(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 45683

آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت سوم

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در این درس به بررسی دومین مدل پرتکرار از سوالات آزمون آیلتس، یعنی سوالات DiscussionType می پردازیم. در این نوع سوالات، دو دیدگاه به ما ارائه میشود و از ما میخواهند که این دو دیدگاه را بررسی کرده و در انتها نظر شخصی مان را ارائه نماییم. به یک نمونه از این رایتینگ ها توجه کنید:

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

 Writing Plus


سه رویکرد برای ساختاربندی این رایتینگ های Discussion Type را می توانید با استفاده از سمپل های زیر بیاموزید. توضیحات مربوط به هر سمپل رایتینگ را میتوانید در ویدیو به طول کامل آموزش ببینید. 

سمپل شماره یک:

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Whilst a number of government officials underscore the importance of economic growth as their main objective, others advocate that attention should be equally apportioned among all types of development. There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.

On the one hand, there are those reasoning that economy is the cornerstone of a flourishing nation and therefore any development in this respect has far-reaching effects on other areas as well. That is to say, inextricably intertwined with other aspects of life, economy is believed to be of central importance. This is amply illustrated by the fact that economic vitality will automatically give rise to employment opportunities on the job market. Moreover, another justification is that economy is the sole criterion for measuring success when a regime’s achievements are concerned. This is mainly because of the masses’ raised materialistic aspirations and the significance they attach to materialism.

On the other hand, the opposing view asserts that making headway towards other accomplishments of equal value is just as necessary. The most compelling reason for their assertion is that failure in handling other equally pressing matters will cause a ripple effect, thereby impinging on national economy. Take international crippling sanctions imposed on politically isolated countries for example. Failing to launch international commerce, such nations are liable to witness a significant drop in their export revenues. Apart from that, national infrastructures may simply cease to function normally if shortcomings of the whole system are not addressed properly.  In other words, a booming economy is by no means the only key factor defining a successful and accomplished nation.

To conclude, there are valid arguments on both sides of the controversy; on balance, however it is my firm conviction that attention should be paid to the improvement of all fields including politics since political chaos can have deleterious effects on a country’s economic status as well. (326 words)


سمپل شماره دو:

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people would argue that it is not a good idea for teachers to assign home study tasks to school children. Others say it is an essential part of a child’s educational development. I agree with this because home study tasks help pupils achieve better exam results which give them a good chance at entering higher education.

On the one hand, some people hold the view that too many home assignments are not beneficial and become a burden to school children. This is because pupils spend their whole day studying at school and they feel tired after returning home, then they have the added stress of finishing their homework. To illustrate this, in Japan the majority of 12 to 15-year-olds are under huge pressure to complete lots of homework. If they fail to finish their home assignments, they will not be able to pass their high school entrance exams. I think that pupils ought to be given home assignments but should not be put under this kind of pressure.

On the other hand, others hold the opinion that homework plays a vital role in the development of knowledge for children. They believe this because it helps pupils understand the topic better which then helps them get higher grades. For example, if a pupil regularly does mathematics exercise at home, they will definitely expand on their knowledge which could not be gained from solely studying at school. I agree with this view as it improves youngsters chances of getting into college or tertiary education, therefore benefiting their job prospects.

To conclude, although views differ about whether homework should be given to youngsters, I believe that these assignments are necessary to help pupils get good grades which allows them to secure a place at university and improves their career prospects.

سمپل شماره سه:

Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good job, while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft skills. I believe that having university education is essential for academic jobs while soft skills and experience are more useful in business.

On the one hand, many think it is easier for most people to find a good job if they are university graduates with a good degree. In other words, having tertiary education puts people one step ahead of others who do not and this can be the deciding factor in getting a good job. The competition to get in to universities and the increasing number of graduates show just how significant this level of education is for people’s future work opportunities.

On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership skills and other interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the applicant, according to some. For many positions there are an overwhelming number of applicants and, therefore, it is often thought that having relevant experience in that line of work or having acquired useful soft skills that can be valuable to a company, can put one ahead of the game when applying for a position.

Finally, in my opinion, whether needing high level education or skills and experience, depends on the position being applied for. Take for example law, medicine or teaching, it is impossible to be considered for a position without the required educational background. In contrast, in business, it would be more important for a candidate to have soft skills and experience in that line of business so they can step into a position without further training and be of immediate benefit to the company.

In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience or education depending on the type of work and field. People should make sure they attain the necessary skills or degrees before applying for a job in order to be sure of success.


این تمرین تنها مربوط به دانشجویان دوره پلاس می باشد

تمرین شماره ۵: برای موضوع زیر یک رایتینگ 250 کلمه ای بنویسید.

Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (250 Words)


حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین شماره ۶: پنج لغت انتهای ویدیو را بخوانید و با استفاده از یک دیکشنری سعی کنید کالوکیشن های آن را پیدا کنید. سپس جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (38)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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سلام وقت بخیر
جناب محمدحسینی عزیز من دارم با ویدئو های شما پیش میرم و کمال تشکر رو دارم از بابت زحمات فراوان،
منهای مراتب تمرین هاتوی کامنت هر آموزش تصحیح نمیشن؟
اگه بفرستیم به قسمت تصحیح رایتینگ سایتتون به جای سه روز امکانش هست یک روزه تصحیح رو...

سلام وقت بخیر
جناب محمدحسینی عزیز من دارم با ویدئو های شما پیش میرم و کمال تشکر رو دارم از بابت زحمات فراوان،
منهای مراتب تمرین هاتوی کامنت هر آموزش تصحیح نمیشن؟
اگه بفرستیم به قسمت تصحیح رایتینگ سایتتون به جای سه روز امکانش هست یک روزه تصحیح رو بفرستید؟
من ماه آینده امتحان دارم
ممنون میشم پاسخ بدید.

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ندا اکبری
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11- There are numerous reasons that account for a tendency to extreme violence and crime among youngsters.
12- The hectic life is the main culprit that has decreased the chance of relationship between parents and children and doesn’t let...

11- There are numerous reasons that account for a tendency to extreme violence and crime among youngsters.
12- The hectic life is the main culprit that has decreased the chance of relationship between parents and children and doesn’t let children live their normal lives and pursue their education.
13- There is a close relation between the upsurge in violence in the media and youngster’s aggressive behavior.
14- In addition, imprisonment has inhibiting impacts and may prevent potential offenders from becoming real criminals.
15- These days there is an increasing concern that imprisonment is a much less effective way of punishment.

ادامه مطلب
مجتبی حیدری
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2- Busy life is culprit, that decreases the chance of relation between infants and parents and also thwarts the children's normal life and study.

امیر محمد امری
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There are various issues that account for tendencies to severe violence and crime in children

امیر محمد امری
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There are numerous reasons to account for regarding the tendency of excessive violence and crime in children.

A time-consuming life is the main culprit which decreases the chance of communication between parents and children and does not allow...

There are numerous reasons to account for regarding the tendency of excessive violence and crime in children.

A time-consuming life is the main culprit which decreases the chance of communication between parents and children and does not allow children to return to their normal condition and study.

The upsurge of crime rate in media has a close relation with the violence behavior of youth.

Also, imprisonment has deterrent effects and can prevent potential youth offenders from becoming real criminals.

There is an increasing concern in these years that imprisonment is is a less effective kind of punishment.

ادامه مطلب
کریم محرابی
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account for:
several factors account for appealing to violent behavior and crime in children.

سودابه سجادی
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There are various reasons to account for the tendencies of intense aggression and crime in children.
The hectic life is the main culprit to decrease the chance of communication between parents and children and avid them living and studying...

There are various reasons to account for the tendencies of intense aggression and crime in children.
The hectic life is the main culprit to decrease the chance of communication between parents and children and avid them living and studying normally.
There is a close relationship between the upsurge in the amount of aggression in the media and youngsters' aggressive behavior.
Moreover, the prison has preventive effects;it can prevent the potential offender from being the real ones.
The accumulative concern confronting the intelligentsia these years is that imprisonment is a far less effective punishment to be considered.

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علی رضایی
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1) There are various reasons account for massive tendency to violence and crime in youngsters.

2) Busy lives are the most important culprit that has decreased the connection chance between parents and their children and do not allow children to...

1) There are various reasons account for massive tendency to violence and crime in youngsters.

2) Busy lives are the most important culprit that has decreased the connection chance between parents and their children and do not allow children to study and live their normal lives.

3) Upsurge of violence in media has a close relationship to violent behaviour in teenagers.

4) In addition, imprisonment has preventive effects and can prohibit young potential offenders to change to real ones.

5) An increasing anxiety these days is that imprisonment is a less effective type of punishment.

ادامه مطلب
زهرا سلیمانی
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11.There are various motives that can account for children's tendency to extreme violence and crime.
12.Restless life. is the biggest culprit of all; It dwindles parents and children quality times and doesn't let the children to live their...

11.There are various motives that can account for children's tendency to extreme violence and crime.
12.Restless life. is the biggest culprit of all; It dwindles parents and children quality times and doesn't let the children to live their ordinary lives and to study.
13.The upsurge of violence in the medias and violent behaviors of the young people are closely associated with each other.
14.At the same time, imprisonment has preventive effects and can inhibit potential young offenders from being actual perpetrators.
15.There is a growing concern these years, that imprisonment is of the least effective punishments.

ادامه مطلب
مرتضی اسلامی
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1. There is a lot of function that is account for violence tendency and crime between the children.
2. The busy life is the most important culprit that has decreased the chance of connection between parents and their children, and it does not...

1. There is a lot of function that is account for violence tendency and crime between the children.
2. The busy life is the most important culprit that has decreased the chance of connection between parents and their children, and it does not allow children to live and study normally.
3. Upsurge in amount of violence in media is related to violent behavior of youth.
4. Also, imprisonment had deterrent effects, and it can prevent young potential offenders to being a real offender.
5. There is an increasing concern in these years that imprisonment is less effective form of punishment.

ادامه مطلب
فاطمه لسانی
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با سلام و تشکر از زحمات بی دریغتون. یه سوال دارم خیلی ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنین. میخواستم ببینم این سوال جز سوالات discussion type هست یعنی هر مورد رو توضیح و نهایتا نظر خودم رو مطرح کنم چون خیلی مشخص نمیشه جز کدوم دسته محسوب میشه.

با سلام و تشکر از زحمات بی دریغتون. یه سوال دارم خیلی ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنین. میخواستم ببینم این سوال جز سوالات discussion type هست یعنی هر مورد رو توضیح و نهایتا نظر خودم رو مطرح کنم چون خیلی مشخص نمیشه جز کدوم دسته محسوب میشه.
research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences you may have in our life. which do you consider to be the major inflience

ادامه مطلب
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11) there is a variety of reasons account for violence tendency and crime in children

13)there is a significant link between the violent behavior of young people and the upsurge of the amount of violence showed in media
14)I think the...

11) there is a variety of reasons account for violence tendency and crime in children

13)there is a significant link between the violent behavior of young people and the upsurge of the amount of violence showed in media
14)I think the imprisonment has a preventive impacted and it can prevent that youth's offenders
change to real ones
15)there is a growing problem over the years that imprisonment is a kind of punishment with the less effect

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ینک درس سوم را به صورت انلاین فقط تا 5 دقیقه اول باز میشه
برای دانلود هم کلا بعد از دانلود شدن فایل خونده نمیشه. میشه لطفا بررسی کنید.
ممنون میشم جوا پیشنهادی پنج تمرین انتهای درس هم بفرمایید- تشکر

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Account for
There are different reasons account for children’s high tendency to violence and criminal
Busy living is the main culprit that decline the chance of correlation between children and parents and prevent to living...

Account for
There are different reasons account for children’s high tendency to violence and criminal
Busy living is the main culprit that decline the chance of correlation between children and parents and prevent to living conventionally and educating.
Upsurge in/of
Upsurge in violence has an intimate relation to violent behavior of youth.
Also, imprisonment has deterrent effects and could impede potential young offenders from becoming real criminal.
In these years, there is a rising concern that imprisonment is less effective example of punishment.

ادامه مطلب
Saeid Sar
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1. There are several reasons account for increase in violence tendecy and juvenile crimes.
2. Hectic lives are the most pivotal culprit that deplet the children-parents relationships and prevent childs from studying and living normally.
3. An...

1. There are several reasons account for increase in violence tendecy and juvenile crimes.
2. Hectic lives are the most pivotal culprit that deplet the children-parents relationships and prevent childs from studying and living normally.
3. An upsarge of violence in medias is in connection with juveniles’ brutal behaviours.
4. imprisoment have prevental impact which can inhibit young offenders to become real ones.
5. The ever increasing concern during past years is that imprisoment is the less effective retribution.

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لینک درس سوم را به صورت انلاین فقط تا 5 دقیقه اول باز میشه
برای دانلود هم کلا بعد از دانلود شدن فایل خونده نمیشه. میشه لطفا بررسی کنید.
خیلی ممنونم ازتون

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11) There is a variety of reasons to account for children gravity of extreme violence and offence.
12) The busy life is the major culprit which has decreased the communication chance between
parents and children and it has not let toddlers to...

11) There is a variety of reasons to account for children gravity of extreme violence and offence.
12) The busy life is the major culprit which has decreased the communication chance between
parents and children and it has not let toddlers to life and study normally.
13) There is a close connection between the upsurge in measurement of media violence and the youths
14) In addition, the imprisonment has had dissuasive effects and it can forbid delinquents to do real criminals
15) These years, there is a rising concern in imprisonment, which is less effective kinds of punishments
سپاس از آموزش ها و زمانی که می گذارید

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سلام ما که شهرستانیم ، فقط باید مجازی درسها ودورها رو دنبال کنیم ، کاش حضوری هم میتونستیم شرکت کنیم

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با تشکر فراوان از شما من نمیتونم ویدیو را دانلود کنم
همش ارور میده
یصورت آنلاین هم که نگاه میکنم یکسره قطع ووصل میشه
در ضمن اینترنتم را چک کردم ، مشکل ندارد و سرعت بالایی دارد.
لطفا" مشکل را حل کنید

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سلام و وقت بخیر
پاسخ های پیشنهادی برای 5 سوال دوم را ممنون میشم اضافه کنید.

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سلاااام ظهربخیر ،ممنووون مرسی♥

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با سلام و خسته نباشید
ویدیو با کیفیت 720p این درس و درس چهارم بعد دانلود باز نمیشه,ممنون میشم بررسی کنید.

صرف جو
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با سلام ضمن تشکر خیلی خیلی زیاد از استاد عزیز آقای محمدحسینی میخواستم بپرسم آیا کلاس های پلاس حضوری هست یا آنلاین هم میشه شرکت کرد؟ من ایران نیستم و دارم ار فایل های روی سایت استفاده میکنم، چطور میتونم رایتینگهامو برای تصحیح به دست شما برسونم؟

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Thank you very very Much♥♥♥♥♥........

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با سلام خدمت استاد محمد حسینی عزیز. ضمن تشکر از زحمات شما. سوالی داشتم درباره سمپل شماره یک در این درس:
در پاراگراف conclusion در قسمتی که نوشته اید
including politics since political chaos can have deleterious effects on a country’s economic...

با سلام خدمت استاد محمد حسینی عزیز. ضمن تشکر از زحمات شما. سوالی داشتم درباره سمپل شماره یک در این درس:
در پاراگراف conclusion در قسمتی که نوشته اید
including politics since political chaos can have deleterious effects on a country’s economic status as well
من دچار شبهه شده ام چون آقای سایمون در ویدئوهای آموزشی خودشان تاکید دارند که در پاراگراف conclusion ما فقط اجازه داریم از مطالبی که در متن رایتینگ مان گفته بودیم نتیجه گیری بکنیم و اجازه ارائه مطلب جدیدی در conclusion نداریم چون این کار باعث سورپرایز شدن مصحح میشود! در این سمپل شما نیز در پاراگراف conclusion صحبت از political chaos کرده اید در حالی که اصلا در متن رایتینگ صحبتی درباره آن نکرده بودید!
ممنون می شوم اگر درباره این موضوع توضیح بفرمایید.
با تشکر از حسن توجه شما

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مسعود شماره 2
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دوست من هرچند درس در ارتباط با این قسمت نبود، اما چون سوال پرسیدید پاسخ میدم.
احتمالا اگر سورپرایز شدید به این دلیل است که رایتینگ رو خوب نخوندید؛ چون تمام محتوای پاراگراف دوم بدنه در همین ارتباط صحبت شده.
من ویدیوهایی که می گید رو ندیدم اما...

دوست من هرچند درس در ارتباط با این قسمت نبود، اما چون سوال پرسیدید پاسخ میدم.
احتمالا اگر سورپرایز شدید به این دلیل است که رایتینگ رو خوب نخوندید؛ چون تمام محتوای پاراگراف دوم بدنه در همین ارتباط صحبت شده.
من ویدیوهایی که می گید رو ندیدم اما صحبتی که می کنید در ارتباط با ساختار Clincher کاملا درست است.

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دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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سلام عرض شد عذرمیخوام نتیجه چی شد واسه باز کردن پنل ثبتنام؟

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با سلام خدمت ادمین محترم
من هم با نظر سرکار خانم کیمیا موافقم. برای بنده هم به شخصه هر درس این دوره ویدئویی حدود 30 ساعت کار مفید میبرد! چون من چندین کار اضافه روی درس داده شده انجام میدهم که همگی نیز واجب هستن. لذا در فاصله بین قرار دادن دو درس...

با سلام خدمت ادمین محترم
من هم با نظر سرکار خانم کیمیا موافقم. برای بنده هم به شخصه هر درس این دوره ویدئویی حدود 30 ساعت کار مفید میبرد! چون من چندین کار اضافه روی درس داده شده انجام میدهم که همگی نیز واجب هستن. لذا در فاصله بین قرار دادن دو درس در هفته، وقت اضافه دیگری برای کار کردن روی اسکیل های دیگر آیلتس ندارم! به نظر من نبایستی کیفیت کار فدای ددلاین برخی از عزیران بشود! همانطور که دیدید، در همین درس جلسه سوم، اشکالی رخ داده بود که مجبور به ارسال اصلاحیه روی کانال تلگرامی شدید! علت آن نیز حجم بالای کار شما در تهیه این دروس است! همین موضوع کیفیت برای شرکت کنندگان در این دوره رایگان نیز مطرح می باشد. ما نیز نیاز به وقت و فاصله زمانی بیشتر در بین دروس ارائه شده داریم تا بتوانیم نسبت به مطالعه سایر اسکیل ها اقدام نماییم.
پیشنهاد میکنم به منظور اجرای عدالت، اقدام به راه اندازی یک نظرسنجی ساده درباره تعداد دروس ارائه شده در هفته، بر روی کانال تلگرامی نمایید، تا همه عزیزان اعلام نظر کنند و مشخص شود که خواست عمومی به چه صورت است.
با تشکر از حسن توجه شما

ادامه مطلب
مسعود شماره 2
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سلام و واقعا ممنون به خاطر دوره خیلی خوبتون، فقط اگر ممکنه یه فاصله مناسب دو - سه روزه بین جلسات باشه که بتونیم یه رایتینگ کامل بنویسیم و برای بررسی مجددش بعد از تصحیح و .. هم وقت بزاریم. چون من از برنامه خود بیان برتر هم دارم استفاده می کنم و...

سلام و واقعا ممنون به خاطر دوره خیلی خوبتون، فقط اگر ممکنه یه فاصله مناسب دو - سه روزه بین جلسات باشه که بتونیم یه رایتینگ کامل بنویسیم و برای بررسی مجددش بعد از تصحیح و .. هم وقت بزاریم. چون من از برنامه خود بیان برتر هم دارم استفاده می کنم و فرصت برای بقیه برنامه هم باید بزارم و اینجوری فقط به یکی از موارد میرسم.

ادامه مطلب
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تعداد جلسات زیاده و باید به دلیل داشتن ددلاین برخی از دانشجویان باید تا 2 ماه به اتمام برسه. اما برای دوره پلاس حتما با استادتون صحبت میکنیم که بتونید با فاصله بیشتر رایتینگ ها رو ارسال کنید.

Super User
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من به خود استاد محمدحسينى هم پيام دادم اما پاسخ ندادند هنوز. تورو به خدا به فكر ما شهرستانيهايى كه به اين امكانات نياز داريم باشيد و دوره پلاس رو باز كنيد

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حتما به ایشون انتقال داده میشه

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منم درخواست بازشدن پنل ثبت نام دوره پلاس رو داشتم

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حتما بررسی می شه دوست عزیز

Super User
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لطفا دوره پلاس رو باز کنین تا منم بتونم شرکت کنم و فیدبک بگیرم در مورد رایتینگ هام.
ممنون از سایت بسیار خوبتون

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حتما بررسی می شه دوست عزیز

Super User
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ميشه لطفا خواهش كنم دوره پلاس رو دوباره باز كنيد؟ ما در يك دوره مشابه شركت كرديم در يك آموزشگاه ديگه و راضى نبوديم. ده نفر هستيم و همگى مى خوايم توى اين دوره باشيم. لطفا

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حتما بررسی می شه دوست عزیز

Super User
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