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متن زیر را در ارتباط با " مزایای تاریخ " بخوانید و سعی کنید با استفاده از لغات، کالوکیشن ها و ساختارهای آن، کل متن را در یک پاراگراف خلاصه کنید. توجه کنید پاراگراف تان باید شامل جملات ساده و پیچیده باشد. پاراگراف هاتون رو برام به صورت کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح بشه.


Why Study History?

For many, studying history is quite a boring and a useless task. However, they do not understand how important it is to study the history of a subject. If you are hungry for finding out about the past, History may be the subject for you. If you still need some persuading, why not look at this list of reasons to study History:

1.Transferable skills

Studying History provides a student with skills which are not confined to the study of the past. Skills of analysis are invaluable in many jobs, and the ability to analyse and then prioritise information is vital to decision making. This not only provides a skill set for a student but it also keeps career options open

2. History is relevant

There is a stigma attached to History that it is based entirely in the distant past, but this does not account for the huge amount of modern history which is studied in such depth. In order to make sense of current affairs it is important to study the past, as everything which is happening around us has been influenced by, and is a direct result of, that which preceded it. In this way, the study of History is explicitly relevant to us.  

3. A degree in History encourages independence 

A degree in History endorses independence in young people. The typically few contact hours offered by a History degree enable students to lead their own inquiries into the past, while still offering the reassurance of a lecturer who can support and help develop potential theories or lines of thought. Knowledge is not just handed over at degree level; it requires hard work, and in a subject dominated by reading, students will develop self-sufficiency and become less dependent pupils. 

4. Studying History provides cultural awareness

By looking at the history of different cultures, a History student can build up a better understanding of why certain peoples act the way they do. Looking at the history of the nations, we can see why race tensions continued on past the abolition of slavery and arguably remain today. By studying at the various tributaries of humanity, a broad cultural awareness is yours for the taking.

5. A History degree allows us to learn from the past

If you are to look at human history there are particular patterns which tend to repeat themselves. Whether it is the role of charismatic dictators like Caesar through to Hitler, or the significance of Religion in human conflict, humans have an astounding habit of ignoring the obvious contributing factors which can lead to war and oppression. It is then the job of the Historian to identify where we have been going wrong, comment on it, and attempt to avoid it in the future.

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Studying history, as mentioned in text, is not only nessessary for history pupils but also is helpful for everyone. By studying history anyone will acquire the power of decision making and also analyzing and making sense of current affairs,...

Studying history, as mentioned in text, is not only nessessary for history pupils but also is helpful for everyone. By studying history anyone will acquire the power of decision making and also analyzing and making sense of current affairs, besides it could be valuable for developing lines of thought align with broaden individuals cultural awareness. The last benefit that is worth mentioning is some lessons that teach us learn from the past.

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Please check my essay:

Studying history seems to be a boring and useless task for many people. But there are several reasons about the importance of this subject. Firstly, it provides us the skills of analysis and learn us about how to...

Please check my essay:

Studying history seems to be a boring and useless task for many people. But there are several reasons about the importance of this subject. Firstly, it provides us the skills of analysis and learn us about how to prioritize information which is invaluable in many jobs. Secondly, In order to make sense of current affairs, it is important to study the past and in this way, the study of history is explicitly relevant to us. Furthermore, a degree in history will develop self-sufficiency and become less dependent pupils. Also, a history student can build up a better understanding of different cultures. Finally, if you are to look at human history, it allows you to learn from the repeated particular patterns. For example, a historian can identify where we have been going wrong, comment on it, and attempt to avoid it in the future.

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علی لک
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History is the art of passing the tough road of living in society without doing past mistakes and also a good teacher for who wants to learn from the lessons behind the centuries gone-by ,so it is full of advantages,
For instance the one who...

History is the art of passing the tough road of living in society without doing past mistakes and also a good teacher for who wants to learn from the lessons behind the centuries gone-by ,so it is full of advantages,
For instance the one who studies history can be also a high skilled in analyzing information to make vital decisions and not only encourages independence but also will develop self-sufficiency.
The importance of history to make sense of current affairs and cultural awareness are not to be overlooked.
The trajectory of human life from past till now has been full of ups and downs ,thus historian with awareness of the can identify wrong paths and lead us to avoid them in future.

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Despite what a huge number of people think of history, as a boring subject to be read,there are some persuading reasons which might change their attitudes. firstly, we read history due to its transferable skills, and as it provides a cultural...

Despite what a huge number of people think of history, as a boring subject to be read,there are some persuading reasons which might change their attitudes. firstly, we read history due to its transferable skills, and as it provides a cultural awareness about our ancestors and their motivation of doing some acts or the decisions they have made. Even though, learning from the past and the lessons they teach us, would clearly represents why we should study history to prevent any repeated mistakes. Not only readers could learn from their antecedent's experiences, but also they may feel less dependent by presenting their thoughts and understandings from history, as a student.

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There are a range of compelling reasons for those needing some persuading to study history. First and foremost is providing individuals with such ability as transferable skills, invaluable in all career options as well as vital for analyzing and...

There are a range of compelling reasons for those needing some persuading to study history. First and foremost is providing individuals with such ability as transferable skills, invaluable in all career options as well as vital for analyzing and decision making. Furthermore, in order to make sense with current affairs, influenced by or resulted from that preceded them, the study of history is explicitly relevant. Endorsing independence in the young generation is another explanation for studying this subject. This is the case as while students lead their inquiries into the past via the support of a lecturer they could develop potential theories, lines of thoughts, and consequently self-sufficiency in their study. Moreover, a broad cultural awareness might be a result a history student could achieve if historically looking at different cultures; therefore, race tentions, arguably remaining of slavery, despite its apparently abolition, would be explained properly. Last but not least, since there are some patterns in history which tend to repeat themselves, identifying their contributing factors would help us whether learn or avoid from them so as to prevent conflicts and oppression.

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Love this structure: Furthermore, in order to make sense with current affairs, influenced by or resulted from that preceded them, the study of history is explicitly relevant.

Try something more formal instead: >>> Last but not least,


Love this structure: Furthermore, in order to make sense with current affairs, influenced by or resulted from that preceded them, the study of history is explicitly relevant.

Try something more formal instead: >>> Last but not least,

Your paragraph is a WOW! I really love the way the paragraph is formed. Keep going, will wait for a 7.5+

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دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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When it goes to study history, many have cited it as an informative activity which provides sizable amount of worthwhile information. Contrary to what many opine, studing history not only is not exhelirating, but also is monotonous. In...

When it goes to study history, many have cited it as an informative activity which provides sizable amount of worthwhile information. Contrary to what many opine, studing history not only is not exhelirating, but also is monotonous. In following, bounes of studing history which are likely to grip atention have been boiled down .
At the outset, the most crucial merit is that, what are happening around us have been influenced by what were in the earlier times. thus rummaging history gives us significant information which has constractive effects on our lives. Another advantage of it would be the fact that, beyond all dispute, knowledge aqucision process has been recognized as a formidable task thus being hardworking is an inevitable necessity. So it is an ample apportunity for assiduous students to foster their self sufficiency which leads to more independency. Additionally the history of various cultures are replete with intriguing stories that can boost our knowledge. Take racist which is controversial topic as an example. Rummaging the past gives us vital information about emergence, growth and dire aftermath of it. To put it another way, it is a practical way to consider the intrinsic roots of events. The final point is that , history tends to repeat sabtly. What is the most substantial is that mankind have a prodigious aptitude for ignoring underlying factors which can lead to catastrophe like war and tyranny. So onus has been put on the sholders of historians to prevent the repeatation of them.

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cited it as << what does IT refer to?

Overuse of idiomatic phrases hinders communication here: which are likely to grip attention have been boiled down .

do not use comma after that >> is that, what

This is not a correct use of THUS. you...

cited it as << what does IT refer to?

Overuse of idiomatic phrases hinders communication here: which are likely to grip attention have been boiled down .

do not use comma after that >> is that, what

This is not a correct use of THUS. you need the same subjects >> thus being hardworking is an inevitable necessity.

here you need semi-colon instead of full-stop: as an example. Rummaging

Good use of lexical cohesion but you still need to work more on your grammatical cohesion as well as punctuation.

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It is believed by many that there is an array of merits to study history. It will be effectively illustrated after considering both sociological and scientific viewpoints. From a sociological standpoint, learning about situations of past...

It is believed by many that there is an array of merits to study history. It will be effectively illustrated after considering both sociological and scientific viewpoints. From a sociological standpoint, learning about situations of past societies brings about a broad awareness about ancient people’s social difficulties, and we can use it as a deterrent to prevent from repeating them in nowadays such as avoiding racism. Studying past events can be used in different sciences. As a result of direct connections between today’s knowledge and past scientific experiments, these days, inventors are eager to study history of different branches of sciences, as they would be able to use past experiences so as to avoid repeating wrong ways of experimenting. By way of conclusion, after considering both sociological and scientific point of views about benefits to study history, it seems to me that learning about past events and societies has several merits to both societies and scientists.

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مسعود شماره 2
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You need some hedges in your ideas to avoid overgeneralisation: brings about a broad >> might bring about ...

point of views >> pointS of view

Wow! Perfect argumentative paragraph

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Studying history, even though being convoluted and tiresime for a group of people, positively offer manifold rewardings if aimfully and meteculously persuaded. To begin with, we should not put aside the educational properties of history; this...

Studying history, even though being convoluted and tiresime for a group of people, positively offer manifold rewardings if aimfully and meteculously persuaded. To begin with, we should not put aside the educational properties of history; this science, while providing a chronic seeker with transferable skills which are not stuck and confined in past, teaches us to recognize the triggers of human conflicts ranging from charismatic dictators, religion or blood, and rise to modify our upcoming way. Along with this, archealogy not only encourages independency, thanks to its inherent which developes self-sufficiency, but it also provides cultural awareness, for generating profound insight of why certain nations behave that much uncommonly. Take anti-semitism and anti-mouslim inclinations as two testimonies which date back to occurances in past. As a rule of thumb, what makes this mankind's knowledge extraordiary must be that it is relevant. That is any incident and even object at the present has been a function of past- So, the footprint of our ancestors would be witnessed in diverse dimensions and corners of our lives.

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inherent is an adjective, you need a noun here

This structure is not parallel: not only encourages independency, thanks to its inherent which developes self-sufficiency, but it also provides cultural awareness,

As a rule of thumb, << is...

inherent is an adjective, you need a noun here

This structure is not parallel: not only encourages independency, thanks to its inherent which developes self-sufficiency, but it also provides cultural awareness,

As a rule of thumb, << is informal for such a formal context

I love the coherence and cohesion within the paragraph. The only problem is with the OVERUSE of less common vocabulary which has made your text UNNATURAL in some parts. As you refer to the LEXICAL PART of the BAND DESCRIPTOR, it says:

uses a wide range of vocabulary with very NATURAL and sophisticated control of lexical features;

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دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Although many people believe that studying history is a boring and useless task, there are some persuading reasons why we would better to gain knowledge in this field.
First of all, not only is not studying history confined to the study of the...

Although many people believe that studying history is a boring and useless task, there are some persuading reasons why we would better to gain knowledge in this field.
First of all, not only is not studying history confined to the study of the past, but it also provides a student with transferable skills such as analyzing and prioritizing information which are vital for decision making. Furthermore, for making sense of current affairs, usually affected by what happened in the past, people should be knowledgeable about the history. Another reason worth mentioning is that looking history of different nations in the world will lead to a broad cultural awareness, so that students can have a better understanding of why some events such as creation and abolition of slavery happened in the past. Finally, by observing the human history we can find some repetitive patterns happening frequently. Thus by studying them, some contributing factors of war or oppression can be identified and can be avoided to happen again.

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we would better to gain >> we would better gain
Also, WOULD BETTER is a little informal for such a context.

Try not to use personal pronouns like WE in your formal essay writing.

I love the way you have organised the paragraph. Keep going...


we would better to gain >> we would better gain
Also, WOULD BETTER is a little informal for such a context.

Try not to use personal pronouns like WE in your formal essay writing.

I love the way you have organised the paragraph. Keep going...

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دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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I guess I am suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), I made some mistakes again ;)

1. Students are set to ....
2. Keep career options
3. current affairs
فکر کنم اشکال خود سایته که این طوری شده
4. IS preceded
5. Given that students of...

I guess I am suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), I made some mistakes again ;)

1. Students are set to ....
2. Keep career options
3. current affairs
فکر کنم اشکال خود سایته که این طوری شده
4. IS preceded
5. Given that students of history of subject are steered to lead their own inquiries into the past, thus leading them to foster potential theories or lines of thought, which in turn would proliferate their self-sufficiency.

This should have been written in this way:

Given that students of history of subject are steered to lead their own inquiries into the past, thus leading them to foster potential theories or lines of thought, they can proliferate their self-sufficiency.

6. Cultural flourishING

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ARE SET TO and SET TO are the same.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Some people claim that studying History is a useless task.
Although it can be a boring subject for someone, it is vitally important to study. This essay will discuss invaluable of studying history to us.
Despite what numerous individuals...

Some people claim that studying History is a useless task.
Although it can be a boring subject for someone, it is vitally important to study. This essay will discuss invaluable of studying history to us.
Despite what numerous individuals believe, isn't confined to the past by studying subjects relevant to history. Not only it provides a skill set for students, but only it keeps career option open. In fact, having studying history lead to make sense of current affairs because everything happening around us has been influenced by past events so studying it is explicitly relevant to us.
As a result, it is clearly obvious that studying all of the earlier experiences could provide a wide range of transferable skills.

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invaluable is an adj. you need a noun here like VALUE

I cannot figure out the structure: isn't confined to the past by studying subjects relevant to history. < I think something is missing here.

there must be a inversion here: Not only it...

invaluable is an adj. you need a noun here like VALUE

I cannot figure out the structure: isn't confined to the past by studying subjects relevant to history. < I think something is missing here.

there must be a inversion here: Not only it provides >>> Not only does it provide

IT is redundant here: studying it is ex...

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Khorshid خیلی قشنگ می نویسی. نمیدونم چطوری این struction های قشنگ رو پیاده می کنی ولی من هر بار میامو کامنت ها رو میخونمو از نوشتنت لذت میبرم.
good luck

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There are, for despite what numerous people believe, some compelling and persuading reasons to study history for those having insatiable appetite for finding out about the past. The first and foremost, having studied history, students set to be...

There are, for despite what numerous people believe, some compelling and persuading reasons to study history for those having insatiable appetite for finding out about the past. The first and foremost, having studied history, students set to be provided with a wide range of transferable skills not being confined to the history of subject. Take analyzing and prioritizing, which are a ubiquitous part of decision making, as an illustration. Not only can students build up these skills by majoring in history, but they are able to keep career option open. Secondly, not being based on the distant past as a stigma attached to, modern history studied in depth, pave the way to make sense of [b]current affairs[/b]. To put it differently, every single thing taking place around us preceded by some relevant occurrences in the past. The other logical reason for allotting time to reading history is that it sets the groundwork for independency in the youth. Given that students of history of subject are steered to lead their own inquiries into the past, thus leading them to foster potential theories or lines of thought, which in turn would proliferate their self-sufficiency. The other reason is worth mentioning is that the role played by history studying in giving a rise to cultural awareness is hard to ignore. By looking at history of nations, students have been given the chance to understand the root of slavery and its abolition. They, also, are bound to grasp detailed and profound knowledge about cultural flourish by studying various tributaries of humanity. The last but not least, a history degree equipped students with the ability of distinguishing flawed and vicious patterns tending to repeat over and over during humankind history. In another word, humans have an astounding habit of neglecting the obvious contributing factors leading to war and oppression. Studying history, however, curb the jeopardy of repeating the same mistakes.

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what is FOR in this sentence: There are, for despite??

you need some hedges here: but they are able to keep > but they may be able to keep

try to use something more formal than: The last but not least,

You are perfectttttttttt. Keep going....

what is FOR in this sentence: There are, for despite??

you need some hedges here: but they are able to keep > but they may be able to keep

try to use something more formal than: The last but not least,

You are perfectttttttttt. Keep going. Will keep my fingers crossed for an 8

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