(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 95854

آموزش رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس - تسک ۲ - قسمت اول

معجزه ای به نام IELTS Writing Band Descriptors برای رسیدن به نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس


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هر طراح آزمون، باید معیارهای تصحیح خود را نیز برای شرکت کنندگان آن آزمون منتشر کند. آزمون آیلتس نیز که توسط دو گروه British Council و idp برگزار می شود، از این قاعده مستثنی نیست و برای دو بخش Speaking و Writing خود، این معیارها را در مجموعه های جداگانه به نام Public Band Descriptors به اشتراک گذاشته است. برای دانلود این سه مجموعه میتوانید از فایل های زیر استفاده کنید.

 Writing Plus

محاسبه نمره رایتینگ آیلتس

اگر نگاهی به IELTS Writing Public Band Descriptors for Task2 بیاندازید، به چهار معیار تصحیح رایتینگ زیر میرسید:


Task Response: معیار مرتبط نوشتن، خارج نشدن از موضوع و نوشتن یک رایتینگ قانع کننده

Coherence & Cohesion: انسجام و پیوستگی متن از لحاظ معنایی و ساختاری

Lexical Resource: استفاده درست و متنوع از لغات و کالوکیشن ها

Grammar Range & Accuracy: استفاده درست و متنوع از ساختارهای گرامری


ممتحن براساس قواعد در نظر گرفته شده، به هریک از این معیارها از 0 تا 9 یک نمره داده و نمره نهایی شده، میانگین گردشده به سمت پایین خواهد بود.

برای اینکه بتوانید از نمره 6 خود را به نمره 7 رایتینگ برسانید حتما باید با استفاده از Band Descriptors، اصول مشخص شده را رعایت کنید که در این ویدیو در ارتباط با هریک از این اصول بحث شده است.

رساندن نمره معیار Task Response از 6 به 7:

TR نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس

رساندن نمره معیار Coherence and Cohesion از 6 به 7:

CC نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس

رساندن نمره معیار Lexical Resource از 6 به 7:

LR نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس

رساندن نمره معیار Grammatical Range and Accuracy از 6 به 7:

GRA نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس

این تمرین تنها مربوط به دانشجویان دوره پلاس می باشد

تمرین ۱ – برای موضوع داده شده در درس، یک رایتینگ 250 کلمه ای بنویسید تا قبل از ادامه دروس، نمره خود را برای چهار معیار ذکر شده در ویدیوی بالا بررسی نمایید. این کار به شما کمک می کند تا بدانید برای رسیدن به نمره مورد نظرتان باید چطور برنامه ریزی کنید.


حالا نوبت شماست: این تمرین را میتوانید پایین این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود

تمرین ۲ – پنج لغت داده شده در درس را بخوانید و سپس سعی کنید جملات داده شده را طوری بنویسید که از این لغات به درستی در آنها استفاده شده باشد.

1. Full-fledged: completely developed, trained, or established:

کاملا آموزش دیده و آماده

۱. به این ترتیب شما آماده خواهید بود، وظایف را به عنوان یک مدیر آموزش دیده تقبل کنید.


2. Ample (time/evidence/opportunity): enough

زیاد و به حدکافی

۲. آموزش دانشگاهی باید فرصت های کافی به دانشجویان برای یادگیری مستقل بدهد.  


3. Means: way, method

وسیله، ابزار، روش (از این کلمه به جایway  می‌توانید استفاده کنید) - توجه کنید که این کلمه همیشه به صورتmeans  استفاده می شود:  a means of / two means of

۳. تبلیغات در رسانه های اجتماعی یک ابزار قدرتمند برای یک برند فراهم می کنند تا در زمان درست به افراد درست برسند.


4. Potential: possible

ممکن و احتمالی (این کلمه را می توانید قبل از اسم های خود درBody  بکار ببرید. وجود این کلمه، باعث می شود از قطعیت جملات کاسته شود.)

۴. در دنیای پیچیده تجاری امروز، یک عیب احتمالی تبلیغات آنست که مردم را ترغیب می کنند تا چیزهایی را بخرند که واقعا نیاز ندارند. 


5. Engross: if something engrosses you, it interests you so much that you do not notice anything else.

توجه جلب کردن، غرق کردن کسی

۵. هرچه بیشتر یک شخص در شبکه‌های اجتماعی غرق شود، بیشتر منزوی خواهد شد؛ نه تنها از غریبه ها بلکه حتی از خویشاوندان نزدیک.  



پاسخ‌های پیشنهادی برای ۵ جمله اول...

۱. به این ترتیب شما آماده خواهید بود، وظایف را به عنوان یک مدیر آموزش دیده تقبل کنید.

1. Then you are ready to undertake duties as a fully-fledged manager. (توجه کنید که بعد از then حرف اضافه نمیگذاریم)

۲. آموزش دانشگاهی باید فرصت های کافی به دانشجویان برای یادگیری مستقل بدهد.

2. University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

۳. تبلیغات در رسانه های اجتماعی یک ابزار قدرتمند برای یک برند فراهم می کنند تا در زمان درست به افراد درست برسند.

3. Social media advertisements provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

۴. در دنیای پیچیده تجاری امروز، یک عیب احتمالی تبلیغات آنست که مردم را ترغیب می کنند تا چیزهایی را بخرند که واقعا نیاز ندارند.

4. A potential downside of advertisements, in today’s complex commercial world, is that they manipulate people to buy things they do not really need.

۵. هرچه بیشتر یک شخص در شبکه‌های اجتماعی غرق شود، بیشتر منزوی خواهد شد؛ نه تنها از غریبه ها بلکه حتی از خویشاوندان نزدیک.

5. The more one is engrossed in their social network, the more isolated they become, not only from strangers but even from close relatives.

(در نوشته های رسمی وقتی میخواهیم به یک شخص اشاره کنید به جای He/She از They یا One استفاده میکنیم)
(در مورد ساختار The... The... که اینجا استفاده کردیم در درسهای مربوط به استراکچر بحث میکنیم)


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (82)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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وقت بخیر و خسته نباشید به تیم عالی بیان برتر
خواهشی داشتم اینکه دوره های writing plus لطفااااااا مجدد شروع کنید. شدیدا نیاز داریم.

مژده صفری
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Definitely a full-fledged person in a company would be more effective rather than one who has not been trained.
There are ample evidence that why we are facing global warming recently.

Airplane and train are two means of transportation.

Definitely a full-fledged person in a company would be more effective rather than one who has not been trained.
There are ample evidence that why we are facing global warming recently.

Airplane and train are two means of transportation.
Advertisement could be considered as a powerful means in recent century.

By a potential danger as in,producing garbage Wildlife would be threatened with extinction.

He was so engrossed in TV that he was not able to hear my voice.

ادامه مطلب
مینا ابوالقاسمی
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1. Then you will be ready. Undertake the tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2. Tertiary education must give ample opportunities to learners for independent learning
3. Advertising in social media provides powerful means for a brand to access to...

1. Then you will be ready. Undertake the tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2. Tertiary education must give ample opportunities to learners for independent learning
3. Advertising in social media provides powerful means for a brand to access to the right people at the right time
4. In today's complex commercial world, a potential downside of advertising is that it encourages people to buy things they do not really need
5. The more one engrosses social media, the more he becomes isolated; not only from strangers, but also from his close relatives

ادامه مطلب
پوریا میرزایی
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1.Therefore, you will be prepared to accept that you are responsible as a fully-fledged manager.
2. University education should prepare students for ample opportunities to learn as far as they become independent.
3. Since it is important that...

1.Therefore, you will be prepared to accept that you are responsible as a fully-fledged manager.
2. University education should prepare students for ample opportunities to learn as far as they become independent.
3. Since it is important that social media advertisements reach the right people, they supply a vigorous means for a brand.
4. In today's complicated commercial world, persuading people to buy things they do not really need is a potential shortcoming of advertisements.
5. The more one is engrossed in their social media the more lonelier they feel, not only from strangers but also from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
مریم جلالی
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This way, you will be ready to undertake the duties as a full-fledged manager.

University education ought to provide students with ample opportunities for independent learning.

Social media advertisement provides a powerful means for a brand...

This way, you will be ready to undertake the duties as a full-fledged manager.

University education ought to provide students with ample opportunities for independent learning.

Social media advertisement provides a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

In the current complex commercial world, a potential flaw in advertising is that they persuade people to buy the things that they actually do not need.

The more a person engrosses in social media, the more isolated they become, not only from strangers, but also from close relative.

ادامه مطلب
کریم محرابی
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Therefore, you will be prepare to accept your duty as a full-fledged administrative.
Academic training should prepare ample opportunity for students to learn independently.
Advertising in social media cater a powerful means for a brand which in...

Therefore, you will be prepare to accept your duty as a full-fledged administrative.
Academic training should prepare ample opportunity for students to learn independently.
Advertising in social media cater a powerful means for a brand which in right time reach to right people
In the complicated commercial world's today, a potential drawbacks of advertising is that encourage people to buy something which they don't need to.

ادامه مطلب
شیرین شکرپور
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سلام وخسته نباشید بر اساتید بزرگوار، انشاالله طاعات و عباداتتون قبول درگاه حق باشد، شما اشرف مخلوقات، لایق بهترین نعمتهای پروردگار هستید، ی فکری برای دل تنگ ما بکنید، کلاس حضوری کی آغاز میشود، ممنون. سپاس فراوان

مهرتاش اسلامیان
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what i started a small business is now a fully fledged company
There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing
Home work should not be used as a means of controlling children
The potential slide effects of the drug are unknown

what i started a small business is now a fully fledged company
There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing
Home work should not be used as a means of controlling children
The potential slide effects of the drug are unknown
Take your mind off by engrossing your self in a book

ادامه مطلب
ايمان مصطفي
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1) Therefore,you will be ready to admit all responsibilities as a full-fledged manager.
2) Educational plans in universities should provide ample opportunities for students to have independent learning.

3) Advertisements in social media are...

1) Therefore,you will be ready to admit all responsibilities as a full-fledged manager.
2) Educational plans in universities should provide ample opportunities for students to have independent learning.

3) Advertisements in social media are powerful means for a particular brand to be given to appropriate people in an appropriate time.

4) Persuading people to purchase items that are not necessary, is a potential objection of advertisement i in todays complicated commercial world.

5) More time engrossing in social media, more a person becomes isolated, not even from strangers, but also from close relatives

ادامه مطلب
زهرا سلیمانی
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اگه لطف کنید لینک سایت کمپین رو هم برام بفرستید ممنون میشم .من فقط از طریق موبایل به تلگرام دسترسی دارم .
ارادتمند .

علی رضایی
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In this way, you will be ready to assume your duties as a fully fledged manager.

University education has to give students ample time for individual learning.

Advertisements in social media provide a brand with a powerful means to aim its right...

In this way, you will be ready to assume your duties as a fully fledged manager.

University education has to give students ample time for individual learning.

Advertisements in social media provide a brand with a powerful means to aim its right people at the proper time.

In today's complex business world, a potential drawback of advertisements is to cajole people into buying things they don't really need.

The more be engrossed in social media , the more a person becomes recluse. Not only from strangers but from the relatives.

ادامه مطلب
علی رضایی
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1.As a sequence, you are ready to accept roles as a full-fledged manager
2.University training should provide ample opportunity to students in order to learn independently
3.Advertisement in social media provides a powerful means for a brand to...

1.As a sequence, you are ready to accept roles as a full-fledged manager
2.University training should provide ample opportunity to students in order to learn independently
3.Advertisement in social media provides a powerful means for a brand to react to the right person at exact time
4.Nowadays, potential advertisements in complex commercial world persuades people to purchase not required items
5. As long as someone engrosses in social media, he or she will not only becomes bypassed from his relations but also from strangers

ادامه مطلب
علی خوشبین
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1. therefor you will be ready to assume as a full-fledged boss
2. university education must give students ample learning opportunity
3.advertising in social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time

1. therefor you will be ready to assume as a full-fledged boss
2. university education must give students ample learning opportunity
3.advertising in social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time
4.in today's complex commercial worlds, this is a potential downside of advertising that encourage people buy things they do not really need.
5.the more persons engrosses in social media, the more isolated they will become.not only frome strangers but also from close releatives.

ادامه مطلب
فاطمه تیمورنیا
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If you hard-working and keep your hopes up, you could be Full-fledged in your business
You don’t get a new title in your proposal, you haven't ample time.
Masonry arches could investigate two means of analysis: 1-limit state 2- finite element...

If you hard-working and keep your hopes up, you could be Full-fledged in your business
You don’t get a new title in your proposal, you haven't ample time.
Masonry arches could investigate two means of analysis: 1-limit state 2- finite element model.
We should use arches structure in this long span since have a pressure structure.
I engrossed in my design when listening to a piece of a jazz musician.

ادامه مطلب
امیر گلی
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1. As a result , you will be ready to do your responsibilities as a full fledged manager.
2 . University education must have an ample opportunity for independent learning students
3 . social media advertisements are a powerful means for a brand...

1. As a result , you will be ready to do your responsibilities as a full fledged manager.
2 . University education must have an ample opportunity for independent learning students
3 . social media advertisements are a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time
4 . A potential negative point of advertisements in today complex business world , is that they encourage people to buy somethings that they do not real need .

ادامه مطلب
احمد رهنما
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1.In this way you will become ready to accept your responsibilities as full-fledged manager.
2.Universities’ education has to prepare ample opportunities for students to learn independently.
3. Advertisement in social media is a strong mean for a...

1.In this way you will become ready to accept your responsibilities as full-fledged manager.
2.Universities’ education has to prepare ample opportunities for students to learn independently.
3. Advertisement in social media is a strong mean for a brand to reach proper person in proper time.
4.In today’s complex commercial world there is a potential problem for advertisements which lead people to buy things which they do not need.
5. The more one person engrosses himself in social media the more isolated he will become, not only from strangers but also from close friends.

ادامه مطلب
زهرا پارسای
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1.In this way you will become ready to accept your responsibilities as full-fledged manager.
2.Universities’ education has to prepare ample opportunities for students to learn independently.
3. Advertisement in social media is a strong mean for a...

1.In this way you will become ready to accept your responsibilities as full-fledged manager.
2.Universities’ education has to prepare ample opportunities for students to learn independently.
3. Advertisement in social media is a strong mean for a brand to reach proper person in proper time.
4.In today’s complex commercial world there is a potential problem for advertisements which lead people to buy things which they do not need.
5. The more one person engrosses himself in social media the more isolated he will become, not only from strangers but also from close friends.

ادامه مطلب
زهرا پارسای
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1. Therefore, you will be ready to accept duties as a fully-fledged manager.
2. Academic education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3. Social media advertisements provide a potent means for a brand to be...

1. Therefore, you will be ready to accept duties as a fully-fledged manager.
2. Academic education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3. Social media advertisements provide a potent means for a brand to be accessed by the right people at the right time.
4. In today’s complex business world, a potential issue of advertisements, is that they encourage people to buy things they really do not need.
5. As much as a person is involved in social media, they become isolated more, not only from the strangers but also form close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
فاطمه لسانی
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1.So you will be prepared as a full-fledged boss to do your responsibilities.
2.University’s training should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3. Advertisements in social media provide a powerful means of for a brand to...

1.So you will be prepared as a full-fledged boss to do your responsibilities.
2.University’s training should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3. Advertisements in social media provide a powerful means of for a brand to be delivered to a correct person in a correct time.
4. In nowadays complex commercial world, one potential defeat of advertisements is persuading people to buy things not really required.
5. The more a person engrosses in social media, the more he will be alone, not only from strangers but also from his relatives.

ادامه مطلب
آلاء آذري
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1. As a result, you will be ready to shoulder your responsibilities as a full-fledged manager
2.tertiary education should give pupils an ample opportunity for independent education.
3.the advertisement in the social network will supply a powerful...

1. As a result, you will be ready to shoulder your responsibilities as a full-fledged manager
2.tertiary education should give pupils an ample opportunity for independent education.
3.the advertisement in the social network will supply a powerful means for brands to be in the right place at the right time.
4.in the today's complex trade world a potential mistake about an advertisement is the fact that it stimulates individuals to purchase the substance that they don't really need.
5.the more one is engrossed in the social network the more isolated they should be not only from strangers but also from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
منا محمدی
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1- Consequently, you are ready to perform your tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2- University’s education should represents ample opportunities to student so as independent learning.
3- Advertisements in social media provide a strong means for a...

1- Consequently, you are ready to perform your tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2- University’s education should represents ample opportunities to student so as independent learning.
3- Advertisements in social media provide a strong means for a brand in which received to the people in right time appropriately.
4- In complex commercial market, there is a potential drawbacks of advertisement that encourage people to buy unwanted things.
5- The more they engrossed in social networks, the more they will be alone, not only from strangers but also from families.

ادامه مطلب
حسن بخشی
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ممنون بابت نکات مفیدی که بیان کردید.

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با سلام فیلم ها پخش میشن اما زمان ددانلود رو 99.9 درصد قطع میشن هردو کیفیت لطفا بررسی کنید سپاس

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Then you will be raedy to doing duties as a*
.full-fledged manager

University educatin should give students
ample opportunities for independent learning.

The advertisements in social media will provide a powerful means for a brand to reach...

Then you will be raedy to doing duties as a*
.full-fledged manager

University educatin should give students
ample opportunities for independent learning.

The advertisements in social media will provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

A potential downside of advertisement,in today's complex commercial world,is that they encourage people to purchase things which they are not really require.

The more person have been engrossed in the social media,more isolation will become,not only fron strangers but also from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
Setareh saleki
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سلام.ببخشید فیلم ها همه مشکل داره و قابل دیدن نیستن و از وسط فیلم ارور میده قطع میشه و دیگر یا دانلود نمیشه و یا پخش نمیشه.من مشکل سرعت اینترنت ندارم ولی تا الان نه توانسته ام فیلم لیسینیگ را کامل ببینم نه رایتینگ!

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سلام.ببخشید فیلم ها همه مشکل داره و قابل دیدن نیستن و از وسط فیلم ارور میده قطع میشه و دیگر یا دانلود نمیشه و یا پخش نمیشه.من مشکل سرعت اینترنت ندارم ولی تا الان نه توانسته ام فیلم لیسینیگ را کامل ببینم نه رایتینگ!

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با سلام، ویدیو بررسی شد و مشکلی وجود ندارد

استاد آیلتس
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با سلام و خسته نباشید
دانلود فایل فیلم با کیفیت 720p (157 مگابایت) این فایل در انتهای دانلود ارور می دهد. امکان دانلود فایل وجود ندارد . لطفا بررسی کنید
با تشکر

صرف جو
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با سلام، ویدیو بررسی شد و مشکلی وجود ندارد

استاد آیلتس
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1. Therefore, you will be prepared to take your duties as a full-fledged manager.
2. Academic education must give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
3. Advertising in social media provides a powerful means for a brand until...

1. Therefore, you will be prepared to take your duties as a full-fledged manager.
2. Academic education must give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
3. Advertising in social media provides a powerful means for a brand until it received by the right individuals at the right time.
4. In nowaday's complicated universe, one of the potential drawbacks of advertisement is that it will prod people to purchase goods which are not in their requirements.
5. As much as individuals have been engrossed in social media, they will be more reclused, not only from strangers but even from their close relatives.

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1. That way You will be ready do the duties as a fell-fledged.
2. Academic education must provide students ample opportunity learning independent.
3. Social media advertising provides a powerful means for brand until reach in the correct time to...

1. That way You will be ready do the duties as a fell-fledged.
2. Academic education must provide students ample opportunity learning independent.
3. Social media advertising provides a powerful means for brand until reach in the correct time to correct persons.
4. In today complicated commercial world, one potential defect of advertising is that they persuade people to buy things that actually don’t need.
5. The more one person engross in social media, the more will be secluded not only strangers but even relatives.

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1.As a result, you will be prepared as a
full-fledged boss in order to cheat the tasks.
2. University teaching units should give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
3. Advertisements in social media provide a powerful and...

1.As a result, you will be prepared as a
full-fledged boss in order to cheat the tasks.
2. University teaching units should give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
3. Advertisements in social media provide a powerful and enormous means for a brand to be delivered to a correct individuals at a accurate time.
4. In complicated commercial world, one potential defect is its advertisements which persuade people to purchase unnecessary products.
5.The more a person is engrossed by social media, the more he is bound to stay alone; not only from aliens, but also from his relatives.

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1.Then you will be ready to assume duties as a full-fledged manager.
2.University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3.Social media advertisements provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right...

1.Then you will be ready to assume duties as a full-fledged manager.
2.University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.
3.Social media advertisements provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.
5.The more someone is engrossed in the social network, more isolated will be, not only from strangers but even from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
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1.This way you will be ready to take on the tasks as a full-fledged manager.

2.University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3.Social media advertising provides a powerful means for a brand to reach the...

1.This way you will be ready to take on the tasks as a full-fledged manager.

2.University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3.Social media advertising provides a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

4.In today's complex business universe, one advertising potential defect is that it encourages people to buy what they don't really need.

5.The more a person engross in social media, the more will becomes isolated - not only from strangers but also from close relatives.

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.Consequently,you will be utterly prepared to undertake the daily tasks as a Full-fledged chairman

.The tertiary education has to provide college students with ample opportunities for Self-reliant knowledge acquisition

Adverts in the social...

.Consequently,you will be utterly prepared to undertake the daily tasks as a Full-fledged chairman

.The tertiary education has to provide college students with ample opportunities for Self-reliant knowledge acquisition

Adverts in the social networks are being considered as a powerful means of brand advertising to be appropriately delivered to the right hands

In today's complex business universe, one of the potential drawback of the adverts is that they encourage people to purchase those products that will never meet their requirements

The more an individual gets engrossed in the social networks, the more he becomes isolated, being alienated not only from unknown citizens of the city,but also from close relatives

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so you will be ready to accept the tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2-Academic education must provide students ample opportunities to independent training.
3-The advertisement in social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach right ...

so you will be ready to accept the tasks as a full-fledged manager.
2-Academic education must provide students ample opportunities to independent training.
3-The advertisement in social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach right people at right time
4- In today complicated commercial world, one potential drawback of advertisement is encouraging people to buy some things which are not real needs
5- when some one is engross in social network more and more, they will be unsociable with not only strange people but also relatives

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Thus, you will be prepare to undertake duties as a full-fledged manager.
Academic education should give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
Advertising provide a powerful means for a brand in social media in order to...

Thus, you will be prepare to undertake duties as a full-fledged manager.
Academic education should give ample opportunities to students for independent learning.
Advertising provide a powerful means for a brand in social media in order to reach in an accurate time to a right person.
In today's complex trading world, a potential shortcoming of advertising is that persuade people to purchase things that they do not require actually.
The more people egress in social networks, the the more isolated would be. Not only from strangers, but also from close relative.

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1) Thus, you will be ready to take on the duties as a full-fledged manager.
2) University education should give the students ample opportunities to learn independently.
3) Social media advertising provides a powerful means for brands to reach to...

1) Thus, you will be ready to take on the duties as a full-fledged manager.
2) University education should give the students ample opportunities to learn independently.
3) Social media advertising provides a powerful means for brands to reach to the right people at a right time.
4) In today complicated commercial world, one potential defect of advertising is that they motivate people to buy things that they really don't need to.
5) The more one person engrosses in social media, the more he isolates, not only from the strangers, but also from close relatives.

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Aein Mehr
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That way you will be ready, your duties
accept as a full-fledged manager
University education have to give students ample opportunities to study dependably

Advertisement in social media prepare a means of strength for a brand, until at the...

That way you will be ready, your duties
accept as a full-fledged manager
University education have to give students ample opportunities to study dependably

Advertisement in social media prepare a means of strength for a brand, until at the right time reach the right people

In today's complex business world, a potential flow of advertisement is that people are persuaded to buy things ,which they don't need really
The more a person will be engrossed in social networks the more will be secluded, not only strangers but even close families

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سلام صببخیر امروزم درس و تمرین داریم؟

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سلام. بنده در دوره پلاس ثبت نام کردم و تمرینها رو خدمت استاد فرستادم. اما هنوز جوابی دریافت نکردم. کی تمرینها تصحیح میشوند؟؟!

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ممنون از زحماتتون .
با ثبت نام در دوره ی پلاس,فقط تمارین مربوط به دوره تصحیح میشوند یا امکان ارسال رایتینگ با موضوغ های دیگر نیز امکان پذیر است؟

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درود ببخشید من دوره پلاس را ثبت نام کردم اما شوربختانه نمیدونم به چه آدرسی تمرینات رو بفرستم ممکنه راهنمایی بفرمایید

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as a result, you would be prepared to take responsibilgies as a full-fledged manager.

Academic education should give ample opportunity to students for independent learning

Propaganda in social media provides a poweful means for a brand in order...

as a result, you would be prepared to take responsibilgies as a full-fledged manager.

Academic education should give ample opportunity to students for independent learning

Propaganda in social media provides a poweful means for a brand in order to be received in an appropriate time to a right person

In today's complicated commercial world, a potential flawn propaganda is that people are enticed in orderthat buy stuff which are needles

The more ones engross in a social media, the more isolated would be. Not only from strangers but also from their close reletives.

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1.In this way, you will be ready to take your tasks as a full-fledged manager.

2. Academic education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3. Ads on social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the...

1.In this way, you will be ready to take your tasks as a full-fledged manager.

2. Academic education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3. Ads on social media provide a powerful means for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

4. In today's complex trading world, a potential fault of advertising is to encourage people to buy things that they really do not need.

5. The more a person is engrossed in social networks, the more he will be isolated, not only from strangers, but from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
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1-This way you will be ready to perform your duties as a full-time manager.

2-University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3-Social media advertising provides a powerful mean for a brand to reach the...

1-This way you will be ready to perform your duties as a full-time manager.

2-University education should give students ample opportunities for independent learning.

3-Social media advertising provides a powerful mean for a brand to reach the right people at the right time.

4-In today's complex business world, one potential flaw in advertising is that it encourages people to buy things they really don't need.

5-The more a person engrossed in social media, the more he or she becomes isolated - not just from strangers but even from close relatives.

ادامه مطلب
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1. Thus you will be prepare to accept the tasks as a full_fledged manager.
2. Academic training should give ample opportunities to the students for independent learning
3. Advertisement provides a means of
powerful for a brand in social Media...

1. Thus you will be prepare to accept the tasks as a full_fledged manager.
2. Academic training should give ample opportunities to the students for independent learning
3. Advertisement provides a means of
powerful for a brand in social Media to get the right people on accurate time
4. In complex of trading today, a potencial defect of advertisement is that to persuade the people to buy something that they really need.
5. Whatever a individual engrosses on the
social networks , that person will seclude more ;not only from strangers but also from near relatives.

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عالی بود خیلی کاربردی . ممنون از استاد

الهام گلیجی
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ٱخیی این جا چقدٱشناست،،،،، چه روزهای سخت وپرتلاشی بود درجهت رایتینگ 7.....♥ممنون ازاین همه لطف

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1. Thus, you will be qualified to do your responsibilities as a full-fledged manager.
2. Academic training should provide ample opportunities for students to learn autonomously.
3. Advertising provides a powerful means for a brand in social media...

1. Thus, you will be qualified to do your responsibilities as a full-fledged manager.
2. Academic training should provide ample opportunities for students to learn autonomously.
3. Advertising provides a powerful means for a brand in social media to reach to competent people at the appropriate time.
4. Nowadays, in the complex commercial world, a potential drawback of advertising is that it encourages people to purchase something which indeed, they don’t require.
5. The more a person engrosses in social networks, the more he will be solitary; Not only from strangers but also close relatives.

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سلام وقت بخیربخیر. من ورکشاپ طمرین نکن رودیگه ثبت نام کردم فقط اینکه خیلی خوب میشد که اگه کنار این تمرین ها و آموزش هایی که در اختیار ما میذارین یکم راجع به نحوه انجام دادنش توضیح بدین. مثلا من لیسنینگ رو اصلا متوجه نشدم که اول باید فایل صوتی رو...

سلام وقت بخیربخیر. من ورکشاپ طمرین نکن رودیگه ثبت نام کردم فقط اینکه خیلی خوب میشد که اگه کنار این تمرین ها و آموزش هایی که در اختیار ما میذارین یکم راجع به نحوه انجام دادنش توضیح بدین. مثلا من لیسنینگ رو اصلا متوجه نشدم که اول باید فایل صوتی رو گوش بدم بد برم سراغ میتن یا همزمان انجام بدم.. قسمت رایتینگ رو هم اصلا متوجه نمیشم.. یعنی ارتباطش رو با استراتژی هایی که میذارین متوجه نمیشم. الان من با این پنج کلمه باید رایتینگ بنویسم یا فقط جمله بندی انجام بدم؟
ممنونم مجموعه بی نظیر بیان برتر

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سلام آیا میشه ثبت نام کرد هنوز ؟

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