(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 51307

۳۰ روز تا نمره 7+ رایتینگ – روز ۱

متن زیر را در ارتباط با "اثرات رسانه برروی کودکان" بخوانید و سعی کنید با استفاده از لغات، کالوکیشن ها و ساختارهای آن، کل متن را در یک پاراگراف خلاصه کنید. توجه کنید پاراگراف تان باید شامل جملات ساده و پیچیده باشد. پاراگراف هاتون رو برام به صورت کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح بشه.



The Effects of the Media to Children

The media have been a significant part of our daily life; a vehicle for communicating to the public as well as a source of entertainment. Magazines, TV programs, radio, billboards, news, internet, cell phones are the forms of mass media which are considered to be part of our everyday routine. Traditionally, parents serve as primary social models for children, whereas other models may include siblings, teachers, relatives and other people who are significant in children’s lives. Over time, however, parents’ influence as models to their children is on the decline as a direct or indirect result of technological advancement and alterations in household economics. Aside from their busy schedules, which is common in dual-career and single-parent households, families of today seem to gather around rarely because each member has easy access to their own television, telephone, computer, and music player. This set-up would imply that children are more inclined to interact less with their parents and spend more time on their own. Thus, children could turn their attention from their parents to more accessible diversions, such as television watching. In view of the fact that our society is media saturated, parents should be aware of the positive and negative effects of the media to children.

Positive Effects:

The first positive effect of the media is its academic learning opportunities. These educational programs help children to visualize places and animals as well as further explain theories that are learned in the classroom.
The second positive effect of the media is pro-social behavior learning. Pro-social behavior refers to any action that benefits another person; comforting, sharing, and helping are all examples of pro-social actions.

Negative Effects:

Despite the positive effects presented, the media have negative effects as well. Children’s familiarity with these media models could lead them to pick up new behaviors that are not modeled by their own parents. Apparently, models are not limited to real people; super heroes, cartoon or video game characters, even television or movie idols, can also serve as symbolic or media models in this case.

The second negative effect of the media is the introduction to drug use. Commercials give enthusiasm to young viewers because they are entertaining, but the harm it brings to the young minds of children is often overlooked. The youth being exposed in a world surrounded with the media, are therefore exposed to adult aimed advertisements like commercials of cigarettes and alcohol.

To sum up, the discussion revealed that aside from parents and significant people who come in contact with the child, symbolic characters can also be potent models. Taking into consideration the presence of factors that have a pervasive influence on the child’s imitative behavior, the television can be a powerful agent of socialization. Despite its negative effects, however, TV viewing can also have constructive effects on children. Under proper supervision and if viewing is done in moderation, families, particularly parents can harness, and even maximize this medium’s potential as a good source of information and helpful avenue for learning.


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (102)

امتیاز 4 از 5 بر اساس 1 رای
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Nowadays unfortunetely Media like as Internet and Cellphone is the closest friend for people.In the
past, parents serves as primery social models for children but todays children familiarity with these

Nowadays unfortunetely Media like as Internet and Cellphone is the closest friend for people.In the
past, parents serves as primery social models for children but todays children familiarity with these
media models could lead to pick up new behavior that are not models by their own parents.
To sum up ,Media like as TVand Internet have a pervasive influence on the child,s imitative behavior ,however,it can also have constructive effect on childeren if it uses under proper supervision of parents.

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آ ش
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Nowadays, different versions of media, from newspapers to the Internet, have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. In the past, this role was played by people around us. Yet, with the dramatic changes in technology and cultural matters...

Nowadays, different versions of media, from newspapers to the Internet, have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. In the past, this role was played by people around us. Yet, with the dramatic changes in technology and cultural matters among families, it substituted with novel aspects of social life. For instance, the Availability of a plethora of entertaining devices in every house causes parents to drawback from gatherings and as a result, children will also get used to Individual hobbies. On the other hand, to fill out this space, children grow a tendency toward devices like cell phones. Moreover, children will acquire erroneous perspectives and attitudes from the media such as drug use, which might be a hurdle to having a bright future. Irrespective of the mentioned issues, fairly speaking, there are several beneficial aspects of media naming increasing the quality of education, by utilizing innovative methods and devices and learning pro-social behavior. All in all, media is a phenomenon with both positive and negative effects. It can cause emotional separation between children and parents and bad education, and it also can serve as an educational tool.

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آذین فولادوند
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Thanks to technological advancement, every individual is saturated with mass media as well as TV, new, radio, cell phone and so on. All of these can have their effects on human lives which can be actually a double-edge-sword that has both...

Thanks to technological advancement, every individual is saturated with mass media as well as TV, new, radio, cell phone and so on. All of these can have their effects on human lives which can be actually a double-edge-sword that has both positive and negative effects. Although it has positive effects like visualization various spaces to learn better or creating pro-social behavior to summit the usefulness, it has some drawbacks which has probably more detrimental effects as well as multi-identity critics, drug abuse and so on.

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رضا معادى
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To sum up, the mass media, family, and other important ones have a significant effect on children's lives as a model. But parents' role is on the decline, instead media role is on increase. because of parents' busy schedules and children's easy...

To sum up, the mass media, family, and other important ones have a significant effect on children's lives as a model. But parents' role is on the decline, instead media role is on increase. because of parents' busy schedules and children's easy accessibility diversion. not only do media have positive effects like academic learning opportunities but also has negative effects like picking up new behaviors and giving enthusiasm to use drugs.

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سمیه بهرامی
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To sum up, the mass media, family, and other important ones have a significant effect on children's lives as a model. But parents' role is on the decline, instead media role is on increase. because of parents' busy schedules and children's easy...

To sum up, the mass media, family, and other important ones have a significant effect on children's lives as a model. But parents' role is on the decline, instead media role is on increase. because of parents' busy schedules and children's easy accessibility diversion. not only do media have positive effects like academic learning opportunities but also has negative effects like picking up new behaviors and giving enthusiasm to use drugs.

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سمیه بهرامی
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خیلی خیلی ممنونم از ویدیوهای خوبتون

فاطمه حشمتی
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خیلی خیلی ممنونم از ویدیوهای خوبتون

فاطمه حشمتی
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In this media saturated world children are more inclined to entertain them selves by mass media .
Parents need to serve as proper supervisors to harness their children imitative behaviors. These potent set ups such as use in moderation of media...

In this media saturated world children are more inclined to entertain them selves by mass media .
Parents need to serve as proper supervisors to harness their children imitative behaviors. These potent set ups such as use in moderation of media would have constructive influences on socialization of children's behaviors that have overlooked often.

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پریا نجارزاده
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Nowadays, Media is very important and has a great impact on our lives. Then parents are worried about their children's lifestyle and future so they try to control and guide their children by their own methods.

علی بکائیان
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Today, media plays a significant role in our daily life. As children are more influenced by mass media such as TV programs, internet, news and so on, they might could turn their attention from their parents to more accessible diversions. so...

Today, media plays a significant role in our daily life. As children are more influenced by mass media such as TV programs, internet, news and so on, they might could turn their attention from their parents to more accessible diversions. so parents should be aware of the positive and negative effects of the media to children. the most important advantages of media is it's academic learning opportunities and also they can befit to others by comforting, sharing and helping as well. on the other hand on of the drawbacks of media is that children might be modeled by another people rather than their parents such as heroes. and also, children are more exposed in dangers of drug use. in conclusion, although media could have a pervasive influence on the child's imitative behavior, it might have constructive effects on children under proper supervision and if using is done in moderation.

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سميه مرادي
  1. 4 / 5
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The media have been a significant part of our everyday routine, a vehicle for communicating as well as a source of entertainment. In the past, the most important social model for children are their parents, but in recent decades due to...

The media have been a significant part of our everyday routine, a vehicle for communicating as well as a source of entertainment. In the past, the most important social model for children are their parents, but in recent decades due to technological advancement and changes in household economics, the parent’s influence as the model is on the decline. Each member of the family has easy access to their own television, in fact, our society is media-saturated, therefore parents should be aware of both sides of media. The bright side of media includes academic learning opportunities and pro-social behavior learning. On the other side of media, the dark side includes picking up new behaviors which are not acceptable by parents and the introduction to drug use. TV viewing can also have constructive effects on children, under proper supervision and if viewing is done in moderation, families particularly parents can harness and even maximize this medium potential as a good source of information and helpful avenue for learning.

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پرهام ملک محمد
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Media plays a remarkable role in our daily life as both a means of communication and a source of entertainment. It has long been considered that parents and family members serve as the initial models in the life of children. As children get older...

Media plays a remarkable role in our daily life as both a means of communication and a source of entertainment. It has long been considered that parents and family members serve as the initial models in the life of children. As children get older the effect of media gets more prevalent which can have both positive and negative consequences. Media can enhance children's academic and prosocial behavior skills whereas it might expose them with wrong and non-real models and encourage them to drug use. Considering mass media has pivotal role on the children's academic and social skills, parents can supervise them to use it in a positive and instructive way and minimize its potential harms.

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حانیه /
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Media and its effects are an attached part of our routine daily life. The most important part of effects are about on our children. Positive ones are welcome and acceptable and negative ones should be managed and supervised.

نازیلا ارسی
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Mass media have been a significant part of our everyday routine; a vehicle for communicating and also for entertaining. However parents traditionally serve as primary role in children’s mind, media have a vital and pervasive influence, over time,...

Mass media have been a significant part of our everyday routine; a vehicle for communicating and also for entertaining. However parents traditionally serve as primary role in children’s mind, media have a vital and pervasive influence, over time, on everybody’s life as well as on children’s due to their imitative behaviour. In view of the fact that our society is media-saturated, we should be aware of its effects on children’s minds and keep everything in moderation to use it optimally. Taking into consideration positive effects, it’s a source of helpful avenue for learning and a wide range of educational and social aspects such as visualizing places and animals or pro-social behaviour respectively. Despite the positive effects presented, children, being exposed in a world surrounded with the media, are therefore exposed to adult aimed advertisements which are often overlooked. Moreover, apparently, commercials give enthusiasm to young viewers to follow movie idols, which are not limited to real people, can also serve as symbolic or media models in this case. In addition, some tv shows are introductions to drug use.

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Elham Khazaei
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The use of media in our daily life has become dominant.This novel trend has some positvive
outcomes like learning opputunities and a number of negative consequences, for example, the idols pervasive bad effects on children's behavior , to name...

The use of media in our daily life has become dominant.This novel trend has some positvive
outcomes like learning opputunities and a number of negative consequences, for example, the idols pervasive bad effects on children's behavior , to name but few.

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نادیا معصومی
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the media such as ,television, cellphones, internet, magazines and other kinds of it have a major part in our daily life. traditionally, parents act as primary and main influencer in children lives, although, families of today are gather around...

the media such as ,television, cellphones, internet, magazines and other kinds of it have a major part in our daily life. traditionally, parents act as primary and main influencer in children lives, although, families of today are gather around rarely because of their busy schedule, and in the absence of them, children would use the media to fill that vacancy. because of children imitative behavior, media can be a powerful instrument in both positive and negative way. using media would be dangerous and cause negative influences without proper supervision, therefore parents should be aware of these impacts and lead their children to healthy use and positive side of this medium.

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وحید به منش
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Media is a significant part if our daily routine since it has been a way for communication and entertainment.
Far from the tradional view that serves parents as the primary social models for children and due to technological advancement and...

Media is a significant part if our daily routine since it has been a way for communication and entertainment.
Far from the tradional view that serves parents as the primary social models for children and due to technological advancement and alternations in household economics such as dual career and single parents households, children of today are less inclined to gather around and tend to more accessible diversions. Positively, the academic opportunities and pro-social behavior learning provided by mediacan help childern to optimize their learnings while, it could lead them to pick up new behaviors that are not modeled by their parents. It also familiarize then to drug use which is given enthusiasm in tv commercials.
To sum up, parents must be aware of the pervasive influence of media on their children . Under proper supervision, families can harness and even maximize the medium's potential as a good source of learning.

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فاطمه سادات میری
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Please check my essay:

The mass media forms such as TV programs, radio,… have been a significant part of our daily life. Over time, as a consequence of technological development and alterations in household economics and also their hectic...

Please check my essay:

The mass media forms such as TV programs, radio,… have been a significant part of our daily life. Over time, as a consequence of technological development and alterations in household economics and also their hectic schedules, the parents and other relatives effects on children have declined and it’s substituted with the effects of their own television, telephone, etc. . In line with these changes, parents should know about the positive and negative sides of the media effects on children. On the one hand, the positive effects include its academic learning opportunities and pre-social behavior learning. On the other hand, we should consider new reflected behaviors in children's behavior and the introduction to drug use as the negative effects of the media. In conclusion, despite the media's negatives effects, a family can harness or even maximize the positive effects of media as a good source of information and learning, by considering proper supervision and limiting the viewing time.

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علی لک
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Mass media is a significant part of our routine life. Over time, in some families which are single-parent or dual career, children spend a less time with their parents and, they turn attention from their parents to unreal character in media as...

Mass media is a significant part of our routine life. Over time, in some families which are single-parent or dual career, children spend a less time with their parents and, they turn attention from their parents to unreal character in media as social models. Hence, parents should be aware of its drawbacks and merits. On the one hand, medias have constructive effect on our children. They have donated academic learning opportunities remotely or prosocial learning. On the other hand, we can not overlook negative effects of them. By showing unsuitable commercial advertisements in medias like TV, young people not only familiar with consumption drugs, but also follow footsteps of unreal people in media for imitative behavior. By way of conclusions, they should watch TV under their proper supervision of their parents, and use of social media in moderation.

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صبا تمیزی
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The media have been a significant part of our daily life. Over time, parents' influence as a model to their children is on the decline due to the alternation in household economics. Aside from their busy schedules, which is common in dual-career...

The media have been a significant part of our daily life. Over time, parents' influence as a model to their children is on the decline due to the alternation in household economics. Aside from their busy schedules, which is common in dual-career households, families of today seem gather
around rarely. this set up would imply that children inclined to interact less with their parents and spend more time on their own as well as , watching television or playing computer games. As a matter of the fact that our society is media saturated, parents should be aware of negative
and positive effects of media to children. Despite of positive effects of media such as helping children to visualize animals and places and teach
them pro-social behavior, familiarity with movie idols which they are not real models and being exposed to commercials of cigarettes and alcohol have negative effects as well. Under proper supervision, families, particularly parents can harness, and even maximize this medium's potential as a good source of information.

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مائده مهرآیین
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The media have been a significant part of our daily life, in particular children's lives. Over time, parents' role in their children's lives has been affected by technological advancement and alterations in household economics directly or indirectly.

یاسمن معماری
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Our modern world is surrounded with media in varied forms. Aside from the saturation of media in our society, alterations in our household set-up has caused the model role of parents on the decline. Media serve as an accessible diversion for...

Our modern world is surrounded with media in varied forms. Aside from the saturation of media in our society, alterations in our household set-up has caused the model role of parents on the decline. Media serve as an accessible diversion for children that incline toward individualistic behavior and could be informative or manipulative at the same time. Accordingly, parents can harness the pervasive influence on children into positive side and under proper supervision to use this vehicle as a means of construction.

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فرناز افضلی
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The media has been a significant part of families' daily lives for many years.
The fun role of these tools and the simple access of family members to their favorite and personal media (TV, computer, mobile phone, music player, etc.) over time...

The media has been a significant part of families' daily lives for many years.
The fun role of these tools and the simple access of family members to their favorite and personal media (TV, computer, mobile phone, music player, etc.) over time have made children and families spend less time together.
However, with the advancement of technology, the commercial and advertising uses of the media have increased increasingly.
In view of the fact that our society is media saturated, it is necessary for parents to be aware of the positive and negative effects on the family and children.
It is possible for children to be distracted by behavioral affect and inappropriate personality imitation due to the increasing use of this tool.
Some of the beneficial and destructive effects of the media on children:
-Academic learning, appropriate social behaviors and patterns
- Tendency to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, perception of negative characters in movies and cartoo

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فرشاد حیدری مستعلی
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The media is a significant part of our daily life that changed the primary social models for children.
This vehicle of communicating has its own positive effects like diverse opportunities that help children to visualize places and animals and...

The media is a significant part of our daily life that changed the primary social models for children.
This vehicle of communicating has its own positive effects like diverse opportunities that help children to visualize places and animals and also pro- social behavior learning .In the other side ,the introduction to drug use and leading the children to pick up new behaviors that are not modeled by their parents, are the negative effects of this source of entertainment

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مریم بهزاد
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The media as a vehicle to communicate to the public as well as a source of entertainment is considered a significant part of our daily life.
As a result of Easy access to different forms of mass media devices such as Magazines, TV programs,...

The media as a vehicle to communicate to the public as well as a source of entertainment is considered a significant part of our daily life.
As a result of Easy access to different forms of mass media devices such as Magazines, TV programs, radio, billboards, news, internet, cell phones, parents’ influence is on the decline. So children are more inclined to spend more time on their own than their families that contribute to rarely gathering of families.
In this media-saturated society, parents should be aware of both the positive and negative effects of the media on children. Positively, Academic learning opportunities made by media devices help children to visualize places and animals as well as further explain theories. Furthermore, children through media programs can learn how to benefit another person; comforting, sharing, and helping.
On the other hand, to pick up new behaviors that are not modeled by their own parents and the introduction to drug use on Commercials are the negative effects of mediums.
To sum up, under proper supervision, parents can harness, and even maximize this medium’s potential as a good source of information and a helpful avenue for learning.

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مهدی عباسلو
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nowadays,there are advantage and disadvantage about social media and impacts on children.most of parents have Worry for make use of internet or TV program but, the social media is a vehicle for communication to the public .however, parents would...

nowadays,there are advantage and disadvantage about social media and impacts on children.most of parents have Worry for make use of internet or TV program but, the social media is a vehicle for communication to the public .however, parents would rather children did not exposed negative effects. Should parents happen to provide proper supervision, children will gain a good information from social media and even maximizing this medium’s potential.

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مریم علیپور
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The media have always had a considerable impress in human's life in those ways as entertainment like, TV programs and Radio or public communicating such as magazines ,cell phones and billboards.Parents used to be the core and role model of family...

The media have always had a considerable impress in human's life in those ways as entertainment like, TV programs and Radio or public communicating such as magazines ,cell phones and billboards.Parents used to be the core and role model of family ,but it seems that is going to be reduced in recent decades due to the media effects. Therefore, parents should be aware of both positive and negative impacts of media on their children, or instance educational programs versus adult aimed advertisements. So that is must to know all the family members and other relevances who are in contact with child and even medias which children have access on, can be useful or harmful.

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آلاله احمدی
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Without a shadow of a doubt, the media have become an integral part of our daily life and they occupy an axial role in our everyday routine. Admittedly, the burgeoning proliferation in the use of such technological devices has pervasive...

Without a shadow of a doubt, the media have become an integral part of our daily life and they occupy an axial role in our everyday routine. Admittedly, the burgeoning proliferation in the use of such technological devices has pervasive influences on both parents and their offspring. Take declining the parents’ influences on children and gathering around family members rarely as the most patently obvious examples, are some of its repercussions.
On the plus side, it is a conspicuous fact that the media are of undeniable countless positive aspects for children. One of the most imperative effects is academic learning, helping them to visualize places and animals. Likewise, enhancing pro-social behavior can be added to its positive aspects.
In stark contrast; however, needless to say, the media exert some deleterious effects on children. They make a contribution to learning uncommon behavior from movie idols or even to be tempted to use drugs owing to commercial temptations; especially for youth spectators, by virtue of the fact that our society is media-saturated.

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زانیار ...
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Nowadays, media has significant effects on children's behavior that must be restricted under parents' considerations. The accessibility and attractiveness of media have attracted all children ranging from newborns to elementary school students....

Nowadays, media has significant effects on children's behavior that must be restricted under parents' considerations. The accessibility and attractiveness of media have attracted all children ranging from newborns to elementary school students. Although some of the media effects are constructive, the devastating effects over weight. The positive effects such as, improvements in learning by using educational programs and social interaction development are some of these positive effects. In the other hand, deviation in choosing social models and endangering the physical and mental health of children are destructive effects of .media that even can harm a society

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فاطمه نوروزی
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Recently, technological advancement has had pervasive influence on our everyday routine. A significant part of this influence has caused by mass media. Today, the effects that media has on children developments in households cannot be overlooked....

Recently, technological advancement has had pervasive influence on our everyday routine. A significant part of this influence has caused by mass media. Today, the effects that media has on children developments in households cannot be overlooked. Although mass media can be a helpful avenue for children’s learning, but it may decline parents’ influence as role models. Aside from turning children’s attention from their parents to accessible diversions like movie idols, mass media is the introduction to drugs through commercials in many cases. However, media seems to bring harm to children development, but it should be taken to the consideration that under proper supervision children may benefit from media as an agent of socialization.

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نازنین کاظمی
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Todays , the media plays a pivotal rule in the modern life. It can influence in children s health, behavior and family life in negative and positive ways. The exposure of manifold mas-medias from TV, magazines to different type of audio or visual...

Todays , the media plays a pivotal rule in the modern life. It can influence in children s health, behavior and family life in negative and positive ways. The exposure of manifold mas-medias from TV, magazines to different type of audio or visual applications leading to incline to other accessible diversions rather than gathering around with family members.However some other positive aspects of the media saturated society can not be denied .The media enables kids to gain profound insight of their surrounding environment such as helping to visualize places and animals.The media, moreover, help children to further develop their skills together with acquiring pro-social behavior.

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سارا عسکری نژاد
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The media as a vehicle for communicating to the public is considered as a source of entertainment as well as a part of our everyday routine. The primary social models for children are people who surround them including their parents, siblings,...

The media as a vehicle for communicating to the public is considered as a source of entertainment as well as a part of our everyday routine. The primary social models for children are people who surround them including their parents, siblings, teachers and other significant people who influence them in their lives. By technological advancement, parents’ influences have experienced a decline as a model for their children which is caused by various reasons such as dual-career and single-parent households as well as rarely family gathering. This set-up would imply that children are tended to spend more time on their own which could lead to positive and negative effects to children. The first positive aspect is its academic learning opportunity helping children visualize animals and places which is followed by the second positive effect of the media refers to any action that benefits another person known as pro-social behavior. The negative effect associated with the media could be exposing behaviors that are not modeled by their parents originated from movies’ characters. Another destructive effect of the media is spreading the usage of drug which is given by commercials. In conclusion, aside from parents and people who contact with children there are several factors can also be potent models such as symbolic characters that have pervasive influence on the child’s imitative behaviors and other elements which are come from television as a powerful agent of socialization. Despite the negative effect, however, the constructive effects of the media could be possible under proper supervision and parents could also harness and maximize the medium’s potential as a good source of learning new knowledge.

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بهنام عبدالله پور
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Mass media as a significant part of our everyday routine have various positive and negative effects on children. The first positive impact of the media is its academic learning opportunity by visualizing places and animals as well as further...

Mass media as a significant part of our everyday routine have various positive and negative effects on children. The first positive impact of the media is its academic learning opportunity by visualizing places and animals as well as further explanation of theories to students. The second positive effect would be pro-social behavior learning. Looking at the negative effects of the media on the youth, it is apparent that familiarity with the media models could lead children to pick up new behaviors that are not modeled by their parents on account of the fact that less gathering around of today families and having busier schedules than before lead children to have less interaction with their parents and spend more time on their own. Thus, it has declined parent’s influence as primary social models for children. Moreover, exposing to adult aimed advertisements like commercials of cigarettes and alcohol is the second negative impact of the media on children.

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روجا ....
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As you know ,the media have positive or negative point for children so, their parents should check childrens cell phone and they should install another ways for children
for example, go to the park or read the magazine or the book.

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شکیبا عدالتیان ذاکری
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Nowadays, Media has been a major factor which has influenced children mainly, being accessible and user friendly caused most of the children use various kind of media. Using media by Children has some benefits and drawbacks like sedentary...

Nowadays, Media has been a major factor which has influenced children mainly, being accessible and user friendly caused most of the children use various kind of media. Using media by Children has some benefits and drawbacks like sedentary lifestyle and elaborating academic skills.
Due to the fact that media has changed children lifestyle, it has decreased children physical activity . and it could be leading to obesity, however, children have a chance to master sophisticate their academic skills.

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رضا کردستانی
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When is comes to technology, is carved in our mind autonomous and solo life style. Children are separated from their siblings by mass media hence parents addressing with many challenges that are generated by social medias. Well, to tell you the...

When is comes to technology, is carved in our mind autonomous and solo life style. Children are separated from their siblings by mass media hence parents addressing with many challenges that are generated by social medias. Well, to tell you the truth beside the huge of concerns of families, mass media cause to academic learning opportunities and pro-social behavior. Aside from these advantages we addressing many drawbacks such as abnormal behavior that makes subsequently drug misuse. All in all social media are conventional vehicles so we must consider brightness and darkness of this modern lifestyle as a whole

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بهاره احمدی نژاد
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These days we are surrounded by media in all aspects of our life. Children are not exception in this case and parents must be careful about it although the media does not have only negative effects and it can be useful as well. Due to some...

These days we are surrounded by media in all aspects of our life. Children are not exception in this case and parents must be careful about it although the media does not have only negative effects and it can be useful as well. Due to some changes in our societies like single-parent or duel-work , children have more time for using media and it may affect their behavior when they are selecting their hero or role model from
media. Another major concern is about the advertisements which are increasing their enthusiasm about harmful things like alcohol and cigarettes. In other hands, media has some benefits like help to socialism. Parents should have proper supervision on their children and avoid from media misusing..

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زهرا زارعی
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there is no doubt that our society have become sutured by the media accompanied with its positive and negative, direct and indirect effects on our lives particularly on the younger generation. To take full advantages and mitigate harmful...

there is no doubt that our society have become sutured by the media accompanied with its positive and negative, direct and indirect effects on our lives particularly on the younger generation. To take full advantages and mitigate harmful influences of this prevalent issue given the susceptibility of children, it is essential to enhance our knowledge and boost our awareness about the pros and cons of the media.
On the positive side, the media can act as a helpful avenue to learn academic subjects to childern.Which is particularly true on the subjects full of images and pictures like animals life.Children, furthermore, can pick up many invaluable behaviors referred as pro-social behavior such as helping, sharing and comforting.
On the dark side, the media, owing to the consequences of children familiarity with the media models, likely leads to some strong imitative behaviors in children. Also, the media may introduce drug use to the next generation by means of commercials basically adult aimed ones, giving enthusiasm to young viewers.
To sum up, not only it is of importance to get inform of merits and demerits of the media, but also providing proper supervision to be sure if viewing is done in moderation in children.

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اکرم کاویانی
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I suppose it should be "The Effects of the Media on Children" not "The Effects of the Media to Children".

صبا محمدی
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It is undeniable fact that technology advancement and mass media has affected all aspect of our daily life especially children life. Not all effects are negative but there are some constructive influences. For example it opens up new avenues in...

It is undeniable fact that technology advancement and mass media has affected all aspect of our daily life especially children life. Not all effects are negative but there are some constructive influences. For example it opens up new avenues in education and make every day routine life easier. On the other hand it causes children pick up wrong behavior models or some dangerous commercials attract them. All in all, by parents’ supervision, the benefits are greater than the drawbacks.

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مسعود موجودی
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nowadays, media especially mass media has been considered as a vehicle for communication and as a part of our daily routine. Aside from parents busy schedules, technological advancement influenced children's decision of their role models. there...

nowadays, media especially mass media has been considered as a vehicle for communication and as a part of our daily routine. Aside from parents busy schedules, technological advancement influenced children's decision of their role models. there has been a modal shift from parents towards more accessible diversions such as television watching. this new set up may help children to visualize places and animals or lead them to taking into consideration. movie idols or overlooked commercials may lead them to use drugs or other harmful behaviors.

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ناصر مینایی
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The mass media have been a significant part of our everyday routine. Over time, technological advancement cause family gathering around is on the decline. As well as parents serve as potent models for children, it would imply why could turn their...

The mass media have been a significant part of our everyday routine. Over time, technological advancement cause family gathering around is on the decline. As well as parents serve as potent models for children, it would imply why could turn their attention from their parents to more accessible diversions. The media saturated under proper supervision have pervasive influence on pro-social behavior and lead children to visualize place and animals as well. Aside from constructive effects, the youth is exposed of some negative aspects such as imitative behavior from movie idol and the introduction to drug use.

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آزاده بغدادی
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what's your idea about the preposition of effect?
I think , we had better say 'the effects of media on children

I'll be satisfied, if u answer me
thnx a million

فاطمه نقی زاده
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No question about that Mass Media such as TV,Radio,Internet etc has very crucial impact on todays lives and serve as kind of vehicle for communicating to social and entertainment as well. One of the direct or indirect of state of the art of...

No question about that Mass Media such as TV,Radio,Internet etc has very crucial impact on todays lives and serve as kind of vehicle for communicating to social and entertainment as well. One of the direct or indirect of state of the art of Media in nowadays lifestyle is waning the role of parents and the people who care about children in rising the new generation . todays all children have their own access to media and contrast the past they gather around less and want to have more private time.
some of the merit features of this condition is boosting the academic learning opportunities through some programs the young students are able to visualize the plants and animals or other science which help their learning
On the other hand , some drawbacks of media is breeding some idols who are not adopted to families model and children are going to imitate them regardless their family culture.
To sum up above discussion , I think the children are able to use to the media in optimal approach under parents supervison.

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لیلا رجایی
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nowadays social mass media has prominent role in anybody's daily life particularly
children. also, because of changing family's condition and relationships children have more tension to swamp with social media. beside the significant positive...

nowadays social mass media has prominent role in anybody's daily life particularly
children. also, because of changing family's condition and relationships children have more tension to swamp with social media. beside the significant positive effects that have assigned to social media for children but in the absence of proper supervision it
could have considerable negative effects on them

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The media, which has significant role in every body's life , can effect on children's upbringing. The effects include combination of negative and positive effects. As a positive effect of the media, it can helps expanding academic knowledge by ...

The media, which has significant role in every body's life , can effect on children's upbringing. The effects include combination of negative and positive effects. As a positive effect of the media, it can helps expanding academic knowledge by using virtual facilities. As well as, pro-social behavior learning can improve social learning. On the other hand, the media can cause negative effects on adolescents behavior such as introducing drug use. Consequently, despite the educational aspect of the media, the negative aspects could not be condoned.

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As the media's influence on our daily routine is on the rise thus the parents impact on their own children in on decline maybe we should take the whole affect of the mass media on the maleable minds of our young into consideration and workout...

As the media's influence on our daily routine is on the rise thus the parents impact on their own children in on decline maybe we should take the whole affect of the mass media on the maleable minds of our young into consideration and workout some kind of moderate solution that wont hurt both sides ,as the gap between both generations is getting wider.
So not to go on a synical rampage on this topic as alot of people have the tendency to do so ,the development in thechnologies have made myriad lives much more comfortable,For instance the internet have had an undeniable effect on our daily routines and chores and how we usually do things with an unlimited access to information wich ofcourse has its downsides specificlly visiable when under-aged kids watching content which are aimed for adults like pornography,drugs and alchohol which seem inconvinient for families with dula-career or a single-parent household with no patriarchy invovled which could possibly lead into troubled kids and teenagers.
Now to put all this into prespective idont really know where im going with this please help and im begging of you to give me some sort of advice before i shoot my brains out

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Nowadays childeren are affected by mass media that involve a considerable volume of social communication such as Magazines, TVprogramm and of course cellphones. Although children exposed to a technological world surrounded them and on top of that...

Nowadays childeren are affected by mass media that involve a considerable volume of social communication such as Magazines, TVprogramm and of course cellphones. Although children exposed to a technological world surrounded them and on top of that it cause both positive and negative section on them. By means that face to dense of data and knowledge lead them to promote their aims .simoultaniousely have had the potential to appeal misbehave of them.

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Nowadays, the mass media plays a significant role in our daily life. Parents conventionally tend to use primary social models for children but with the amazing pace of change in technology, it has been avoidable to ignore the effects of...

Nowadays, the mass media plays a significant role in our daily life. Parents conventionally tend to use primary social models for children but with the amazing pace of change in technology, it has been avoidable to ignore the effects of technological devices. It should be considered that our society is media saturated and it is essential that parents be aware of the pros and cons of mass media to children. The media has both positive and negative effects. It gives opportunities of academic learning and causes children get to know the practical aspects of whatever they learn theoretically in the classroom. Besides, pro-social behavior learning such as sharing, comforting and helping could be another positive impact of the media. In terms of negative effects, children might to pick up new behavior which are not accepted by their parents. moreover, commercials specially introduction drug use could have harmful effects on youth and adults. Young viewers are exposed to the media with various advertisements of alcohol and cigarettes. Ultimately, it is inevitable that the media particularly television have pervasive influence on the children and despite its negative effects, can be a powerful agent of socialization. Parents can turn the media into a good source of information and helping avenue for learning under proper supervision.

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