(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 8256

یک ساختار فوق العاده برای بیان "مثال" در رایتینگ

یکی از مهمترین جملات برای ساپورت ایده ها در تمام رایتینگ ها، استفاده از مثال هاست. اینکه چگونه یک ایده ساده را بدون زحمت گسترش دهیم، در روزهای آینده مورد بررسی قرار خواهیم داد. اما در این بخش می خواهیم به بررسی یک ساختار فوق العاده و چگونگی نوشتن مثال ها بپردازیم.

 [audio url="/file-dl/sw/audio/example.mp3" volume="100"]

مثال زیر را در نظر بگیرید:

This volume of carbon dioxide emissions will eventually damage the environment.

ساختاری که می خواهیم ازش استفاده کنیم به این صورت است:

Take NOUN as an example/for example; THE SENTENCE.

اسم را به عنوان یک مثال در نظر بگیرید؛ بقیه جمله.

  • جمله بالا اگر در این ساختار قرار گیرد، به صورت زیر تغییر خواهد کرد:

Take the volume of carbon dioxide emissions as an example; they will eventually damage the environment.

  • پیشنهاد بهتری که داده میشه اینه که در بخش اول، یک ساختار Adjective Clause هم اضافه کنیم:

Take the volume of carbon dioxide emissions which are released by thousands of daily commuters and countless factories as an example; they will eventually damage the environment.

  • با حذف Relative Pronoun و تغییر چند لغت و کالوکیشن، به ساختار زیر خواهیم رسید:

Take the unimaginable volume of carbon dioxide emissions released by thousands of daily commuters and countless factories as an example; they will eventually take their toll on the environment.

  • اگر نتوانستید یک Relative Pronoun هم اضافه کنید، می شود از یک ساختار با کالوکشین های بهتر استفاده کرد. مثلا:

Take NOUN as the most patently obvious example; THE SENTENCE.

 تمرین -‌ سه جمله مثال زیر را با ساختار بالا بنویسید:‌

  • به عنوان مثال، در فروشگاههای سلف سرویس که در تمام دنیا هم معروف هستند، مشتریان این امکان را دارندکه خریدهای خود را بدون صحبت کردن با کسی انجام دهند.
  • به عنوان مثال، ترافیک را در نظر بگیرید؛ وقتی بزرگراهها از ماشین و موتورسیکلت پر می شوند، گاهی غیر قابل عبور خواهند شد.
  • به عنوان مثال، در مورد زباله ها؛ وقتی خانوارها آشغال بیشتری تولید می کنند، این آشغال ها باید در زمین های اطراف دفن شوند، زمین هایی که قبلا زیستگاه گونه های مختلف حیوانی و گیاهی بوده است.



Take self-service stores which are common throughout the world for example; regardless of the language they speak, customers have the possibility to purchase their groceries and other basics without even having to talk with anyone.

Take traffic congestions as the most patently obvious example; teeming with cars and motorcycles, highways and motorways become impassable at times.

Take waste which has been a perennial problem for example;
households will continue to produce more and more rubbish which most probably will have to be buried in surrounding grounds that may already be a natural habitat for different species of animals and green vegetation.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (62)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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Take in self_service shopping centers which are popular in all of the world as an example ;they will possibly accomplished by clients without talking with everyone.

نجمه فراهانی
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سلام استاد
با فرض اینکه کسی نمرات تمامی چهار قسمت رایتینگش 7 باشه ولی تعداد کلماتش کمتر از 250 لغت باشه چقدر از نمرش کم می شه و برچه اساس و یا معیاری هست؟

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با سلام کم نوشتن برروی نمره Task Response که یکی از چهار معیار است تاثیر می گذارد. برای اطلاعات بیشتر میتونید به انجمن رایتینگ و دروس اون مراجعه کنید

Super User
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Take self-service grocery stores which are quite famous around the globe as an example; they will offer to their customers to shop without talking to anyone.

به عنوان مثال، ترافیک را در نظر بگیرید؛ وقتی بزرگراهها از ماشین و موتورسیکلت پر می شوند،...

Take self-service grocery stores which are quite famous around the globe as an example; they will offer to their customers to shop without talking to anyone.

به عنوان مثال، ترافیک را در نظر بگیرید؛ وقتی بزرگراهها از ماشین و موتورسیکلت پر می شوند، گاهی غیر قابل عبور خواهند شد.

Take traffic as an example; When highways are filled by cars and motorcycles, they will block the roads in a way that no one can pass the road.

Take traffic as an example; when filling the highways, cars and motorcycles could, eventually, block the roads in a way that no one could pass it.
به عنوان مثال، در مورد زباله ها؛ وقتی خانوارها آشغال بیشتری تولید می کنند، این آشغال ها باید در زمین های اطراف دفن شوند، زمین هایی که قبلا زیستگاه گونه های مختلف حیوانی و گیاهی بوده است.

take waste which sometimes increased by households as an example; these garbages should be buried in the ground which used to be a host for different kind of animals and plants species.

ادامه مطلب
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Take the self-services which they are well-known all over the world as the most patently obvious example; Customers can have this possible to do their shopping without talking with anyone.
Take traffic tie-ups as the most patently obvious example;...

Take the self-services which they are well-known all over the world as the most patently obvious example; Customers can have this possible to do their shopping without talking with anyone.
Take traffic tie-ups as the most patently obvious example; the highways become full of heavy traffic impassable because of vehicles and motorcycles.

Take home-garbage as an example; while a family produce more rubbish, the rubbish which have to buried in local grounds in which the grounds that used to be was the natural habitat of different kind of species and animals.

ادامه مطلب
Navid sarshoghi
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 Take self-service stores which are well-known worldwide as the most patently example; customers are able to purchase their required merchandises without talking to either sellers or cashiers because there are not any employees and machines have...

 Take self-service stores which are well-known worldwide as the most patently example; customers are able to purchase their required merchandises without talking to either sellers or cashiers because there are not any employees and machines have been replaced with humans to sell commodities.
 Take traffic congestion as the most patently obvious example; sometimes, highways would be impassable and motorists or motorcyclists would not be able to drive down them easily, because there are numerous vehicles or countless motorcycles which are in charge of generating the traffic flow.
 Take garbage as the most patently obvious example of environmental problems; when households produce more trash, they have to be buried in lands which used to be settings for divers animal species or several plants instead of landfills.

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مسعود شماره 2
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Take self-service shops being famous as an example; without speaking to anyone, costumers are able to buy.
Take traffic jams as an example; being full of motorcycles and cars, sometimes it is impossible to pass through.
Take waste which has fame...

Take self-service shops being famous as an example; without speaking to anyone, costumers are able to buy.
Take traffic jams as an example; being full of motorcycles and cars, sometimes it is impossible to pass through.
Take waste which has fame for being black gold as the most patently obvious example; while homemade are providing more and more rubbish things, which should put under surrounding grounds in which not only animal species but also vegetables had being had natural habitat, there.

ادامه مطلب
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Take a great deal of waste produced by populace as a patently obvious example, these garbage have to be landfilledin an area where
was a natural habitat of a variety of animals and plants species.
Take the most state-of-the-art self-service...

Take a great deal of waste produced by populace as a patently obvious example, these garbage have to be landfilledin an area where
was a natural habitat of a variety of animals and plants species.
Take the most state-of-the-art self-service malls as an example, cutomers do not need to consult to any body while perchasing their items.
Take traffic congestion as a patently obvious example observed permanently these days, crossing and commuting would be sometimes impossible due to traffic.

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منصوره امیرافشار
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Good structures just be more careful with the Punctuation

آخرین بار در تاریخ حدود 5 سال قبل توسط Super User Admin ویرایش شد دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service shops which are well-known all around the world as an example; customers have a choice to do their shop without talking to anyone.

Take traffic congestion when highways are full of vehicles and motor cycles as an example; they...

Take self-service shops which are well-known all around the world as an example; customers have a choice to do their shop without talking to anyone.

Take traffic congestion when highways are full of vehicles and motor cycles as an example; they will be occasionally impassable.

Take trash when families produce more rubbish, as an example; the waste should be buried beneath surrounding land which has been the habitat for flora and fauna.

ادامه مطلب
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Perfect structures and great choice of words

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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1- Take self-service stores popular all around the world as the most patently obvious example; customers have opportunity to purchase their commodities without talking to anyone.

2- Take traffic as the most patently obvious example; when highways...

1- Take self-service stores popular all around the world as the most patently obvious example; customers have opportunity to purchase their commodities without talking to anyone.

2- Take traffic as the most patently obvious example; when highways are overcrowded by cars and motorcycles, they will be occasionally impassable.

3- Take rubbish as an example, when households are generating more trash, these should be buried in landfills which previously used to habitat for various animals and plants .

ادامه مطلب
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Great structures
just for the last sentence you need Semi Colon right after EXAMPLE

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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1.Take in the self-service shopping which are renowned in all around the world as an example; consumers enable to do shopping lack of relating any one

2.Take traffic jame into account as an example; when highway awash with vehicles, it will be...

1.Take in the self-service shopping which are renowned in all around the world as an example; consumers enable to do shopping lack of relating any one

2.Take traffic jame into account as an example; when highway awash with vehicles, it will be occasionally unfeasible to passing

3.Take concerning rubbish as an example; when household produce much more waste, this litter must be buried in the surrounding land where has been natural habitats of variety of animals and plants species in advance

ادامه مطلب
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omid IN in the first sentence

be more careful with the collocations
for example AWASH is an adjective

the structures are perfect Sahar

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service stores, increasingly well-known all around the world, as an example; customers are capable of selecting and purchasing commodities without inquiring the shopkeepers.

Take traffic as the most patently obvious example; as long as...

Take self-service stores, increasingly well-known all around the world, as an example; customers are capable of selecting and purchasing commodities without inquiring the shopkeepers.

Take traffic as the most patently obvious example; as long as the highways are packed with vehicles and motorcycles, there would be gridlocks and congestions, restricting everyone from regular commuting.

Take home-garbage as an example; the more waste materials the families produce, the bigger area of land, sometime home to various invaluable species of flora and fauna, should be allocated to the burial of those rubbish.

ادامه مطلب
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Great structures as well as perfect choice of words

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service shops being well-known in all around the world as an example; they enables customers to purchase their needs without talking to anyone.

Take daily traffic as the most patently obvious example; when teeming with motor vehicles,...

Take self-service shops being well-known in all around the world as an example; they enables customers to purchase their needs without talking to anyone.

Take daily traffic as the most patently obvious example; when teeming with motor vehicles, highways may be impassable.

ادامه مطلب
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Structures are greattttt
Keep going

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service shops which are well-known in the world as an example; customers able to make purchase without talking to anyone.

Take the traffic as an example; sometimes it is unpassable when highways are full of cars and motorbikes.


Take self-service shops which are well-known in the world as an example; customers able to make purchase without talking to anyone.

Take the traffic as an example; sometimes it is unpassable when highways are full of cars and motorbikes.

Take the garbage as an example; when houshold make more trash, they must be beried in surrounding lands where has been the habitate of different species of animals and plants.

ادامه مطلب
Soma Qane
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You are great in use of collocations and structures

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take well-known self-service restaurants in worldwide as the most patently obvious example; they offer their customers to meet their needs silently.

Take traffic as serious consideration; when highways become heavily congested with motor...

Take well-known self-service restaurants in worldwide as the most patently obvious example; they offer their customers to meet their needs silently.

Take traffic as serious consideration; when highways become heavily congested with motor vehicles, they are often impassable.
Take household waste as an example, when families produce more garbage, they should be buried in nearby landfills which they used to be natural habitat for a great deal of biodiversity.

ادامه مطلب
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The structures are perfect
just for the third structures, be careful with the punctuation
you need semi-colon after EXAMPLE

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take clients of self-service stories renowned internationally as the most patently obvious example; they are enabled to carry out all their purchases without speaking to anyone

Take the stream of traffic swarming highways with cars and...

Take clients of self-service stories renowned internationally as the most patently obvious example; they are enabled to carry out all their purchases without speaking to anyone

Take the stream of traffic swarming highways with cars and motorcycles as an example; it couldn't be gone through sometimes

Take the huge amount of wastes produced by householders and will be buried in
urban areas as the most patently obvious example; the polluted lands that were the habitat of plants and animals before

ادامه مطلب
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they enable
couldnot be gone?
waste is informal

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take about rubbish as the most patently obvious example; when housholds produce more garbage , these have to burry in landfills which has been habitate of various animal and vegetation species before.

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these have to buried
the habitat to

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take the self service stores which are renowned in whole world as an example; Customers are
able to purchase their demands with being touched nobody.

Take the consideration of traffic as a particular salient example; The motorways will be often...

Take the self service stores which are renowned in whole world as an example; Customers are
able to purchase their demands with being touched nobody.

Take the consideration of traffic as a particular salient example; The motorways will be often impassable when they are full of motor vehicles.

Take the garbage as the most patently example; When the households produce a great deal of wastes, they should be buried landfills nearby which were habitat of an infinite variety of flora and fauna.

ادامه مطلب
Hamed MMS
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Structures are greatttt

just be more careful with the words

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take internationally renowned self-service stores as an example; customers are able to purchase needless of salespeople involvement.
Take traffic of highways obstructed with cars and motorcycles as an example; they will occasionally become...

Take internationally renowned self-service stores as an example; customers are able to purchase needless of salespeople involvement.
Take traffic of highways obstructed with cars and motorcycles as an example; they will occasionally become impassable.
Take excessive household waste as the most patently example; they should get buried in surrounding landfills which were previously ecosystem of various species.

ادامه مطلب
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Great structures
just be careful with the choice of words.
GET is informal for the FORMAL contexts.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take large quantities of waste produced by households for example; this volume of refuse should be disposed of in landfills, outside cities and towns in the countryside where there was the natural habitat of plants and animals.
Take self-service...

Take large quantities of waste produced by households for example; this volume of refuse should be disposed of in landfills, outside cities and towns in the countryside where there was the natural habitat of plants and animals.
Take self-service shops world-renowned as an example; in such shopping centers, customers can buy commodities without speaking to cashiers.
Take traffic congestion as the most patently obvious example; we have to spent hours sitting in a traffic jam.

ادامه مطلب
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The structures are perfect Mehdi
just the word REFUSE, I couldnt figure out why you have used it

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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sorry one word was missed in this sentence

?Take detrimental rubbish being thrown away for example

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?Take modern self-service department stores being noted in the whole world as an example; that gives customers this opportunity to purchase their demands without asking for advice.

?Take traffic jam as the most patently obvious example;when...

?Take modern self-service department stores being noted in the whole world as an example; that gives customers this opportunity to purchase their demands without asking for advice.

?Take traffic jam as the most patently obvious example;when crowded highways will be fulled of cars and motorcycles,occasionally will be blocked off for commuters.

?Take detrimental rubbish being away for example;when house rubbish will be produced more,they ought to repose in serrounding lands which used to be ecosystem for different species of animals and plants.

ادامه مطلب
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ساختارها درست هستند اما در انتخاب لغات باید کمی دقت بیشتری کنید. به نظر می رسه بیشتر جملات مستقیم از ذهن به انگلبسی ترجمه شده اند.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take selfservice stores which are popular all around the world, as an example; the customers have possibility of buying without talking to any person.

Take traffic when highways are ivercrowdedb by cars and motorbikes as an example; they will be...

Take selfservice stores which are popular all around the world, as an example; the customers have possibility of buying without talking to any person.

Take traffic when highways are ivercrowdedb by cars and motorbikes as an example; they will be impossible to pass through to some extent.

Take rubish when families produce more garbage as an example; this rubish should be buried around land where once had already been habitate for various of plants and animals species.

ادامه مطلب
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I love the structures and choice of words

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take the self-service stores, which are world-renowned shops, as the most patently obvious example; customers have the opportunity to make their purchases without communicating with others.

Take the self-service, world-renowned, stores as the...

Take the self-service stores, which are world-renowned shops, as the most patently obvious example; customers have the opportunity to make their purchases without communicating with others.

Take the self-service, world-renowned, stores as the most patently obvious example; customers have the opportunity to make their purchases without communicating with others.

Take the traffic as the most patently obvious example; when motorways are filled with motors and motorcycles, they sometimes become impassable.

Take the traffic which is insurmountable as the most patently obvious example; when motorways are filled with motors and motorcycles, they sometimes become impassable.

Take the garbage/waste as the most patently obvious example; when families are generating more waste, such waste should be buried in the surrounding lands which formerly had been the habitat of various animal and plants species.

ادامه مطلب
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Great structures
Perfect effort

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-checkout shops which are well-known throughout the world as an example;customers can do their shoping
without speaking to anyone.

Take traffic when highways are full of cars and motorcycles as an example; they will be occasionally...

Take self-checkout shops which are well-known throughout the world as an example;customers can do their shoping
without speaking to anyone.

Take traffic when highways are full of cars and motorcycles as an example; they will be occasionally impassable.

Take rubbish when families produce more garbage as an example; they must burry in surronding land where had been .the settelment of different fauna and .flora

ادامه مطلب
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I like the structures as well as great choice of words
the only problem is with the third structure for using WHEN as an adverb clause

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service stores (which is) famous throuout the world as the most patently obvious for example; customers have (possess) possibility of buying without talking to anyone.0

Take traffic(when) expressway is full of cae as well as motorbike...

Take self-service stores (which is) famous throuout the world as the most patently obvious for example; customers have (possess) possibility of buying without talking to anyone.0

Take traffic(when) expressway is full of cae as well as motorbike as the most patently obvious example; they will occasionally impassable.0

Take rubbish (when) households produce more garbage as the patently obvious example; this ribbish should be buried in the vicinity of land، the land (that) use to has been the babitate of various species of animals and plants.0

ادامه مطلب
zahra rastegar
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ساختارها فوق العاده هستند
فقط در استفاده از when به عنوان adverb clause مشکل دارید. جملات دوم و سوم به همین خاطر مشکل ساختاری دارد.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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1. Take self-service shopping centers, the worldwide well-known centers, for example; they enable customers to do shopping without being engaged in any conversation.
2. Take traffic congestion as the most patently obvious example; highways, when...

1. Take self-service shopping centers, the worldwide well-known centers, for example; they enable customers to do shopping without being engaged in any conversation.
2. Take traffic congestion as the most patently obvious example; highways, when being congested by plenty of automobiles and motorcycles, would become useless route of transit at times.
3. Take domestic waste when hugely produced by households as an example; they should be dumped and buried in the surrounding land, where had already been the natural habitat for a variety of animal and plant species.

ادامه مطلب
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The structures are perfecttttttttt
Keep going

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take a self services malls which are popular in the world wide as an example; customers are able to do their purchases without speaking with anyone.
Take traffic when highways become full of cars and motorcyclesas an example; they will...

Take a self services malls which are popular in the world wide as an example; customers are able to do their purchases without speaking with anyone.
Take traffic when highways become full of cars and motorcyclesas an example; they will sometimes be inaccessible.
Take trashes when families produce more trashesas an example; they should bury them around the earth, the lands which have been the habitat of various plants and animals species.

ادامه مطلب
Mina Bhl
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دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take self-service markets, renowned all over the world, as an example, customers have possibility to match their needs without being consulted.
Take dismal congestion, while highways are steeped with cars and motorcycles as an example, passing...

Take self-service markets, renowned all over the world, as an example, customers have possibility to match their needs without being consulted.
Take dismal congestion, while highways are steeped with cars and motorcycles as an example, passing through them is inconceivable.
Take garbage when humans are supposed to reproduce increasingly as an example, they should be burried in nearby lands, where had been habitats of disparate animals and plants species.

ادامه مطلب
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The structures are great
just be careful with the PUNCTUATION
you need semi-colon for the coordinate structures

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take a self services malls which are popular in the world wide as an example; customers are able to do their purchases without speaking with anyone.
Take traffic as an example; when highways become full of cars and motorcycles,they will...

Take a self services malls which are popular in the world wide as an example; customers are able to do their purchases without speaking with anyone.
Take traffic as an example; when highways become full of cars and motorcycles,they will sometimes be inaccessible.
Take trashes as an example; when families produce more trashes, they should bury them around the earth, the lands which have been the habitat of various plants and animals species.

ادامه مطلب
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به اسامی جمع و مفرد و articleها بیشتر دقت کنید. مثلا در جمله اول a malls?

انتخاب کلماتتون فوق العادست

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take the self-service shops reputed wordwide as an example; customers are able to purchase their commodities from them without face-to-face communication.

Take frustrating traffic congestion when
highways are overloaded with vehicles as an...

Take the self-service shops reputed wordwide as an example; customers are able to purchase their commodities from them without face-to-face communication.

Take frustrating traffic congestion when
highways are overloaded with vehicles as an exaple; most of the time, passing thru it is impossible.

Take ample domestic wastes produced increasingly by residents as an obvious example; they should be landfilled in natural habitats in which diverse species lived before.

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به نظر مشکل اسپلینگ دارید. thru? reputed example

waste غیرقابل شمارش است.

ساختار جملات فوق العاده استتت

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Take self-service shops which are really popular all over the world as an example; costumers are able to do shopping without talking to anybody.

Take traffic as an obvious example; when streets are all filled with cars and motorcycles, sometimes...

Take self-service shops which are really popular all over the world as an example; costumers are able to do shopping without talking to anybody.

Take traffic as an obvious example; when streets are all filled with cars and motorcycles, sometimes it becomes impassable.

Take the rubbish as an example; when families make much more of them, these rubs have to been
landfilled on the surrounded areas where were previously the habitat of various kind of animals and plants

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در جمله دومتون sometimes it becomes توجه کنید که it به چی چیز برمیگردد!

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به عنوان مثال، در فروشگاههای سلف سرویس که در تمام دنیا هم معروف هستند، مشتریان این امکان را دارندکه خریدهای خود را بدون صحبت کردن با کسی انجام دهند.

Take the shopping self-service well-known all around the world as a salient example;in which...

به عنوان مثال، در فروشگاههای سلف سرویس که در تمام دنیا هم معروف هستند، مشتریان این امکان را دارندکه خریدهای خود را بدون صحبت کردن با کسی انجام دهند.

Take the shopping self-service well-known all around the world as a salient example;in which customers are provided with the availability of buying their needs without speaking to anybody.

به عنوان مثال، ترافیک را در نظر بگیرید؛ وقتی بزرگراهها از ماشین و موتورسیکلت پر می شوند، گاهی غیر قابل عبور خواهند شد.

Take the congestion when the highways are packed with cars and motorcycles as an example;it is sometimes impossible to pass through them..

به عنوان مثال، در مورد زباله ها؛ وقتی خانوارها آشغال بیشتری تولید می کنند، این آشغال ها باید در زمین های اطراف دفن شوند، زمین هایی که قبلا زیستگاه گونه های مختلف حیوانی و گیاهی بوده است

Take the rubbish as a particular salient example;when more of them are produced by families and they must be buried in landfills,those used to be the habitat of various types of animals and plants...

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جمله بعد از take باید کامل باشه و مثل جمله اولتون نمیتونه با in which شروع بشه.

جمله سوم هم همینطوره. اما جمله دومتون کاملا درسته

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Take outstanding self-service shopping centers,well reputated around the globe, as a salient testimony; customers are capable to shop, albeit needless to interact with anybody.

Take the traffic as an example; routs, if overladed by vehicles...

Take outstanding self-service shopping centers,well reputated around the globe, as a salient testimony; customers are capable to shop, albeit needless to interact with anybody.

Take the traffic as an example; routs, if overladed by vehicles including cars and cycles, can be impassible.

Take litter as an evidence; the more trash is discarded by households, the more space, having been inhabitant of other terrestinals including herbs and breeds, is required to burden them.

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Great mixed complex and compound structures

Evidence is uncountable

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Take self-service shops which are popular world-wide as a striking example; costumers are able to purchase what they want without talking with anyone.

Take traffic as an example; when streets are filled with cars and motorbikes, sometimes being...

Take self-service shops which are popular world-wide as a striking example; costumers are able to purchase what they want without talking with anyone.

Take traffic as an example; when streets are filled with cars and motorbikes, sometimes being impossible to go ahead.

Take garbage as an example; when households produce more and more the household waste, these materials should be buried on the outskirts of city which were habitats for a wide a range of animals and plants.

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جملاتتون فوق العاده است! Keep going bro

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