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متن زیر را در ارتباط با " مزایای داشتن یک سرگرمی" بخوانید و سعی کنید با استفاده از لغات، کالوکیشن ها و ساختارهای آن، کل متن را در یک پاراگراف خلاصه کنید. توجه کنید پاراگراف تان باید شامل جملات ساده و پیچیده باشد. پاراگراف هاتون رو برام به صورت کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح بشه.



Reasons Why Everone Should Have a Hobby

What we do outside of work can often attribute to our success at work. Being in public service is extremely rewarding in many ways but I do not have to tell you that it comes with its stresses too. Maintaining a healthy level of stress has many positive benefits but there is a thin line between health and negative stress which we all cross from time to time.

The way that I have always handled excess stress is through my hobby. There are many health benefits to having a hobby and it is also good for making friends, building confidence and cultivating other skills that you may not get to work on as much at work. Let’s take a look at why having a hobby is important:

  • Creativity: Most hobbies require creativity and developing creativity through a hobby can transfer directly into creativity at work. There are not many ways on the job to develop creativity and this skill is extremely important in today’s business world. In job interviews I always ask people what they do for fun because it provides great insight into their personality, creativity and passion.
  • Confidence: Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding. Job roles and responsibilities change so often we are often faced with learning new things. The confidence you gain from challenging yourself in your hobby can help prepare you for learning new things at work.
  • Reduce Negative Stress: Getting caught up in something you enjoy doing is great for relieving stress because it refocuses your mind on something that you enjoy. Hobbies that require some level of physical activity also create chemical changes in our body that help reduce stress but even if your hobby does not require physical activity you can still benefit. Getting a break from stress at work and doing something you enjoy can rejuvenate the mind and help better prepare you to handle the challenges in the future.
  • Socialize: The internet provides endless ways to connect with people that enjoy doing the same things that you do. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, discuss your hobby and get more involved with bigger groups. Many of my best friends are people I have met through my hobbies and it is an easy way to make new friends when you travel or move to a new area. It is also a great way to make friends at work and in similar jobs at different organizations.
  • Personal Development: I talked about creativity and confidence already but the personal development does not stop there. I currently work in technology and it is because of my hobby that I ended up here. I learned many skills, such as video/photo editing, writing, photography, web design, etc… that were a complete byproduct of my hobby. This will happen to you too. You may end up running a local club, maintaining a website, creating flyers, helping with fundraisers, etc. These all translate into real skills you can use on the job.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (21)

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Having an determined activity to do in free time can help individuals to reduce their stress as well as it can be helpful for cultivating other skills. Hobbies intrinsically can help people to boost their creativity because of their problem...

Having an determined activity to do in free time can help individuals to reduce their stress as well as it can be helpful for cultivating other skills. Hobbies intrinsically can help people to boost their creativity because of their problem solving nature. By doing such activities everyone feels a sense of self-confidence and it could be a possible way for building confidence. Moreover, hobbies also by disturbing individuals focus and actually refocusing their mind which are in charge of relieving their stress, align with help to rejuvenate people's mind because of breaking tension chain and constant stress on mind. Making a bigger connection is also another profit for having bobbies that next to other main key points totally can cause Personal development.

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Please check my essay:

Maintaining a healthy level of stress has many advantages and having a hobby is a way to handle excess stress. It is also beneficial for making new friendly relationships, inspiring confidence, and gaining other skills....

Please check my essay:

Maintaining a healthy level of stress has many advantages and having a hobby is a way to handle excess stress. It is also beneficial for making new friendly relationships, inspiring confidence, and gaining other skills. Here is a list of reasons which explains its importance. First of all, despite the limited ways on the job, for creativity development, a lot of hobbies require creativity and our hobbies are a great insight into our personality, creativity, and passion. Secondly, by challenging yourself in a hobby, it inspires confidence and you will be ready to face with learning new things. Also, by refocusing your mind on something enjoyable, you can relieve your stresses, rejuvenate your mind and help better prepare to handle future challenges. Furthermore, having hobbies is an easy way to make new friends especially over the internet by discussing your hobbies with people that enjoy doing the same things. Finally, you can learn many skills from your hobbies, because they translate into real skills which help in personal development.

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علی لک
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Pressure of daily life and negative stresses can easily influence on the quality of performing jobs and mental health of society.
To avoid this situation, engaging with hobbies seems to be a good plan. We can use our spare time not only to...

Pressure of daily life and negative stresses can easily influence on the quality of performing jobs and mental health of society.
To avoid this situation, engaging with hobbies seems to be a good plan. We can use our spare time not only to enhance our self confident by learning new skills ,that is interesting for us , but also to boost our creativity and rejuvenate the mind.
Besides, getting caught up in some hobbies may be a way to communicate to others like making new friends which is a useful social skill to find a good job in future.

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مریم بهزاد
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All those people who work need a break out of their tasks and responsibilities of their jobs to
do their most favored activity as a hobby to eliminate their stress and pressure. it has been said that having a hobby is essential to an individual...

All those people who work need a break out of their tasks and responsibilities of their jobs to
do their most favored activity as a hobby to eliminate their stress and pressure. it has been said that having a hobby is essential to an individual for some reasons. firstly, it is convincing to say that as you focus on your favorite hobby, while enjoying it, you have already removed the negative stress. you may also find some friends and socialize with them , about your skills and hobbies, which not only leads to friend making, but also you may build confidence in yourself, as you challenge your abilities and knowledge . concerning other benefits of having a hobby, personal development is what you can reach by doing an entertainment activity. as an example, if you are interested in technology and computers, you may follow various fields such as film or photo editing, photo shop or website design, which you can benefit from, at your present job or prepare you for your future career.

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There is a strong bond between our outdoor activities and our job productivity. To clarify, everyday we are facing some levels of stress while we are working at office. Not only is hobby a key factor to get unwind from excess stresses, but also...

There is a strong bond between our outdoor activities and our job productivity. To clarify, everyday we are facing some levels of stress while we are working at office. Not only is hobby a key factor to get unwind from excess stresses, but also it builds confidence, cultivates our skills and makes us more socialize encountering with others. Let's see why having a hobby is of vital importance. What we do on spare times can directly affect our personal development. Creativity is something that job interviewers' are expected from applicants and is mostly achieved from our hobbies that transfers directly to creativity at work. Admittedly, so many people are ended up doing a career that they used to enjoy doing on their leisure times, So what we do as a job can be consider as a by-product of our hobby. Besides, recreational activities can significantly help relieving stress and rejuvenate the mind in order to be more prepared for the future challenges.

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Hobbies are lifeblood of a successeful and at the same time enjoyable life. Aside from the main advantage of recreations which is known to be easing the way people handle excess stress , other skills can also be cultivated by means of...

Hobbies are lifeblood of a successeful and at the same time enjoyable life. Aside from the main advantage of recreations which is known to be easing the way people handle excess stress , other skills can also be cultivated by means of amusements. To begin with the effects of recreations on personal development are of great importance. Not only hobbies boost one's creativity and provide wonderful insight into their abilities, but also they help individuals to build-up their confidence and get prepared to face challenging situations and what is more this kind of acts may translate to taking in valuable skills. Secondly, reducing negative stress is another important outcome of doing fun activities. That is , getting caught up in something they like, they rejuvenate mind and reveal pressure. Finally , socializing is another important factor. More specifically , joining group activities is a golden opportunity for people to find new friends with whom they can share a lot of common interests.

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It appears that hobbies could attribute to many positive impacts on people's work life, prominently via helping individuals handle their excess stress. Hence, there are plenty of explanations for why one should have a hobby. The first and...

It appears that hobbies could attribute to many positive impacts on people's work life, prominently via helping individuals handle their excess stress. Hence, there are plenty of explanations for why one should have a hobby. The first and foremost perhaps is creativity, developed through a hobby, could directly end up with creativity in work-related issues. This quality has even led many job interviewers to ask their interviewees about their hobbies as it is assumed that this approach would reveal their personality, creativity and passion. Equally important is the role that hobbies could play in building one's confidence. Gaining confidence would indeed come with facing new challenges and learning new things while doing favorite activities, resulting in the ability of easily adopting a change at work. Apart from these characteristic developments, personal development would continually happen so long as different skills were learned through doing various hobbies. To illustrate, those whose pastimes involve web design, photography and video/photo editing are more likely to end up with working in technological sector, where they might be promoted owing to using their skills, a complete byproduct of their hobbies. Furthermore, recreational activities would undoubtedly reduce negative stresses. These activities, no matter being physical or mental, while being enjoyable, are bound to relieve stress and rejuvenate the mind. Ultimately, socializing is one further item that might be encouraged by doing leisure activities. Making friends in different places and being engaged with groups interested in the same hobbies, especially via the Internet could be easily accomplished as the hobbies would provide these people with having enjoyable interest in common.

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Having a hobby in life play an important role in terms of boosting creativity,building confidence and developing personality aspects.Many people because of their job environment are not able to be creative due to the fact that they have to do...

Having a hobby in life play an important role in terms of boosting creativity,building confidence and developing personality aspects.Many people because of their job environment are not able to be creative due to the fact that they have to do repetitive duties without any initiative.over time ,if they do not have their hobbies,they will be exhousted and depressed.Interesting hobbies build confidence and make individuals assure that they do one thing very good which lead to relieving their stress and consequently appear in their work more efficiently and confidently.Finally,hobbies contribute to developing personality.For example,many children use computers as a vehicle for hobby and in the near future they choose computer science as their field of study leading to cultivating their skills.

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Although having a hobby besides the work can affect concentrate, it is extremely great for developing creativity, building confidence and improving skills. I completely embrace the merits of the role of hobbies at work.
There are many health...

Although having a hobby besides the work can affect concentrate, it is extremely great for developing creativity, building confidence and improving skills. I completely embrace the merits of the role of hobbies at work.
There are many health benefits to having a hobby include creativity, personalize and reduce negative stress. Take some deadlines at work rising stress level of an employee, as an example; they could be handled by doing something you enjoy. In addition, hobbies are important providing great insight into your personality and enhancing your confidence. Learning new things give you opportunities in your life or at work. Hobbies, indeed, help you to learn new skills through doing things you like.
While hobbies have brought advantages for adults, it also was useful for children. Some byproducts of a hobby for children are writing, photography and… .
In conclusion, people at work and during their life require ways to reduce stress and improving creativity and confidence. These features would have provided by doing what you enjoy.

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It seems you’ve forgotten to check the comments of writing topic 4
Just looking forward to receiving your comments on our paragraphs. Please check them out thanks a lot.

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Referring to the writer's opinion , one could not close the eyes upon benefits of having hobby in handling stress and cultivating several skills providing great insight for human being such as developing creativity , building confidence, being...

Referring to the writer's opinion , one could not close the eyes upon benefits of having hobby in handling stress and cultivating several skills providing great insight for human being such as developing creativity , building confidence, being more socialize and personal development . Surprisingly , all are complete byproducts of the hobby.

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کامنت قبلی اشتباه ارسال شد

Have you ever thought about the gravity of hobbies and the reasons why everyone should place a premium on having a hobby? It is asserted that being aware of one’s pursuits provides great insight into their personality,...

کامنت قبلی اشتباه ارسال شد

Have you ever thought about the gravity of hobbies and the reasons why everyone should place a premium on having a hobby? It is asserted that being aware of one’s pursuits provides great insight into their personality, creativity, and passion. Admittedly, this rewarding activity not only contributes to physical, mental and social well-being but also cultivate skills required at the workplace. To begin with, creativity, an invaluable aptitude, is of the essence to prove qualified and competent in today’s fast-changing and competitive job market, which can be developed through hobbies most of which are challenging. The confidence inspired by a challenging hobby can prepare people for demanding situations which they are highly likely to face at work. Undoubtedly, assured of their ability to overcome unforeseeable upcoming events, individuals’ confidence in a professional setting is bound to be built. Apart from improving skills and boosting confidence, this is an unparalleled opportunity to socialize with people that enjoy doing the same things as they do. It is also a great way to make friends, discuss their hobby and get more involved with bigger groups. Furthermore, rejuvenating the mind by expending some time with friends doing an activity which refocuses their mind on something they really enjoy, particularly those requiring some level of physical activity, is extremely beneficial for relieving tension and stress.

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Have you ever thought about the gravity of hobbies and the reasons why everyone should place a premium on having a hobby? It is asserted that being aware of one’s pursuits provides great insight into their personality, creativity and passion....

Have you ever thought about the gravity of hobbies and the reasons why everyone should place a premium on having a hobby? It is asserted that being aware of one’s pursuits provides great insight into their personality, creativity and passion. Admittedly, this rewarding activity not only contributes to physical, mental and social well-being but also cultivate skills required at workplace. To begin with, creativity, an invaluable aptitude, is of the essence to prove qualified and competent in today’s fast-changing and competitive job market, which can be developed through hobbies most of which are challenging. The confidence inspired from a challenging hobby can prepare people for demanding situations which they are highly likely to face with at work. Undoubtedly, assured of their ability to overcome unforeseeable upcoming events, individuals’ confidence in professional setting is bound to be built. Apart from improving skills and boosting confidence, this is an unparalleled opportunity to socialize with people that enjoy doing the same things as they do. It is also a great way to make friends, discuss their hobby and get more involved with bigger groups. Furthermore, rejuvenating the mind by expending some time with friends doing an activity which refocuses their mind on something they really enjoy, particularly those requiring some level of physical activity, is extremely beneficial for relieving tension and stress.

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There is a perspective comes from those who opine that our prosperity at work is contributed to what we do outside of work. In following, some manifest effects of hobby on work have been boiled down.
One of the intriguing questions in job...

There is a perspective comes from those who opine that our prosperity at work is contributed to what we do outside of work. In following, some manifest effects of hobby on work have been boiled down.
One of the intriguing questions in job interview is about favorite hobby. The prime reason for which that these sort of questions have been asked is that they divulge significant information about attribute and creativity of appliances. Beyond all dispute employers tend to place a premium on those who show prodigious ability because it can lead to more efficiency and flexibility in work place.
Additionally, irrespective hobby is a formidable or effortless activity, getting a break from stress at work and doing something enjoyable is a practical way to summon mind and
energy. to put it another way, it is a way to reinvigorate.
Other merit is that having aptitude for learning new thing and being dexterous in hobbies boost self confidence . Higher confidence can be considered as a dictating factor which prepare people for learning new things at work.
other point is that with the advent of the cutting-edge- technologies our lives have undergone significant changes. Take the internet which is a pervasive technology as a salient example.It has brought a unparalleled situation to connect people specially those who have a lot in common.Not only discussing hobbies via the internet spurs people being member of bigger virtual community, but also it is set to contribute colleagues foster their relationships throughout having their hobbies in common.

As a final point, personal development should be recognized as a valuable outcome of owing hobbies. In other words, some hobbies encourage people to foster various skills such as web designing, photo or video editing. Being versatile in them can help people to surmount some trouble in work place easily.

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Our hobbies have attributed to our success at work, although needless to say that people from all walks of life are desperate to leisure activities. This claim can be justified for several reasons; Firstly, most of the hobbies provide great...

Our hobbies have attributed to our success at work, although needless to say that people from all walks of life are desperate to leisure activities. This claim can be justified for several reasons; Firstly, most of the hobbies provide great insight into people´s personality and passion, thus developing creativity. Besides, in most hobbies, you are challenging yourself, spurring on building confidence. Another issue which is worth to point out would be about relieving stress. Not only do something you enjoy can rejuvenate the mind but also would be a great way to meet new people as well as socializing new friends. Last but not least, when it comes to talking about pastimes, some complete byproducts must be considered, leading to personal development.

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من با اين متن يك مشكل اساسى دارم؛ جمله اول و كل بخشهايى كه بولِت گذارى شدند، نشان دهنده اين هستند كه متن در مورد "ارتباط موفقيت شغلى و سرگرمى" است. منتها از جمله...

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سال نو شما و تيم تان مبارك باشه.
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من با اين متن يك مشكل اساسى دارم؛ جمله اول و كل بخشهايى كه بولِت گذارى شدند، نشان دهنده اين هستند كه متن در مورد "ارتباط موفقيت شغلى و سرگرمى" است. منتها از جمله دوم پارگراف اول تا اخر جمله اول پاراگراف دوم، گمراه كننده است. قاعدتا انگار يا نبايد اين بخش اينجا نوشته ميشد و به عنوان يكى از نكات بولت شده در ادامه متن مى آمد. يا اين كه
Thesis statement
‎به گونه اى نوشته ميشد كه ميخواد رابطه "موفقيت شغلى" را با "سرگرمى" بررسى كنه و كاهش استرس نقش ميانجى است
‎ميانجى= mediator

درست ميگم؟ يا متن رو بد فهميدم؟

من خودم با اضافه كردن يك جمله و جابه جا كردن بخشى از متن خواستم اين ارتباط رو شفاف كنم


For better or worst people are susceptible to negative and health stress playing a significant part in their professional prospects. However, excess stress could be handled throughout hobbies chosen to be done in pastime. Detaching attention from problematic issues and refocusing mind on way more pleasant activities, hobbies would rejuvenate the mind and reduce negative stress. Apart from relieving extreme (sever, acute) stress, hobbies attribute to prosperity at work by granting some privileges. The first and foremost, given that almost all hobbies require somewhat of creativity, the more creativity is stimulated as result of taking part in hobbies of those kind, the far encouraged innovation may transfer into their career. Building confidence, which provide people to cultivate noble (new) skills and grasp knowledge other than they used to have, is the other inevitable outcome of following hobbies. Simply put, rapidly changing (alerting) responsibilities at work places is bound to put employees in challenges of acquiring new things, people whose confidence seems to be absolute are more likely to rise to the challenge. In addition, the role (part,share) socializing, brought about by involving in hobbies, plays in organizational communication is hard to ignore. Take the internet providing endless ways to strike up friendships as an patently obvious example. Not only does discussing hobbies via the internet leads people being part of a bigger virtual community, but it also helps colleagues cement their relationships throughout having their hobbies in common. Finally, personal development should be taken into consideration as invaluable result of owing hobbies. To put it differently, occupying with hobbies, people maybe posses some remarkable skills, such as web designing, photography, photo/video editing. These copletely-by-product-of-hobby skills, more often than not, could be translated into real skills useable on the job.

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It is believed by many that individuals can benefit from doing various jobs during their pastime, which find them interesting. Hobbies can be beneficial for controlling various mental diseases. From a psychological standpoint, having a hobby,...

It is believed by many that individuals can benefit from doing various jobs during their pastime, which find them interesting. Hobbies can be beneficial for controlling various mental diseases. From a psychological standpoint, having a hobby, gardening or hiking as illustrations, can relieve stress because while ones are pursuing a hobby, happiness hormones, endorphins and serotonin particularly, are released in their brains that leads to feeling contented, and according to psychologists’ research findings, being delighted is an efficient way in order to limit and handle excess stress. Not only are hobbies useful for humans’ mental health, but they also have positive effects on various communities. From a sociological perspective, as a result of endless ways of communication provided by the Internet, people are able to interact with other populace, who have similar hobbies, by sharing their experiences about their hobbies, thereby making friends and socializing with each other, which are the most patently obvious examples of positive impacts of hobbies on societies. Given the desired social effects of having a hobby on communities and positive mental impacts of hobbies on individuals, it seems that there is a cascade of merits to pursuing hobbies for humans.

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مسعود شماره 2
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Our success at work are stickly attribute to what we do outside of work, as well as there is a thin line between health and negative stress which we all cross from time to time. To handle excess stress, it is rewarding to get through hobby which...

Our success at work are stickly attribute to what we do outside of work, as well as there is a thin line between health and negative stress which we all cross from time to time. To handle excess stress, it is rewarding to get through hobby which is also has many health favorable points. firstly, creativity which is developed through a hobby can transfer directly into the job and it also provides great insight into people's personality when you are going to recruit a new employee. The other merit could be mentioned is building confidence by doing a hobby that you are good in that or learning new things. which is similar the situation we often face with when our roles or responsibilities is changed. Furthermore, pullback of negative stress is occurred when our mind is refocused by doing what we enjoy and chemical changes in our body from physical activities. Socialize is another benefit occurred because of that we contribute our hobbies in bigger group that is provided by internet social network. Finally, Personal development is another worthy point when you complete byproduct of your hobby such as running a local club, maintaining a website and helping with fundraisers, these all translate into real skills which are reasonable to be used on your job.

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alireza bagheri
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For being a successful individual on the job we mostly need to have some stress released healthy hobbies aside from work environment. These hobbies can be beneficial for several reasons by strengthening our both personal and social relationship,...

For being a successful individual on the job we mostly need to have some stress released healthy hobbies aside from work environment. These hobbies can be beneficial for several reasons by strengthening our both personal and social relationship, being creative and innovative ,shaping up our self-esteem and feeling relaxed and comfortable. As a result, by holding all these characters and professions implicitly hidden in those hobbies we can expect job prospects.

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Our career prospect could often be attributed to our recreational activities. A healthy stress level can be of benefit, if we consider the thin line between health and negative stress and be cautious not to cross it. Not only could we handle...

Our career prospect could often be attributed to our recreational activities. A healthy stress level can be of benefit, if we consider the thin line between health and negative stress and be cautious not to cross it. Not only could we handle excess stress through our hobbies, but it is also vital to building confidence, cultivating skills and making friends. The impotance of having a hobby embraces many aspects as diverse as creativity, confidence, socialization, negative stress reduction and personal development. Our hobbies are an accurate mirror of our creativity and confidence, for the better you are at something, the more likely it is to feel confident and creative at facing new phenomena to learn. The other factor why hobbies are beneficial is having a substantial influence on relieving stress and rejuvenating the mind,meanwhile, making a social bond between people having the same passions. Providing a great insight into our personality, our hobbies could play an important role in personal development, many have ended up finding their appropriate profession as a complete byproduct of their hobbies. Simply put, our hobbies can translate into real skills if we know how to take advantage of them.

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