness an uneven distribution of population all around the world.

To conclude, the main contributing factor behind urban sprawls is the arrival of more and more immigrants seeking better employment and the biggest problem caused by this trend is concerned with an irreparable damage to the environment.

این تمرین تنها مربوط به دانشجویان دوره پلاس می باشد

تمرین شماره ۹: برای موضوع زیر یک رایتینگ 250 کلمه ای بنویسید.

In most countries, young people form a large proportion of those who are unemployed. Why this is the case, and what can be done to solve the problem? (250 Words)

حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین شماره ۱۰: پنج لغت انتهای ویدیو را بخوانید و با استفاده از یک دیکشنری سعی کنید کالوکیشن های آن را پیدا کنید. سپس جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (21)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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21.people probably believe that to become elder in society result in slower population growth and shrink workforce.
22.with diminish in the number of young people,organizations find it harder hire graduates than the usual group.to face this...

21.people probably believe that to become elder in society result in slower population growth and shrink workforce.
22.with diminish in the number of young people,organizations find it harder hire graduates than the usual group.to face this issue,an increasing number of departments and companies now desperate keep old and experienced staff.
23.when seniors are healthy and energetic,they are the backbone of voluntary services.
25.eldery members are still capable of shouldering the family burdens after retirement

ادامه مطلب
ایناز اقابیگ
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People may believe that aging a society gives rise to a slower population growth and a shrinkage of work force.

By decreasing the number of youngsters, organizations find it more difficult to recruit regular graduates. To confront this problem,...

People may believe that aging a society gives rise to a slower population growth and a shrinkage of work force.

By decreasing the number of youngsters, organizations find it more difficult to recruit regular graduates. To confront this problem, an increasing number of sections and firms nowadays hold more experienced and aged employees desperately.

When they are vibrant and healthy, the elderlies are the backbone of voluntary services.

Elderlies can enjoy the company of their peers in a nursing home, while suffering from being deprived of a family life. Since living far from their families, older people are more prone to loneliness.

Older members are still capable of shouldering the family burdens after retirement.

ادامه مطلب
مجتبی حیدری
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People probably believe that an aging society results in slower population growth and shrinkage of work force.

With decrease in the number of young people, recruitment from usual graduates group can become more difficult for organizations. To...

People probably believe that an aging society results in slower population growth and shrinkage of work force.

With decrease in the number of young people, recruitment from usual graduates group can become more difficult for organizations. To tackle this issue, an increasing majority of divisions and companies are currently desperate to keep their old and experienced employees.

When elderly people are healthy and energetic, they are the backbone of voluntary services.

Elderly people can enjoy the company of the ones of their same age in a retirement home, but at the same time, they suffer from the lack of a family life. By living away from family, elder people are more prone to loneliness.

Older people are capable of shouldering most of the responsibilities of their family after their retirement.

ادامه مطلب
کریم محرابی
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People probably believe that an aging society results in slower population growth and shrinkage of work force.

With decrease in the number of young people, recruitment from usual graduates group can become more difficult for organizations. To...

People probably believe that an aging society results in slower population growth and shrinkage of work force.

With decrease in the number of young people, recruitment from usual graduates group can become more difficult for organizations. To tackle this issue, an increasing majority of divisions and companies are currently desperate to keep their old and experienced employees.

When elderly people are healthy and energetic, they are the backbone of voluntary services.

Elderly people can enjoy the company of the ones of their same age in a retirement home, but at the same time, they suffer from the lack of a family life. By living away from family, elder people are more prone to loneliness.

Older people are capable of shouldering most of the responsibilities of their family after their retirement.

ادامه مطلب
کریم محرابی
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21. People probably believe that aging of a society will lead to a lower population growth rate and a workforce shrinkage.

22. Due to the diminishing number of the young people, organizations find it harder to employ from the graduates groups....

21. People probably believe that aging of a society will lead to a lower population growth rate and a workforce shrinkage.

22. Due to the diminishing number of the young people, organizations find it harder to employ from the graduates groups. Therefore an incremental number of sections and companies nowadays are desperate to keep their elderly experienced employees.

23. While being healthy and energetic, elderly people are the backbone of voluntary services.

24. Living far from their families, elderly people are more prone to loneliness. Although they can enjoy the company of their peers at a care home, but at the same time they can suffer from lacking a family life.

25. Elderly members of the society are able to shoulder most of the responsibilities of their families after retirement.

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مرتضی اسلامی
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khastam begam aghaye Morteza Eslami lotfan javabhatoon ro benevisin. man be shakhse hamishe azashon stefade mikonam.

زهرا سلیمانی
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People possibly believe getting old lead into much more slightly growth of population and shrinkage of workforce in a society.
Due to reduction of the youth , it is more difficult for organizations to employ common graduated group.presently a...

People possibly believe getting old lead into much more slightly growth of population and shrinkage of workforce in a society.
Due to reduction of the youth , it is more difficult for organizations to employ common graduated group.presently a growing number of sections and companies are desperate to maintain old and experienced staff for tackling this issue.
The elderly are the backbone of voluntary services , when they are healthy and vibrant.
Although the elderly can enjoy their peers company in a care house , but they can also suffer from the lack of a family life at the same time.senile are more exposed to feel solitude with living apart from family.
Older people are capable to shoulder the most of families’ responsibility after being retire.

ادامه مطلب
فاطمه عرب نيا
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باسلام خیلی خیلی ممنون

سمانه رسولیان
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ممنونم از زحماتی که میکشین. خدا قوت
لطفا جواب تمرین های جمله سازی با لغاتی رو که در آخر کلیپ های آموزش رایتینگ می ذارین رو بدین. پیشنهاد میکنم در قالب یه فایل پی دی اف بهرین جواب رو روی سایت آپلود کنین اگر وقت نمیکنین تا تک تک نظرات رو...

ممنونم از زحماتی که میکشین. خدا قوت
لطفا جواب تمرین های جمله سازی با لغاتی رو که در آخر کلیپ های آموزش رایتینگ می ذارین رو بدین. پیشنهاد میکنم در قالب یه فایل پی دی اف بهرین جواب رو روی سایت آپلود کنین اگر وقت نمیکنین تا تک تک نظرات رو ویرایش کنید یا پاسخ بدین.

ادامه مطلب
Saeid Sar
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Likely, people believe that aging a society lead to lower population growth and work force shrinkage.
With declining of young people, organizations reluctantly employ common graduated group. To tackling this issue, recently, huge...

Likely, people believe that aging a society lead to lower population growth and work force shrinkage.
With declining of young people, organizations reluctantly employ common graduated group. To tackling this issue, recently, huge numbers of sections and companies preserve desperately their old and experienced staffs.
The backbone of something
Elderly are the backbone of volunteer services when they are healthy and energetic.
Old people could take pleasure in company with peers at elderly home, but at the same time, lack of living with family suffers them. Living apart from family, prone elderly to feeling lonely more.
Shoulder the responsibility/ cost/ burden
Grayed-hair family member (elder) are abler to shoulder the responsibility of family after they became retirement.

ادامه مطلب
Saeid Sar
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21) people probably believe that with becoming a society older, it leads to slower growth of population and shrinking the workforce
22)with decreasing the number of the younger,organization are hardly able to employ common graduates. The growing...

21) people probably believe that with becoming a society older, it leads to slower growth of population and shrinking the workforce
22)with decreasing the number of the younger,organization are hardly able to employ common graduates. The growing number of the organs and companies, to encounter this problem, are desperate to keep their old and experienced staff, today
23) when elderly people are healthy and energetic, they are backbone of charity activities
24) the elderly can enjoy in peers company in a sanatorium, however they suffer from shortage of family life. with living far from the family, the elderly are more likely to prone loneliness
25) the older population are more able to shoulder the responsibility of family after retiring

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سلام استادعزیزم ، خیلی ممنون اززحماتتون، من راستش با کمک شما به نمره 7 رسیدم ،اما نمیدونم چرا رو این لِول خیلیی وقته موندم ، هرکاری میکنم سطحم نیم نمره هم بالاتر نمیره، همش درجا میزنم

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مرسي بابت تدريس عاليتون استاد، و مرسي ك بي چشم داشت تا اين حد عالي و دقيق توضيح ميديد، بهترينها رو براتون ارزومندم

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خواستم بابت زحمات فوق العاده تون تشکر کنم . با این مطالب مفیدی که تدریس میکنید کلی از مشکلاتم حل شد. برقرار باشید

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سلام. ممنونم از زحمتتون استادمحمد حسینی. خواستم بپرسم اونایی که دوره پلاس شرکت کردن همه رایتینگهاشون تصحیح میشه؟/ و اینکه اگه همون هفته که درس داده شد و رایتینگ را هفته بعدی فرستادیم اونا دیگه تصحیح نمیشه؟

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سلام. بله بین ۷ تا ۱۰ روز تصحیح برگه ها زمان می بره

Super User
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سلام خدمت استاد عزیز و تشکر فراوون از مطالب اموزشی رایگان،
ممنون میشم اگر بگید رایتینگهایی که در انتهای هر درس باید بنویسیم فقط برای بچههای پلاس صحیح میشه و کسانی که عضو این کانال هستن نمیتونن رایتینگهارو بفرستن؟

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نه متاسفانه با توجه به تعداد زیاد، به تصحیح همه نمی رسند اما میتونید به خودشون پیام بدید اگر نیاز به این تصحیح دارید شاید راهکاری ارائه دادند.

Super User
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استاد خيلى عشقى
خدا بهتون هرچى مى خوايد بده

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سلام خدمت استاد گرانقدر و ارجمندمون آقای حامد محمدحسینی عزیز. همینطور همکاران زحمتکشتون
ما جمعی از بچه های پلاس خواهش داریم مهلت ارسال تمارین رو بیشتر کنید و به جمعه شب همون هفته محدود نکنید. بسیار ممنونیم.

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خواستم بابت همه زحمتهاتون ازتون تشكر كنم. حتما نتيجه اينها رو توى زندگى تون خواهيد ديد

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