(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 4029

بیان ارتباط در رایتینگ آیلتس

در رایتینگ های خود حتما نیاز به بیان ارتباط بین دو چیز خواهید داشت. از عبارات زیر برای بیان این ارتباطات می توانید استفاده کنید. توجه کنید که باید معنا و طرز درست استفاده از این کلمات را به خوبی بلد باشید. در انتهای مقاله نیز یک تمرین بسیار تاثیر گذار خواهید داشت که حتما انجام دهید


Result in + noun/Result in: someone doing something: to make something happen, especially something bad

باعث یک اتفاق بد شدن

Low levels of vitamin D can result in a softening of the bones.

The trial resulted in Oscar Wilde being sent to prison for 2 years.


Lead to + noun/ Lead to someone doing something/ Lead someone to do something: to start a process that later makes something happen.

سبب شروع زنجیره ای از اتفاقات برای یک رویداد شدن (توجه کنید که Lead to دنباله دار است) و میتواند معنی مثبت یا منفی داشته باشد.

The research could eventually lead to a cure for many serious illnesses.

His actions could lead to him losing his job.  /  His actions could lead him to lose his job.



Cause + noun / Cause someone to do something: to make something happen, or make someone do something:

باعث اتفاق افتادن چیزی شدن. از Cause معمولا برای اتفاقات منفی استفاده میشود. همچنین در توصیفات فنی و علمی نیز از این فعل بیشتر استفاده میشود.

Smoking causes cancer.

At first, the news caused people to panic.

و همانطوریکه در بالا نیز گفته شد، برای بیان توصیفات علمی:

The heat causes the ink and powder to mix together, and an image is formed.


Be caused by:

ناشی شدن از

Many illnesses are caused by stress.

Almost half of all accidents are caused by driving too fast.


Because: used when giving the reason for something.

به خاطر اینکه

Because + یک کلاز کامل شامل فعل و فاعل

Because of + یک عبارت اسمی (که فعل نداشته باشد)

People are leaving the countryside because they cannot find work there.

Because of the use of chemical fertilizers, there are fewer fish in our rivers.


Due to/Owing to + یک عبارت اسمی (عبارتی که شامل فعل نباشد): to give the reason why something has happened.

به خاطر...

The delay was due to a problem with the ship's engines.

Local authorities have been slow to build recycling facilities, mainly owing to lack of money.



تمرین:‌ جملات زیر را در نظر بگیرید. سعی کنید این جملات را با استفاده از عبارات Due to، Because و Lead to به سه صورت و با ساختارهای پیچیده تبدیل کنید. به عبارت دیگر سه جمله پیچیده به عنوان پاسخ ارسال کنید که جملات زیر را در یک جمله بیان کند:

There are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle.

These devices can distract drivers.

Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.

1) ...... , because ......

2) ...... due to ......

3) ...... lead drivers to ...... / ...... lead to drivers ......

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (17)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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[*]Conscious of a driver could be interrupt, [b]because
a plenty tools which have pitched in,
automobiles and are quite vain
Losing concentration while driving may lead to installing too many useless potions in a automobile .

Cutting attention...

[*]Conscious of a driver could be interrupt, [b]because
a plenty tools which have pitched in,
automobiles and are quite vain
Losing concentration while driving may lead to installing too many useless potions in a automobile .

Cutting attention while a person drives a transporter machine due to a lot of the vain objects which had utilized in this vehicle.


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1) Drivers can be distracted and not pay attention to the road and other motorists because there are a lot of devices in cars that are not used in order to operate the vehicles, which can break drivers’ concentration while they are driving.
2) Mot...

1) Drivers can be distracted and not pay attention to the road and other motorists because there are a lot of devices in cars that are not used in order to operate the vehicles, which can break drivers’ concentration while they are driving.
2) Motorists are distracted and they do not pay attention to the road and other drivers while they are driving due to a lot of devices in cars, which are not be used so as to operate the vehicles.
3) Presence of several devices, not used to operate the vehicles, in cars leads to drivers not paying attention to the road and other motorists while they are driving.

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مسعود شماره 2
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Not paying attention to the road and other drivers as a result of distraction, because drivers can be easily distracted by a lot of devices use in their cars.
Drivers not paying attention to the roads and others drivers due to a range of devices...

Not paying attention to the road and other drivers as a result of distraction, because drivers can be easily distracted by a lot of devices use in their cars.
Drivers not paying attention to the roads and others drivers due to a range of devices have been used in their cars.
A lot of devices in cars lead drivers to not paying attention to the roads and other drivers.

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In the second 1 sentence “distaste” was mistakenly writen for “distracted” i meant “distracted

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Nothing to do with operating a vehicle, a lot of devices in cars lead to drivers being so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.

Drivers are so distracted, because there are a lot of devices in cars that not...

Nothing to do with operating a vehicle, a lot of devices in cars lead to drivers being so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.

Drivers are so distracted, because there are a lot of devices in cars that not only have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, but also lead drivers to be distracted from paying attention to the road and other drivers.

Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers due to a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, as well as leading drivers to be distracted.

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Drivers because there are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, can distract. Being so distracting due to these devices lead to they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.

سمیه عظیمی
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Drivers may lose their concentration on the road and other drivers, because there are plenty of devices in cars which are irrelevant to operating a vehicle, and they would distract drivers.
Drivers may lose their concentration on the road and...

Drivers may lose their concentration on the road and other drivers, because there are plenty of devices in cars which are irrelevant to operating a vehicle, and they would distract drivers.
Drivers may lose their concentration on the road and other drivers due to plenty number of devices in cars which are irrelevant to operating a vehicle, and would distract drivers.
There are plenty number of devices in cars which are irrelevant to operating a vehicle, and may lead to drivers being distracted from not only the road but also the other drivers.
There are plenty number of devices in cars which are irrelevant to operating a vehicle, and may lead drivers to be distracted from not only the road but also the other drivers.

ادامه مطلب
Fatemeh. M
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1) Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers, because there are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle and they just can distract drivers.
2) Drivers are so...

1) Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers, because there are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle and they just can distract drivers.
2) Drivers are so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers due to a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle and they just can distract drivers.
3) There are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle and they lead drivers to be distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.
4) There are a lot of devices in cars that have nothing to do with operating a vehicle and they lead to drivers are distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers.

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maryam hosseini
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Due to a lot of devices in cars,drivers are distracted because these devices lead to drivers .not paying attention to the roads

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I have made a terrible mistake mr Hosseini. Devices is true Not advices .i dont know why
i used it really

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Dispensable advices are dictating factor in creating sizable chunks of accidents, because drivers have been distracted by them effortlessly

Distracted drivers cannot summon their
mind and concentrate on the road due to the existance of the...

Dispensable advices are dictating factor in creating sizable chunks of accidents, because drivers have been distracted by them effortlessly

Distracted drivers cannot summon their
mind and concentrate on the road due to the existance of the redundant -to- vehicle operation advices

Many advices in car which do not come in handy can lead to drivers lossing their concentration on the road

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Drivers may be inattentive to the road or other drivers because there are several non-functional devices can distracting drivers.

Drivers may be inattentive to the road or other drivers due to many non-functional
devices that distracting them.


Drivers may be inattentive to the road or other drivers because there are several non-functional devices can distracting drivers.

Drivers may be inattentive to the road or other drivers due to many non-functional
devices that distracting them.

There are several non-functional devices lead drivers to distracted them about other drivers or on the road.

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Navid Sarshoghi
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Lacking focus on not only the road but also other wheel-men as well, drivers are distracted due to/ because of the fact that there are a number of devices nothing to do with operating a vehicle.

Lacking focus on not only the road but also other...

Lacking focus on not only the road but also other wheel-men as well, drivers are distracted due to/ because of the fact that there are a number of devices nothing to do with operating a vehicle.

Lacking focus on not only the road but also other wheel-men as well, leads drivers to be distracted due to/ because of nothing to do with operating a vehicle.

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Drivers may be inattention to motorway's obstacles as well as motorized vehicles, because non-operating features of car distract them.

Drivers may be inattention to motorway's obstacles as well as motorized vehicles due to the this likelihood...

Drivers may be inattention to motorway's obstacles as well as motorized vehicles, because non-operating features of car distract them.

Drivers may be inattention to motorway's obstacles as well as motorized vehicles due to the this likelihood that non-operating features of car distract them.

manifold non-operating features of cars may lead drivers to be distracted and not attention to motorway's obstacles and motorized vehicles.

Superflous good-for-nothing features of cars may lead to the distraction of drivers, thus having them not attention to route and other cars.

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1. Not paying attention to the road or other drivers (OR COUNTERPARTS), drivers are distracted because there are a lot of devices having nothing to do with operating vehicle.

1. Drivers cannot place their focus on the road and other drivers, beca...

1. Not paying attention to the road or other drivers (OR COUNTERPARTS), drivers are distracted because there are a lot of devices having nothing to do with operating vehicle.

1. Drivers cannot place their focus on the road and other drivers, because they are distaste by devices having nothing to do with operating vehicle.

2. The more drivers distract due to the existence of the redundant-to-vehicale-operation devices, the less they are likely to pey attention to the road and other drivers.

2. Distracted due to the redundant-to-vehicale-operation devices, drivers fail to concentrate on the road and other drivers.

3. Providing cars with devices unnecessary to vehicles operation, leads drivers to pay less attention to the road and other drivers.

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Drivers may not pay attention to the road and other drivers because there are a lot of devices in cars, have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, which can distract them.

Drivers may not pay attention to the road and other drivers due to a...

Drivers may not pay attention to the road and other drivers because there are a lot of devices in cars, have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, which can distract them.

Drivers may not pay attention to the road and other drivers due to a lot of devices in cars, have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, which can distract them.

There are a lot of devices in cars, have nothing to do with operating a vehicle, which can lead drivers to be distracted and pay no attention to the road and other drivers.

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Today, drivers might be so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers, because there are a lot of distracting devices in cars, unrelated to operating a vehicles.

Drivers today may fail to concentrate on the road and...

Today, drivers might be so distracted that they may not pay attention to the road and other drivers, because there are a lot of distracting devices in cars, unrelated to operating a vehicles.

Drivers today may fail to concentrate on the road and other drivers due to the presence of technology that is unrelated to driving.

Today there are a lot of distracting devices, unrelated to driving, which lead to drivers not being able to concentrate on the road and other drivers.

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