(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 9819

استفاده از ساختار the the comparitive در رایتینگ آیلتس

از ساختار گرامری

the + comparative adjective + clause + the + comparative adjective + clause

و یا

the + comparative adjective + the + comparative adjective

برای مقایسه از نوع افزایش یا کاهش متناسب به کار میرود. یعنی دو چیز به هم بستگی دارند. چند مثال:

The more expensive the hotel, the better the srvice.    

هرچی هتل گرونتر باشه، خدماتش هم بهتر است.

The sooner we leave, the earlier we will arrive.

هرچه زودتر بریم، زودتر میرسیم.

The higher you climb, the colder it gets.

هرچی بیشتر صعود کنی، هوا سردتر میشود.


برای کوتاهتر کردن این ساختارها، می توان کلازها (clause) را نیز حذف کرد. به عنوان مثال:

The sooner, the better.

هرچه زودتر بهتر

The less luggage you have, the better.

هرچه وسایل سفر کمتر همراه داشته باشی، بهتر


در این ساختار مقایسه تفضیلی the...the لغت "the" به معنی "by that much"  یا "هر چقدر" میباشد. به چند مثال دیگر دقت کنید:


The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.’ (Albert Einstein)

هرچه بیشتر من می آموزم، بیشتر می فهمم که چه چیزهایی را بلد نیستم.

The more books the library can make available, the more visitors it can attract.

هرچه کتابهای بیشتری را کتابخانه بتواند فراهم کند، بازدیدکنندگان بیشتری را نیز می تواند جذب کند.

According to popular belief, the more educated you are, the more you will discover about your prospects and potentials.

براساس یک نظر عمومی، هرچه سطح تحصیلاتت بالاتر باشد، درک بهتری از آینده و نقاط قوتت خواهی داشت. 

The more waste people produce, the more waste they have to cope with.

مردم هرچه زباله بیشتری تولید کنند، زباله بیشتری نیز وجود خواهد داشت که باید برایش فکری کنند.


 و اما جایگاه پیشنهادی این ساختار در رایتینگ های آیلتس

پیشنهاد من برای استفاده از این ساختار، در بیان دلیل یا توضیح جمله قبل است. به مثال زیر دقت کنید.

در پاراگراف زیر، من می خواستم در ارتباط با مزایای سفر به مناطق سخت پاراگرافی را بنویسیم. ابتدا با یک Topic Sentence منظور اصلی پاراگراف را که بیان مزایاست، ذکر میکنیم. بعد در جمله بعد، یکی از این مزایا را بیان کرده، توضیح می دهیم و بعد یک مثل و در ادامه، از این ساختار برای توضیح مثال ذکر شده، استفاده کرده ام. پاراگراف نیز با یک مزیت دیگر ادامه پیدا میکند.

On the plus side, the advantages for the people flocking to these spots are manifold. To begin with, learning to deal with a hostile climate or difficult circumstances enables these people to be prepared for facing demanding situations in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for the emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge.  Take patience which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one travels to these challenging attractions, the more patient and calm they might appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and taking new risks.


تمرین: فرض کنید می خواهیم در ارتباط با مزایای مطالعه تاریخ (Studying History) یک پاراگراف بنویسم. این پارگراف را که شامل دو مزیت است بنویسید و خوب ساپورت کنید. در توضیحات یا دلایل خود، سعی کنید از ساختار the the استفاده نمایید. پاراگراف های خود را در زیر این آرتیکل کامنت بگذارید تا تصحیح شود. 


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (18)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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On the plus side, the advantages of studying history are countless and people have placed a premium on increasing their knowledge about it. First of all, there is not the slightest doubt in this writer's mind about the fact that acquainted with...

On the plus side, the advantages of studying history are countless and people have placed a premium on increasing their knowledge about it. First of all, there is not the slightest doubt in this writer's mind about the fact that acquainted with history not only does it familiar us with our old culture, customs, and ancient civilization but it also helps us to be familiar with their lifestyle. Simply put, the more people are familiar with their past time, the more lessons can be acquired from incidents that happened in the past, thereby avoiding from happening again.

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زانیار ...
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On the other hand, the advantages of studying history are manifold. To start with, facilitating decision making process by retrospective study about present issues enables decision makers to analyze the events profoundly, thus leading to more...

On the other hand, the advantages of studying history are manifold. To start with, facilitating decision making process by retrospective study about present issues enables decision makers to analyze the events profoundly, thus leading to more thoughtful conclusions.Take legislation procedure which was determined by authority gradually based on the past experiences as an example; the more behavior of former criminals are taken into consideration, the more deterrent rules will pass.Learning about history moreover, can avoid making the same mistakes and repeating improper reactions for current issues.

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سارا عسکری نژاد
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on the plus side, the advantages of history and study about it can be classified into two groups. To begin with, learning about history and our ancestors have a vital prospect. Take their fault, their misconception about the world or even their...

on the plus side, the advantages of history and study about it can be classified into two groups. To begin with, learning about history and our ancestors have a vital prospect. Take their fault, their misconception about the world or even their successful decisions as a plenty obvious example; the more information, the more experience in every unprecedented situation. people, furthermore, can gain valuable earning by searching in the past and modifying their ways.[

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Many people think that studying history and what happened in the past is ridiculous, in fact, they believe that the past just belongs to the past, but, in my opinion, history is a valuable thing we can use. To begin with, it can help many nations...

Many people think that studying history and what happened in the past is ridiculous, in fact, they believe that the past just belongs to the past, but, in my opinion, history is a valuable thing we can use. To begin with, it can help many nations decision making simply by reviewing similar decisions had been made in the past. Take presidential election that has been repeated for many nations throughout history as an example; utilizing similar experiences may help people to make the right decision for their country. Therefore the more better we use the history experiences the less mistake we may make.

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The advantages of learning history accruing to individuals are manifold. First, by studying history people would learn from the past. that is if in the past their ancestors had a mistake, the chances of having the same mistake will be lower as...

The advantages of learning history accruing to individuals are manifold. First, by studying history people would learn from the past. that is if in the past their ancestors had a mistake, the chances of having the same mistake will be lower as ones can learn how to prevent it in the first place. Moreover, the more people study the history especially their ancestors, the more they get familiar with their own culture and some rational reasons behind some of the traditions. That being said, thinking that some traditions are useless, most of the traditions and cultures are being ignored or forgotten by the younger generations.

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On the plus side, privileges of studying history is manifold.To begin with, history contributs to moral understanding. Being exposed with demanding situations and analyzing dilemmas people were faced with throughout the history, students majoring...

On the plus side, privileges of studying history is manifold.To begin with, history contributs to moral understanding. Being exposed with demanding situations and analyzing dilemmas people were faced with throughout the history, students majoring history are bound to strengthen their own etical reasoning. To put it differently, history teaches by providing a wide range of examples, as a result, the more individuals read history, the far greater number of illustrations they can explore and inspect. Take atrocities comitted during world war ll as the most patently obvious example. Being revised and sticking in mind, the dark era lay the groundwork for international etical rules florished. Studying history, furthermore, flashes insight towards operation of people and societies. Various human beings accomplishments such as technology, democracy and election are set to be well understood through assigning importance to and prioritizing history field.

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بهار آیت مهر
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There are several significant advantages to studying all the things that happened in the past, political situations, social developments or people’s knowledge of nations for instance. From a sociological standpoint, learning about social...

There are several significant advantages to studying all the things that happened in the past, political situations, social developments or people’s knowledge of nations for instance. From a sociological standpoint, learning about social developments of past societies can bring about rising or awareness about how diverse communities tried to improve their situations in the past and with the results that we can use ancients’ social experiences to develop or communities. By this we mean that the more learning from past societies, the more development in today communities. As well as this, studying the history has a pivotal role in boosting today’s knowledge and improving technology, because there are direct connections between scientific experiences gained from the past and are being provided nowadays. Therefore, it is understandable why the majority of scientists are eager to study the past, because the more knowledge about unsuccessful scientific experiments in the past, the less failure in today’s tests.

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مسعود شماره 2
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while studying history of a country, has an important poison through the every aspect of individual and society life. Being awareness of what did happen and what did do our ancestors in the past and learning from that would be great guidance to...

while studying history of a country, has an important poison through the every aspect of individual and society life. Being awareness of what did happen and what did do our ancestors in the past and learning from that would be great guidance to our future. In fact, the more awareness about history, the more avoiding to repeat the ancestors’ mistakes. In addition, simple put, our history is our identify which creates a situation through a different walks of life to feel being a united nation because of having a similar origin, on the other words, The more studying history, the more having responsibility about our society and our people.

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Mari Beheshti
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On the plus side, the merits of the people gaining knowledge about history are manifold. To begin with, studying how other individuals have succeeded to yield positive results during different periods of civilization enables people to imitate...

On the plus side, the merits of the people gaining knowledge about history are manifold. To begin with, studying how other individuals have succeeded to yield positive results during different periods of civilization enables people to imitate those actions. That is to say, with an individual utilizing successful experiences, mainly having been documented by historian, anyone would stand a higher chance to prosper. Take behavioral patterns of Greek leaders and philosophers as an example; the more one observes their historical guidelines, the less likely he makes a false decision in life, hence superior prospect. Further, the states can avoid potential conflicts and even wars merely by reviewing history all the time. For example, if governments had not turned a blind eye and deaf ear to what had resulted in the first world war, the world would not have been witness to the second world war, nor would millions of people have been lost their lives.

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From a positive pont of view, many advantages could be gained from studying history. To begin with, revealing all aspects of developments in the process of human's life, history would help people improve their understanding and evaluation about...

From a positive pont of view, many advantages could be gained from studying history. To begin with, revealing all aspects of developments in the process of human's life, history would help people improve their understanding and evaluation about the today's society's events. Simply put, the more accurate evaluation a society's members have, the more practical plans their government should draw up for the sake of the public. To illustrate, if the issue of slavery were explained properly according to the history, no body would undertake such a discrimination against some populations as racial and gender groups, these days, and the authority have to be more serious about that. What is more is that studying history would provide the new generation with rightly proud of their nation via being aware of those tremendous efforts made by their previous generations for the good of the nation. Take the independence movements of countries as an example; this memorial event, always being respected by people, would give the young a sense of pride and responsibility to preserve it for ever.

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On the plus side, the advantages for the people studying history are manifold. To begin with, perusing past events enables these people to realize how people and societies functioned in the face of demanding situations. Simply put, reviewing past...

On the plus side, the advantages for the people studying history are manifold. To begin with, perusing past events enables these people to realize how people and societies functioned in the face of demanding situations. Simply put, reviewing past experiences lay the foundation for the emergence of invaluable information that help individuals to be prepared for identical forthcoming events in their lives. Take economic recession which any nation is likely to suffer as an example; the less authorities be alert to the factors leading to such a perennial problem, the more a country is prone to economic problems. People, furthermore, can acquire invaluable knowledge about their ancestors which is essential to understand who they are and where they come from.

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On the plus side, the advantages in history studying are manifold. To begin with, i would suggest ,once defeated people are prosperous now. Awarness of real past stories can be highly educational to acquire knowledge for facing problems. Take...

On the plus side, the advantages in history studying are manifold. To begin with, i would suggest ,once defeated people are prosperous now. Awarness of real past stories can be highly educational to acquire knowledge for facing problems. Take irrigated farms which was a critical chalenge to survive in the past centuries, an obvious example; precious excavations at ancient civilizations such as Greece or Persian reveal using some high-tech devices for irrigating lands helping to achieve state-of-the-art technology in farming industry field now. Morover, the other overt advantage is take precaution of frequent bitter events like prelevalence of some epidemic diseases or break out world war. The more information human obtain about historical happens , the more ability to cope with same current circumstance . People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by observing history.

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Neda zk
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?On the merit side,studying history not only is not simply matter for idle curiosity but also teaches valuable lessons based on true story. The study of history is the study of humanity, it reveals truths about the humanity condition. Bedide...

?On the merit side,studying history not only is not simply matter for idle curiosity but also teaches valuable lessons based on true story. The study of history is the study of humanity, it reveals truths about the humanity condition. Bedide this, It can put modern worlds’ problems, which seem terrifing and unsolveable,into perspective by looking back on all problems that ancient civilization faced before. So the more delveing in history,the more discovering reality and advantages of studying history.

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On the right side of studying history, the advantage for the people keen on this subject are manifold. To begin with, learning to deal with broadening somebody’s horizons enables these people to be prepared for coping with difficult circumstances...

On the right side of studying history, the advantage for the people keen on this subject are manifold. To begin with, learning to deal with broadening somebody’s horizons enables these people to be prepared for coping with difficult circumstances in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge. Take sensible which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one is boosted up by the history study skills, the more logical and pure determinate they might appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience needing not only a lot of time but also detrimental and hurtful without unnecessary risks.

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Manifold rewardings have been admittedly following the archelogy. Firstly, superfluous positive points can be learned by studying the history. simply put, the deeper we, if prudentially and not superficially, read the history, the more valuable...

Manifold rewardings have been admittedly following the archelogy. Firstly, superfluous positive points can be learned by studying the history. simply put, the deeper we, if prudentially and not superficially, read the history, the more valuable life experience as if we achieve. In the light of that, take the sparks, triggers and fuels of toppling the large nations and outstanding doctorines (soviet union, communism, etc.) as salient examples which push and incite us to identify our shortcoming, recognize our fallings, and perfect our imperfects. Secondly, understanding our ancestors would not only prove lesson-teaching but also brings out the common sense of self-steem and self-satisfaction among fellow citizens. In other words, what can unify the all members of a territorry or a descent might be likely their common history and noble ancestors.

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الهام ستاری
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It is incontestable that studying history can bring about numerous advantages to individuals. First of all, one can gain invaluable knowledge of his or her own ancestors through reading historical context. That is to say, the more time is put to...

It is incontestable that studying history can bring about numerous advantages to individuals. First of all, one can gain invaluable knowledge of his or her own ancestors through reading historical context. That is to say, the more time is put to studying history related sources, the more insights can be grasped and this would lead to raising these people's awareness of what their ancestors have gone through. Furthermore, those who are willing to dedicate a significant amount of their time to obtain higher understanding of historical events, would have the possibility to be educated about the errors and wrong doings of their ancestors, thereby taking lesson from their potentially grave repercussions of their actions. In other words, the more knowledgeable these persons become, the less likely they are to take a step in the wrong direction in the face of dilemmas in their lives

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On the other hand, the advantages of studying history are manifold. To begin with, it enables
readers to be acquainted with former civilizations and their lifestyles. Simply put, they can exercise invaluable experiences inherited from their...

On the other hand, the advantages of studying history are manifold. To begin with, it enables
readers to be acquainted with former civilizations and their lifestyles. Simply put, they can exercise invaluable experiences inherited from their ancestors, avoiding their mistakes. Take the power of a united community as an example, the more a society is aware of its power, the sooner it rebels against harsh authority, opposing abuse of power.

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