(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 47992

جلسه پنجم Speaking

تکنیک‌های Speaking

جلسه پنجم - Advantage, Disadvantage

 day3 min


[audio url="https://bayanebartar.org/file-dl/speaking/5th-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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♒️  In what ways do you think your country has changed over the past five or ten years?  
▫️Oh, changes in my country…hmm.  Well, the country has changed quite a bit actually. Actually there have been bunch of and loads of changes have happened over the last decade in my country. New housing and retail buildings are being built.  New areas of real estate seem to be appearing everywhere.  Unfortunately, not all the changes are positive.  I was listening to the news the other day on the radio and the reporter was saying that crime had increased – especially theft, burglaries and shoplifting.  I guess one change I’ve noticed in my country is that people have become more cautious and reserved...they don’t seem as friendly as they used to be.  People have turned their mind, you know, kind of looking over their shoulders to see if…well…someone is going to steal something from them.  I think this is a real shame.  Yes, the country has changed…I don’t think it’s as friendly as it used to be…and that’s only happened over the past 5 or so years.

حالا نوبت شماست

Now answer to these Questions... 
"Try to write them down Firstly, 'n after that try to Record your Voice... "

  • What are the advantages of traveling by air?
  • What are the advantages of having a private car?
  • What are the advantages of zoos?
  • What are the advantages of playing team sports?
  • What are the advantages of being famous?
  • What are the advantages of watching films in a cinema?
  • What are the advantages of living in cities?
  • What are the advantages of using a public library?
  • What are the advantages of getting news from newspapers?
  • What are the advantages of online shopping?
  • What are the advantages of advertising?
  • What are the advantages of hand-made products?
  • What are the disadvantages of eating out in restaurants?
  • What are the disadvantages of online shopping?
  • What are the disadvantages of being famous?
  • What are the disadvantages of living in cities?
  • What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?
  • What are the disadvantages of living near the sea?
  • What are the disadvantages of living in an old building?
  • What are the disadvantages of advertising?


باکس انحصاری ارسال صدا بیان برتر
توجه : هنگامی که روی گزینه ارسال کلیک می کنید ، لطفا تامل نمایید تا فایل کامل آپلود شود
Start Recording 1:30

    ارسال دیدگاه جدید (21)

    امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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    Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.
    Clearly there are a number of obvious merits.
    Sure there are a few favorable aspects.
    Obviously there are a number of positive features.
    But I would probably say that for the...

    Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.
    Clearly there are a number of obvious merits.
    Sure there are a few favorable aspects.
    Obviously there are a number of positive features.
    But I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stands out is that...

    This is obviously favorable because...
    This is undoubtedly positive for the simple reason that...
    This is without doubt beneficial because...
    At the same time a second bonus might be that...
    Besides this, a second plus point could be that...
    As well as this a further favorable aspect would be that...

    ادامه مطلب
    معصومه م
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    Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stands out is that trains are really cheap, especially for long distance travel - you can travel from one side...

    Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stands out is that trains are really cheap, especially for long distance travel - you can travel from one side China to the other for a few hundred yuan. I guess that another obvious plus point is that it is much faster than travelling by road - so you can save time by travelling on trains. Along with this, a further merit is that you can sleep quite comfortably on long train journeys.

    ادامه مطلب
    معصومه م
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    خیلی عالی هستین ممنون بابت تمام انرژی ها و زحماتتون.

    حیات مبارکی
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    خیلی ممنون واقعا ، شما فرشته این

    آزاده شمسی
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    سلام دستتون دردنکنه منشکررر

    سید مهدی محمودی
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    من زمان خیلی کمی دارم و میخوام حتما تو موسسه شما ثبت نام کنم متاسفانه همه کلاسهاتون تا آخر ابان پر هست چطور میتونید کمکم کنید؟ من نیاز دارم که هرچه زودتر شروع کنم

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    فقط میتونم بگم عالی هستین. با اینکه کلاس خصوصی میرم اما متاسفانه خیلی کم به این نکات اشاره میشه. همیشه سلامت و پرانرژی باشین.
    با سپاس

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    متاسفانه فایلهای درسی جلسه 4 و 5 اسپگینگ دانلود نمی شه. خیلی ممنون میشم مشکل دانلود این درسها را برطرف نمایید تا
    از درسهای فوق العاده استاد حسینی عقب نمونیم.
    ازتون نهایت سپاسگزاری را دارم.

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    با سلام و وقت بخیر
    اگه امکانش هست میشه نمرات رکوردهای جلسه قبل رو در سایت قرار بدید.

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    فقط میتونم بگم فوق العاده هستید ممنون

    سمانه رسولیان
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    عالی ممنون

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    خیلی خوب، پرانرژی و دوست داشتنی هستید همگی و بسیار از اینکه زمان میذارید و انرژی مثبت میدید، سپاسگزارم.

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    واقعا دمت گرم کارت خیلییییییییییییییییییییییییی درست

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    سلام اگه سوال رو اینطوری پرسیده بود باید Present Perfect پاسخ بدیم یا compare کنیم؟
    Are schools nowadays the same as schools in the past?

    Yazdan Rezvanifar
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    با سلام و عرض ادب
    ممنون از زحماتتون و ممنون بخاطر انرژی مثبتی که میدید. دو مورد را میخواستم خدمتتون عرض کنم.
    اول اینکه جلسه اول اسپکینگ که تصحیح شد خیلی خوب بود که اسپکینگ های بقیه دوستان بود و میشد یه مقایسه هم داشته باشیم. ممنون میشم بازم این...

    با سلام و عرض ادب
    ممنون از زحماتتون و ممنون بخاطر انرژی مثبتی که میدید. دو مورد را میخواستم خدمتتون عرض کنم.
    اول اینکه جلسه اول اسپکینگ که تصحیح شد خیلی خوب بود که اسپکینگ های بقیه دوستان بود و میشد یه مقایسه هم داشته باشیم. ممنون میشم بازم این دسترسی و امکان را فراهم کنید.
    دوم اینکه با توجه به اینکه از ابتدا گفته شده بود دوره دو ماهه تصورم بر این بود که دقیقا دوماه می باشد.. اما ظاهرا براساس جلساتی که دربرنامه ها شنیدم بیشتر از این مقدار است. لطفا اگر برنامه مشخص و مدون هست بفرمایید که تا چه تاریخی این آموزش ها ادامه دارد؟
    با تشکر و سپاس فراوان

    ادامه مطلب
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    کلی عشقین استاد

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    من یک دنیا ممنونم بخاطر این وقتی که میذارین و انقدر دلسوزانه تدریس میکنید. فوق العاده هستین استاد حسینی

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    سلام دستتون دردنکنه منشکررر

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    با عرض سلام و ادب و تشکر فراوان بابت تمام تلاش ها و نکات نابی که در خدمت ما قرار میدهید . فایل صوتی speaking جلسه قبل قابلیت دانلود نداره not found errorمیدهد .

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    اسپیکینگ های جلسه قبل تصحیح نشده اند؟

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