(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 9801

بیان شباهت ها (Similarities) و تفاوت ها (Differences) در رایتینگ

برای بیان شباهت ها در رایتینگ، می توانید از عبارات زیر استفاده نمایید:

به صورت مشابه (ابتدای جمله می آید)

The average four-year-old in the U.S. watches approximately four hours of TV each day. Similarly, those in Australia view about 3.5 hours of TV daily.

Similar to…
همانند... (بعد از آن اسم می آید)

Similar to Australia, the average four-year-old in the U.S. watches four hours of TV each day.

Likewise, …
به صورت مشابه (ابتدای جمله می آید)

The average four-year-old in the U.S. watches approximately four hours of TV each day. Likewise, those in Australia view about 3.5 hours of TV daily.

As in X, in Y…
مانند X، در Y نیز...

As in Australia, the average four-year-old in the U.S. watches four hours of TV each day.

Like X, Y…
مانند X، در Y نیز...

Like in Australia, the average four-year-old in the U.S. watches four hours of TV each day.

the same …
... مشابه...

The average four-year-old in the U.S. watches approximately four hours of TV each day. Four-year-olds in Australia view the same number hours of TV daily.

… as well.
... همچنین. (در انتهای جمله می آید.)

The average four-year-old in the U.S. watches approximately four hours of TV each day. Those in Australia view about 3.5 hours of TV daily as well.


برای بیان تفاوت ها نیز می توان از عبارات زیر استفاده کرد:

In contrast,
در مقابل، (در ابتدای جمله می آید).

28% of Nigerians have internet access. In contrast, Liberians have very limited opportunities to connect to the internet.

Unlike X, Y…
برخلاف ...، ...

Unlike Indonesians who have limited access to the Internet, the majority of Japanese have easy access.

In contrast to…
برخلاف ... (بعد از آن اسم می آید)

In contrast to the U.K. where internet access is widespread, less than 10 percent of the population in India can connect to the internet.

On the other hand, …
از سوی دیگر، ... (در ابتدای جمله می آید. توجه داشته باشید که می توانید آنرا بعد از فاعل نیز، با دو کاما بیاورید).

In developed countries internet access is viewed as a necessity. In most African countries, on the other hand, it is a luxury.

In developed countries internet access is viewed as a necessity. On the other hand, in most African countries, it is a luxury.

…; however, …
… . However, …
در مقابل، (در ابتدای جمله)

Overall, just over 30% of the world’s population has internet access; however, only 11% of Africans have this same opportunities.

, but …
، اما ... (بین دو جمله میآید)

Nearly 45% of the Turkish population can easily access the Internet, but in nearby Syria this is possible for only 20% of the population.

Whereas…, …
…, whereas …
While…, ….
…, while …
از طرفی ...، و از طرف دیگر
(در ابتدای یکی از کلاز می آیند).

Whereas 16% of Argentinians have internet access, only 8% of Columbians do.

16% of Argentinians have internet access, whereas only 8% of Columbians do.

While 87% of South Koreans consider themselves to be frequent internet users, 50% of Brazilians do so.

87% of South Koreans consider themselves to be frequent internet users, while 50% of Brazilians do so.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (4)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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استاد تشکر عالی بود واقعا

مصطفی نعمتی
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منم فکر میکنم برای عبارت the average باید فعل به سوم شخص مفرد صرف بشه.

مهدی بشیری
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در جمله اول از قسمت شباهتها، آیا تطابق فعل و فاعل انجام شده است؟ لطف چک بفرمایید.

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برای عبارت the average از فعل مفرد استفاده میشود

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