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آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت چهارم

ساختاری برجسته برای رایتینگ‌های نوع Advantage/Disadvantage Type Essays

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سوالات Advantage/Disadvantage شباهت بسیار زیادی به سوالات بررسی شده در جلسات قبل دارند. اما باید به تفاوت های ریز آنها نیز دقت داشت. ابتدا نگاهی داشته باشیم به دو نمونه از این سوالات:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

 Writing Plus

در ارتباط با تفاوت این دو نوع سوال و چگونگی نوشتن آنها در ویدیو به طور کامل بحث کرده ایم. فقط حواستان باشد، اگر در داخل سوال گفته شده باشد که فقط مزایا و معایب را بررسی کنید، به هیچ عنوان نبایست نظر شخصی بدهید.  

سمپل شماره یک:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Evidence suggests that a growing number of holidaymakers tend to vacation in places with an inhospitable environment. Although there are a number of drawbacks involved in this trend, the benefits accruing to tourists are by no means negligible.

On the plus side, the advantages for the people flocking to these spots are manifold. To begin with, learning to deal with a hostile climate or difficult circumstances enables these people to be prepared for facing demanding situations in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for the emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge. Take patience which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one travels to these challenging attractions, the more patient and calm they are bound to appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and taking new risks.

However, the downside cannot be ignored. The most axiomatic argument is concerned with the visitors’ safety. That is to say, because these areas are habitat for countless species, they are normally teeming with wild animals who may prey on humans. Considering that the chief aim of these adventurous tourists is to visit natural habitats of certain animals from up close, they are prone to physical injury. A good illustration of this is visiting Cheetahs which are incredibly fast and can outrun any other living creature in the world. Moreover, when these people are addicted to the adrenaline rush, they may simply rob themselves of the sense of joy, as other future experiences are highly unlikely to live up to their raised expectations and prove as fascinating as an excursion to a remote island or a safari in Africa.

To conclude, risky trips to places with extreme or harsh conditions can be both rewarding and problematic. While they might help shape travelers’ personality and experience, people’s health and security may be put in jeopardy and they are likely to overshadow the upcoming events in one’s life.

سمپل شماره دو:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. Do the advantages for tourists who visit such places outweigh the disadvantages?

Evidence suggests that a growing number of holidaymakers tend to vacation in places with an inhospitable environment. Although there are a number of benefits accruing to tourists, I believe the drawbacks involved are more.

On the plus side, there are some advantages for the people flocking to these spots. To begin with, learning to deal with a hostile climate or difficult circumstances enables these people to be prepared for facing demanding situations in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for the emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge. Take patience which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one travels to these challenging attractions, the more patient and calm they are bound to appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and taking new risks.

However, travelling to these places has serious consequences. The most axiomatic argument is concerned with the visitors’ safety. That is to say, because these areas are habitat for countless species, they are normally teeming with wild animals who may prey on humans. Considering that the chief aim of these adventurous tourists is to visit natural habitats of certain animals from up close, they are prone to physical injury. A good illustration of this is visiting Cheetahs which are incredibly fast and can outrun any other living creature in the world. Moreover, when these people are addicted to the adrenaline rush, they may simply rob themselves of the sense of joy, as other future experiences are highly unlikely to live up to their raised expectations and prove as fascinating as an excursion to a remote island or a safari in Africa.

To conclude, regardless of benefits, I think risky trips to places with extreme or harsh conditions can be more problematic for people as their health and security may be put in jeopardy and they are likely to overshadow the upcoming events in one’s life.

این تمرین تنها مربوط به دانشجویان دوره پلاس می باشد

تمرین شماره ۷: برای موضوع زیر یک رایتینگ 250 کلمه ای بنویسید.

Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? (250 Words)


حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین شماره ۸: پنج لغت انتهای ویدیو را بخوانید و با استفاده از یک دیکشنری سعی کنید کالوکیشن های آن را پیدا کنید. سپس جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (41)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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Whilst once before cities used to be vibrant and developing, nowadays great number of them are assumed that are diminishing because people are relocating to cities in search of occupation and recreation.

As a result of an upsurge in the...

Whilst once before cities used to be vibrant and developing, nowadays great number of them are assumed that are diminishing because people are relocating to cities in search of occupation and recreation.

As a result of an upsurge in the population, nowadays all cities around the world are prone to environmental conditions including air, noise, and water pollution.

Also, uncontrolled urban sprawl gives rise to social problems including high unemployment, crime and violence and in more deprived countries, slums in particular.

Not only urban residents but even rural dwellers would find the idea of living in countries more appealing, if more quality facilities and services were provided in villages.

Another way of attracting residents to villages is that the government allocates financial incentives for professional personnel as well as businesses so they would be more likely to relocate to rural areas of their own free will.

ادامه مطلب
مجتبی حیدری
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سلام. وقت بخیر.
لینک های جلسات چهارم به بعد باز نمیشه. ممنون میشم اصلاح کنید.
با تشکر از اموزش عالی و جامع و زحماتی که میکشید.

مریم رئوف
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سلام عبارت کلمه teeming در بادی دوم خط دوم یک صفت است و من ندیدم به عنوان فعل استفاده بشه. چنانچه اشتباه میگم من رو اصلاح کنید:

محمد صالحی
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Created in slums = created slums
Country people are will = country people will

Sorry made two mistakes

کریم محرابی
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While cities were once vibrant and developing places, nowadays it seems that many of them are deteriorating, because people migrate to cities in search of work and recreation.

As a result of population excessive increase, today cities from all...

While cities were once vibrant and developing places, nowadays it seems that many of them are deteriorating, because people migrate to cities in search of work and recreation.

As a result of population excessive increase, today cities from all over the world are prone to environmental issues such as air, water and noise pollution.

The uncontrollable growth of cities has also given rise to social problems like high unemployment, crime and created in slums in poverty-stricken countries.

Both urbanized and country people are will find the idea of rural living more appealing if the facilities and services in countryside were provided more.

Another method of attracting people to villages is that government creates financial motivations for businesses and professional personnel to migrate to rural areas with their own free will.

ادامه مطلب
کریم محرابی
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سلام عالیی بود ممنون، این آخرین کامنت سال ۹۸ است،،،

سمیرا اسفندیاری
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سلام دوست عزیز. فایل برای من باز نمیشود.
لطفا اصلاح گردد.

با سپاس

زهرا سلیمانی
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16.While cities used to be referred as vibrant and growing places, they seem to be destroyed because of the people desperately relocating to towns, seeking out jobs and entertainment.

17.As a result of the upsurge in population, cities an all...

16.While cities used to be referred as vibrant and growing places, they seem to be destroyed because of the people desperately relocating to towns, seeking out jobs and entertainment.

17.As a result of the upsurge in population, cities an all around the world are prone to severe environmental issues like noise, water and air pollution.

18.The uncontrolled growth of cities has also given rise to social problems like high unemployment, crime and felony and in poorer countries, slum areas in particular.

19.If high-quality facilities and services are more gathered in countrysides , both citizens and villagers will find the idea of the rural life more appealing.

20.Another way of attracting people to villages, is for government to provide businesses and professional employees a lot of financial motives so they relocate to rural places by their own interests.

ادامه مطلب
مرتضی اسلامی
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Whilst the cities were developed and vibrant spots , nowadays lots of them assume to be destroyed because of people migration for seeking occupation and entertainment .
Nowadays ,as a result of overpopulation cities throughout the world prone to...

Whilst the cities were developed and vibrant spots , nowadays lots of them assume to be destroyed because of people migration for seeking occupation and entertainment .
Nowadays ,as a result of overpopulation cities throughout the world prone to environmental
problems like noise, water and air pollution
Not only urban but also villagers will assume the concept of rural life more appealing , if facilities and high quality services are more available there.
The uncontrolled expansion of cities , also gives rise to social problems like rigorous unemployment , crime and slum development in poorer countries.
Another method of people absorption to villages is adopting financial motivation for commerce and professional employees in order that they relocate to rural spots by themselves.[*]

ادامه مطلب
فاطمه عرب نيا
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سلام استاد نازنینم دست گلتون دردنکنه، خیلی ممنون اززحمات ولطفتون

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16)16)although cities had been growing and vibrant places, nowadays sound that a great number of them are destroying because people are immigrated to where to find job and hobby
17)nowadays, as a result of overpopulation, cities in all of the...

16)16)although cities had been growing and vibrant places, nowadays sound that a great number of them are destroying because people are immigrated to where to find job and hobby
17)nowadays, as a result of overpopulation, cities in all of the world prone to environmental problems such as air, water, and noise pollution
18)the uncontrolled growth of cities gives rise to social problems, for instance, growth of jobless, crime, and murder. and in the poorer countries, it causes to there are a lot of slum
19)the urban people and rural people are realized that rural life is more appealing if there were better facilities and services
20)another way to attract people to immigrate to villages is that the government makes financial incentive for companies and professional employee. it causes to they will relocated to village with their desire

ادامه مطلب
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امیدوارم خوب و سلامت باشید
شما در قسمت "حالا نوبت شماست " نوشته اید : این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود
ولی من هر چی جوابش را کامنت میکنم نه صحیح میکنن نه نتیجش برام ایمیل میشه یا ...
آیا تمرین جملات آخر درس،...

امیدوارم خوب و سلامت باشید
شما در قسمت "حالا نوبت شماست " نوشته اید : این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود
ولی من هر چی جوابش را کامنت میکنم نه صحیح میکنن نه نتیجش برام ایمیل میشه یا ...
آیا تمرین جملات آخر درس، اگر ارسال بشن آیا تصحیح میشن یا خیر؟
بازم از زحماتتون ممنونم

ادامه مطلب
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من خیلی دلم برای کلاساتون تنگ شده حیف که شهرستانم ؟

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While many of towns were such a thriving and vibrant sites, it sounds, nowadays a great number of them are diminishing because of migration to cities to finding out job and entertainment
Prone to
As a result of population increasing, in...

While many of towns were such a thriving and vibrant sites, it sounds, nowadays a great number of them are diminishing because of migration to cities to finding out job and entertainment
Prone to
As a result of population increasing, in all over the world, many cities are prone to environmental issue like air, sound and water pollution.
Give rise to something
Uncontrolled growing of cities also give rise to social problems like high unemployment, homicide and criminal and in poorer countries caused to creation of slum.
If well qualified equipment and facilities in rural area prepared, both rural and urban dwellers would find out the idea of rural life more appealing.
Another method to attract people to village is adopting financial incentive for businesses and professional stuff by government to relocate in rural area to their desire.

ادامه مطلب
Saeid Sar
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16) When as cities once were vibrant and developing places, nowadays, since people relocate to cities to seek job and fun, it seems that most of them are destroying.
17) Today, as a result of overpopulation, cities in all over the world prone to...

16) When as cities once were vibrant and developing places, nowadays, since people relocate to cities to seek job and fun, it seems that most of them are destroying.
17) Today, as a result of overpopulation, cities in all over the world prone to cause environmental problems such as air, water and noise pollution
19) Both urban and rural people will find the rural living idea more appealing if high facilities and services are more provided in villages
20) one of the other approaches to attract people to villages is providing financial trends for expert staff and trades by government to relocate to rural areas in their appetence
سپاس از زحماتی که میکشید

ادامه مطلب
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سلام ،چقدر خوب میشد اگر هرروزغیراز تمرین ،کلاس حضوری هم داشتیم، پنجشنبه جمعه هم فاصله میفته بین درس خوندنمون;(

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عالی و بینظیرر❤♥♥♥♥❤

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کاش ما هم همزمان که داریم این آموزش های موثر و عالی رو می‌بینیم، میتونستیم از دوره ی پلاس رایتینگ استفاده کنیم.

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16. Although cities were a vibrant and growing spote, today's number of its seems to be destroyed, since people migrate to cities in searching to job and entertainment.
17.the result of increase of population, the cities in whole of world are...

16. Although cities were a vibrant and growing spote, today's number of its seems to be destroyed, since people migrate to cities in searching to job and entertainment.
17.the result of increase of population, the cities in whole of world are prone to environmental problems such as pollution of air, water and noise.
18. Uncontrolling development of cities also could given rise to social problems like numerous joblessness, crime and violence have created slums in the poor cities.
19. Both citizens and villagers will be more appealing to rural life of the village if the high rate amenities and services are provided in the village.
20. The other ways of attracting people to the rural is that government should created financial incentives to beasness and experimental staff which they relocate to village with their desire.
ضمن تشکر از تیم بیان برتر.. ممنون میشم دوستان در صورت امکان اشکالات را بیان کنند. ??

ادامه مطلب
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خيلي عالي هستين ممنون از تيم باسواد بيان برتر♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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دوره پلاس عالیییه ،بدون اغراق بایدبگم من رایتینگم ازصفر به بازه بین 6 تا 7 رسیده

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سلام واقعا ممنون و سپاس گذارم از گلیه مجموعه بیان برتر.می خواستم بدونم چطور برای دوره پلاس ثبت نام کنم .

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؟❤❤❤ KHILI Mamnoun ostaad

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هادی جان شما که اینقدر وقت گذاشتید و نقد کردید کاش یک وقت می گذاشتید. حتما توی همین صفحه هم لینک بقیه دروس رو پیدا میکردید. سی درس ویدیویی که از ریزترین مطالب مربوط به رایتینگ رو شامل شده. قبلا هم دوستانی از استاد محمدحسینی انتقاد کردند اما معلوم...

هادی جان شما که اینقدر وقت گذاشتید و نقد کردید کاش یک وقت می گذاشتید. حتما توی همین صفحه هم لینک بقیه دروس رو پیدا میکردید. سی درس ویدیویی که از ریزترین مطالب مربوط به رایتینگ رو شامل شده. قبلا هم دوستانی از استاد محمدحسینی انتقاد کردند اما معلوم شد اونها هم از مدرسینی هستند که دارند میسوزند که این مطالب به صورت رایگان داره ارائه میشه و احساس میکنن دیگه نمیتونن دانشجوهای بیچاره رو بچاپند :)))

ادامه مطلب
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این اسمش آموزشه؟ دوتا بند داره اولی مثبت دومی منفی آخر نتیجه!
یاد دادن اینکه همون بند رو چطوری باید شروع کرد و نوشت اسمش میشه آموزش
حق ندارید اینطوری و اینقدر سطح پایین بچه ها وقت بچه ها رو بگیرین و گمراهشون کنین

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لینک درس 5 باز نمیشه لطفا اصلاح بشه

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اصلاح شد دوست من

Super User
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چرا لینک‌درس پنجم باز نمیشه
اعاام میکنه صفحه مورد نطر پیدا نشد؟
ممنون میشم یه بررسی کنید

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سلام اصلاح شد

Super User
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سلام. خیلی نایسید ممنونم ازتون

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میخواستم عمیقا تشکر کنم
از انسانیت و این همه لطف و سخاوتمندی

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ممنون از انرژی مثبتتون

Super User
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خیلی ممنون از اموزش های عالیتون و وقتی که میگذارید.

در سمپل یک ، در قسمت introduction ،بیان میشه که:" اگر چه معایب زیادی هم وجود دارد مزایایی که به دست میاد را نمیشه نادیده گرفت" ولی در پاراگراف دوم میگه:" از طرف دیگر معایب را نمیشه...

خیلی ممنون از اموزش های عالیتون و وقتی که میگذارید.

در سمپل یک ، در قسمت introduction ،بیان میشه که:" اگر چه معایب زیادی هم وجود دارد مزایایی که به دست میاد را نمیشه نادیده گرفت" ولی در پاراگراف دوم میگه:" از طرف دیگر معایب را نمیشه نادیده گرفت"
این مشکلی رو به وجود نمیاره؟
چون benefits رو با by no means negligible اورده وتاکید روی نادیده نگرفتن مزایا هست ولی در پاراگراف دوم downside با can not be ignored امده و نادیده نگرفتن رو برای معایب به کار برده.

و سوال بعدی اینکه در حالت کلی ایا ترتیبی که در قسمت introduction میاد بهتره به همان ترتیب در پاراگراف های بدنه هم بیاد یا فرقی نمیکنه.
ممنون میشم در این مورد راهنمایی بفرمایید.

ادامه مطلب
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می تونید از طریق آی دی تلگرام استاد محمدحسینی که زیر پست ها هست ازشون سوالتون رو بپرسید

Super User
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You ate implacable dear Bayane Bartar team.

سید عبدالسلام
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خیلییی ممنون که رسیدگی کردید ♥♥♥

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Super User
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جا داره تشکر کنم بابت باز کردن پنل ثبت نام دوره پلاس .. خیلی ممنون از توجهی که به من و بقیه دوستان داشتین .
میخواستم بدونم افرادی که ثبت نام رو امروز انجام دادن امکان ارسال تمرینات قبلی براشون هست ؟

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سلام بله. از تمرینات جلسه اول میتونید ارسال کنید

Super User
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استاد دروستون فوق العاده است. ممنون از اين سخاوتمندى

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Super User
هیچ نظری در اینجا وجود ندارد