(Author) آیلتس-اسپیکینگ-رایتینگ بازدید: 24308

روش‌های Paraphrase کردن در رایتینگ آیلتس

حتما شنیدید که باید در Writing و Speaking از پارافریز کلمات استفاده کنیم. پارافریز کردن یک مهارت ضروری در آیلتس است. در این پست به بررسی این مهارت می‌پردازیم.

[audio url="/images/paraphrase.mp3" volume="100"]

منظور از پارافریز کردن، بازنویسی ساختاری یک عبارت و یا یک جمله با کلمات متفاوت است به صورتی که معنی آن تغییر نکند. پارافریز کردن یکی از مهمترین مهارت های لازم برای آزمون آیلتس است به طوریکه آنرا مهمترین مهارت برای Speaking و Writing می‌دانند. تسلط به این مهارت شما را در بخش Reading و Listening نیز بسیار کمک خواهد کرد. به عبارت دیگر، اگر بتوانید پارافریزها را درست تشخیص بدهید، می‌توانید نمره مورد نظرتان را کسب کنید.

به این مثال خوب دقت کنید:

Example:  Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test.
Paraphrased:  Prior to taking the IELTS test, mastering paraphrasing is one of the most crucial things to do.

همانطوریکه می‌بینید، در دومین جمله (جمله پارافریز شده) از مترادف ها (از crucial به جای important و از prior به جای before) و از تغییر ساختار (mastering paraphrasing به جای paraphrasing is one of the most important skills) استفاده شده است. همچنین که می‌بینید، میتوان ترتیب کلمات را نیز تغییر داد. در آیلتس چهار روش خوب برای پارافریز کردن وجود دارد. ایده‌آل آن است که از هر چهار روش استفاده کنید اما گاهی فقط دو روش امکان‌پذیر خواهد بود. در ادامه به بررسی این چهار روش می‌پردازیم. 

روش اول: استفاده از مترادف‌ها

مترادف ها کلمات متفاوتی هستند که معنای یکسان دارند. به عنوان مثال، humans مترادف people و attractive مترادف beautiful است. در این روش، لغات را به سادگی با مترادف های آنها جایگزین میکنیم تا به یک جمله جدید برسیم.

به عنوان مثال:

My car needs petrol.
My vehicle requires fuel.

همانطوریکه می‌بینید، در این جمله از سه مترادف استفاده شده است تا به یک جمله جدید برسیم. این، متداول‌ترین روشی است که زبان‌آموزان استفاده می‌کنند اما در استفاده از آن باید بسیار محتاط باشید. بزرگترین مشکلی که دانشجویان در این روش دارند، استفاده از کلماتی است که معنای مشابه دارند اما معنای آنها یکسان نیست. کلمات مشابه برای پارافریز کردن خوب نیستند و در استفاده از آنها، نمره از دست خواهید داد. بیایید نگاهی به یک مثال پارافزیز ضعیف بیاندازیم:

Violent crime is on the rise among teenagers.
Violent offences are rising among young people.

در اینجا، به جای teenagers از young people استفاده شده است. این کلمات، معنای مشابهی دارند، اما با هم متفاوت هستند. منظور از young people، می‌تواند افرادی باشد که سنی بین 18 تا 30 سال دارند و teenagers را شامل نمی‌شود. برای پارافریز، میتوانستیم از کلمه adolescents استفاده کنیم که افراد بین 13 تا 19 سال را شامل می شود.

Violent offences are rising among adolescents.

بنابراین برای پارافریز کردن، تنها از لغاتی استفاده کنید که 100% مطمئن هستند مترادف دقیق کلمه مورد نظر است و اگر مطمئن نیستید، از آن استفاده نکنید چون حتما نمره از دست خواهید داد. بیایید به یک مثال خوب دیگر نگاه بیاندازیم:

Global warming is mostly caused by emissions from internal combustion engines.
Climate change is mainly caused by the release of fumes from motor vehicles.


روش دوم: تغییر ترتیب کلمات

تغییر ترتیب کلمات نیز به شما اجازه می‌دهد یک جمله را به خوبی پارافریز کنید، اما در استفاده از این روش نیز باید دقت زیادی به خرج دهید. اگر تغییر این ترتیب، بر گرامر جمله‌تان تاثیر اشتباه بگذارد، این پارافریز کردن نیز درست نخواهد بود. در این روش، ممکن است لازم باشد، یک کلمه اضافه شود یا کم شود و یا شکل کلمه نیز تغییر کند.
در این روش نیز قانون 100% باید رعایت شود؛ اگر مطمئن نیستید که جمله پارافریز شده از نظر گرامری درست است یا نه، جمله را تغییر ندهید. به یاد داشته باشید که نوشتن جملات کاملا درست در اولویت قرار دارد. خوشبختانه، دو روش سر راست برای تغییر کلمات وجود دارد.

۱. می‌توانید به سادگی، جای کلازها را تغییر دهید؛ البته اگر جمله چند کلاز داشته باشید. به عنوان مثال:

Question: As languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used, there is a fear that that many minority languages may die out.
Paraphrased by changing word order: There is a fear that many minority languages may die out, as languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used.

همچنین می‌توانید از مترادف‌ها هم استفاده کنید تا پارافریز دقیق‌تر شود:

Paraphrased with changing word order AND synonyms: There is dismay that many lesser used languages may pass away, as languages such as Chinese, English and Spanish become more broadly spoken.

۲. همچنین می‌توانید اگر یک صفت یا اسم در جمله وجود دارد، نیز پارافریز را انجام دهید. برای اینکار، کافی است صفت را به یک کلاز ربطی (Relative Clauses) تبدیل کنید. به عنوان مثال:

Question: Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects to adult life.
Paraphrased using a relative clause: Learning to manage money is one of the aspects to adult life that is key.

روش سوم: تغییر شکل کلمه

یک کلمه می‌تواند به شکل‌های مختلف ظاهر شود؛ اسم، فعل، صفت و یا قید. تغییر شکل یک کلمه به شما اجازه می‌دهد، پارافریزهای بهتری داشته باشید. باز تاکید میکنیم که در این روش نیز اگر 100% مطمئن نیستید، این کار را انجام ندهید. همچنین با تغییر کلمه، گاهی لازم است کلمات کنار آن را نیز تغییر دهید. به عنوان مثال:

Question: Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives.
Paraphrased by changing word form: Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives.

روش چهارم: تغییر از معلوم به مجهول

وجه مجهول معمولاً در نوشته های رسمی و آکادمیک استفاده می‌شود و بنابراین در آیلتس نیز جایگاه خوبی دارد. تنها افعالی که دارای صفت هستند را می‌توان به مجهول تبدیل کرد:

Example active sentence: The property developers invested $20 million in the development of the shopping centre.
Example passive sentence: $20 million was invested in the development of shopping centres.

Example active: People say that global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
Example passive: Global warming is said to be caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

چندبار از این روش‌ها می‌توانیم استفاده کنم؟

این روشها را هرچند بار که می‌خواهید به صورت مستقل یا با هم می‌توانید استفاده کنید. اما حتما از یک روش وقتی استفاده کنید که 100% از آن مطمئن هستید.

مرحله بعد

این روش‌های پارافریز کردن، نیاز به تمرین بسیار دارند. سعی کنید سوالات مختلف را جلوی خودتان بگذارید و آنها را پارافریز نمایید. اگر این روش‌ها را خوب تمرین کنید، حتما خیلی زود به نتیجه دلخواه خواهید رسید.
برای تمرین بیشتر می‌توانید از Google استفاده کنید. اگر چند کلمه کلیدی خاص را گوگل کنید، مقالات مختلفی در مورد آن موضوع پیدا میکنید. با مقایسه آنها می‌توانید ببینید نویسنده‌های مختلف چطور، ایده‌های مشابه را بیان کرده‌اند.


تمرین: با استفاده از روش های پارافریز کردن که در بالا توضیح داده شد، یک مقدمه برای موضوع زیر بنویسید - یادتان باشد، مقدمه باید پارافریز سوال باشد و بهتر است موضوع اضافه ای را شامل نشود

Public celebrations (such as national days, festivals etc) are held in most countries. These are often quite expensive and some people say that governments should spend money on more useful things. Do you agree or disagree?


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (62)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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Public celebration which are held in most countries,often pricey and government is said should spend money on useful things

ندا حاتمی
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In many countries public festivals are maintained.These are not completely cheap and some people believe that these must be funded by government on more important cases.I completely agree this kind of thinking is true and government should spend...

In many countries public festivals are maintained.These are not completely cheap and some people believe that these must be funded by government on more important cases.I completely agree this kind of thinking is true and government should spend money on more useful issues rather than public celebrations.

ادامه مطلب
نجمه فراهانی
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Annually, the excessive cost has been invested in costy public celebration all over the world. It is believed that it is should be taken as a major concern by financial experts to allocate this expenditure to more beneficial scopes

سارا عسکری نژاد
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The excessive cost of public celebrations has led various ideas to be proposed with regard to this problem.some indivisual, therefore, argued that financial budgets out to be invested on other beneficial purpose.I disagree with this notion due...

The excessive cost of public celebrations has led various ideas to be proposed with regard to this problem.some indivisual, therefore, argued that financial budgets out to be invested on other beneficial purpose.I disagree with this notion due to following reasons.

ادامه مطلب
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Festivals are held in all over the world. Mostly they are overpriced and most people find it preferable to consuming money on most effective things, rather than festivals.

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It is said that money should be spent on more useful matters by government rather than public celebration(for example festival, national days etc) which are celebrated among most of nations and are almost costly

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while in some countries a huge amount of money is spent on different national ceremonies,from my perspective it is far better to fund more beneficial practices rather than those extravagant clebrations.

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Despite of the majority of people subscribe to this fact which governments must focus on necessary and useful issues, others follow high-prices celebrations which are held in most countries with various reasons.

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Celebrations such as festivals and ceremonies and etc. are carrying out in lots of countries around the world nationwide. Which usually costs a fortune. It is said that authorities should spend less budget on them and instead incorporate...

Celebrations such as festivals and ceremonies and etc. are carrying out in lots of countries around the world nationwide. Which usually costs a fortune. It is said that authorities should spend less budget on them and instead incorporate financial supports on more practical and applicable topics

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would have some beneficial impacts on

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All around the world, many countries celebrate particular occasions(like national days, festivals etc) publicly. Although it is said that such celebrations are not inexpensive and that huge amount of money should be invested in more valuable...

All around the world, many countries celebrate particular occasions(like national days, festivals etc) publicly. Although it is said that such celebrations are not inexpensive and that huge amount of money should be invested in more valuable things, I would argue that spending money on this way would bring some beneficial impacts on individuals as well as society which is worth payiny.

ادامه مطلب
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holding public celebrations which is commonplace in most countries imposes many costs on society. some people think that these costs are quite useless and the government should find more useful ways of spending money.

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سلام بیان برتر
در روش چهارم گفته شده :
وجه مجهول معمولاً در نوشته های رسمی و آکادمیک استفاده می‌شود و بنابراین در آیلتس نیز جایگاه خوبی دارد. تنها افعالی که دارای صفت هستند را می‌توان به مجهول تبدیل کرد
درستش این نیست ؟ " تنها افعالی که داری...

سلام بیان برتر
در روش چهارم گفته شده :
وجه مجهول معمولاً در نوشته های رسمی و آکادمیک استفاده می‌شود و بنابراین در آیلتس نیز جایگاه خوبی دارد. تنها افعالی که دارای صفت هستند را می‌توان به مجهول تبدیل کرد
درستش این نیست ؟ " تنها افعالی که داری مفعول هستند را ..... "

ادامه مطلب
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حق با شماست... سپاس از دقتتون

Super User
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Some public celebrations which are held in a large number of countries, cost people a lot. It is believed that governors need to be responsible for giving subsidise in order to hold some beneficial event.

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People are calling into question the importance of investing money on the public celebration. While some people consider this as a significant event that must be celebrated, others dismiss them as they state that the government can allot budget...

People are calling into question the importance of investing money on the public celebration. While some people consider this as a significant event that must be celebrated, others dismiss them as they state that the government can allot budget on other important areas such as public health and education. Admittedly, I believe that the government can ignore these public celebrations and spend the budget on areas which are more vital for society.

ادامه مطلب
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In most nations public celebrations are held. Some individuals believe that these celebrations are frequently costly and public authority should outlay of money on more beneficial things.

Navid sarshoghi
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The governments hold public celebrations in most countries, they have a high cost in the most time and some commentators believe the governments should pay out the budget on more practical things.

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با سلام. از استاد محمدحسینی عزیز تقاضا دارم تا کامنت بنده را نیز تصحیح بفرمایند. بنده در موعد مقرر اقدام به قرار دادن کامنت کردم اما در زمان تصحیح، تمامی کامنتها بجز کامنت من تصحیح شده است! لطفا اقدامات لازم را مبذول بفرمایید.
از حسن توجه شما...

با سلام. از استاد محمدحسینی عزیز تقاضا دارم تا کامنت بنده را نیز تصحیح بفرمایند. بنده در موعد مقرر اقدام به قرار دادن کامنت کردم اما در زمان تصحیح، تمامی کامنتها بجز کامنت من تصحیح شده است! لطفا اقدامات لازم را مبذول بفرمایید.
از حسن توجه شما سپاسگزارم

ادامه مطلب
مسعود شماره 2
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Costly and expensive, although, observances and special occasions have been celebrating publicly almost all around the world. There are some people dismiss allotting budget by the government to these carnivals as exessive expenditure, while it...

Costly and expensive, although, observances and special occasions have been celebrating publicly almost all around the world. There are some people dismiss allotting budget by the government to these carnivals as exessive expenditure, while it can be invested in way more essence Al issues of society.

ادامه مطلب
بهار آیت مهر
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Some people argue that a sizeable amount of money should be spent on public celebrations. However, I completely disagree with the idea that governments are responsible to pay for these events.

Alireza Abunasri
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High price of public celebrations held in most countries ,provoked some people to say that authorities ought to spend these expenses on other constructive ways

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Entertainment is an inseparable part of people's life. Public celebrations like festivals and ceremonies are one of the most popular ways to ease society. It is the government who ought to decide for organizing this events; Some may dismiss such...

Entertainment is an inseparable part of people's life. Public celebrations like festivals and ceremonies are one of the most popular ways to ease society. It is the government who ought to decide for organizing this events; Some may dismiss such spending money as a waste. Therefore, they assert that money should be allocated to more feasible things. I, however, am of the opinion that both theories are equally important and moderation is the best approach for investing money considering the situation. This essay will illustrate the reasons for my beliefs.

ادامه مطلب
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The majority of countries hold celebrations in public, including national days and festivals, the cost of which are often prohibitive. While some argue that these expenditures should be allocated to services which are more useful, it seems the...

The majority of countries hold celebrations in public, including national days and festivals, the cost of which are often prohibitive. While some argue that these expenditures should be allocated to services which are more useful, it seems the necessities of these events cannot be overlooked.

ادامه مطلب
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Where in the topic says THE MAJORITY OF COUNTRIES? also the topic does not mention SERVICES! be more careful with your choice of words.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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while holding the public celebrations ( such as national days, festivals etc) basically possess costs for government , that leads to different reaction from some commentators .by some perspective, there are variety of area which can be spent...

while holding the public celebrations ( such as national days, festivals etc) basically possess costs for government , that leads to different reaction from some commentators .by some perspective, there are variety of area which can be spent money far efficient by government.

ادامه مطلب
Mari Beheshti
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you cannot use () in your writings. There are some redundant phrases in your introduction (like THAT LEADS TO DIFFERENT REACTION FROM COMMENTATORS) ///

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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In most countries throughout the world are held celebrations which are public. These are often incredibly costly and some ones believe that should pay money for on more useful things.

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You have problem with the passive voice in your first sentence. the paraphrasing is good but sometimes there are mistakes with the proper POS

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Festivels are the Biggest results for various actions which happined from ancient days. Different societies has been celebrates their
pleasurable moments in different ways. Celebration is a combine consequence of admiring’s, memorizing’s, and...

Festivels are the Biggest results for various actions which happined from ancient days. Different societies has been celebrates their
pleasurable moments in different ways. Celebration is a combine consequence of admiring’s, memorizing’s, and happiness with traditions, cultures and new trends. Therefore, celebrating festival can be agreeable but, unreasonable way of spending money on
. celebrations can’t be accepted

ادامه مطلب
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You need to get more familiar with the format of the IELTS Writing. Also, there are many minor and major mistakes in derivations of words and grammar.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Holding public celebrations tends to be a debatable issue with which many countries have been literally dealing recently. These days, it is being argued that becuase of its vast expenses, money should be spent on things that is more practical.

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The first sentence seems to be memorised and you will lose marks. /// Good choice of words

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Annually, a great deal of money is allocated on helding costy public celebrayions.It is believed that it is an exessive expenditure and the money shoulde be assigned to more essential issues of the society instead.I personally believe that this...

Annually, a great deal of money is allocated on helding costy public celebrayions.It is believed that it is an exessive expenditure and the money shoulde be assigned to more essential issues of the society instead.I personally believe that this cellebrtions are nessesary for mental health of the society

ادامه مطلب
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Perfect perfect paraphrasing. Love the intro

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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The matter of celebrating festivals and national days have became an important event for some people these days.These kinds of celebrations are generally expensive while others say that government should not allocate budgets to them.I contend...

The matter of celebrating festivals and national days have became an important event for some people these days.These kinds of celebrations are generally expensive while others say that government should not allocate budgets to them.I contend that public celebrations can help a country in a positive way.

ادامه مطلب
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The first sentence seems to be memorised and may be deleted from your writing. /// the second side is not mentioned in the introduction (allocate this budget on something more important)

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Some peoples believe that the the expenditure of national feasts, presently celebrated in the the majority of territories, albeit costly and budjet-consuming, is not only a heavy burden on the the state but also is to be dedicated to and invested...

Some peoples believe that the the expenditure of national feasts, presently celebrated in the the majority of territories, albeit costly and budjet-consuming, is not only a heavy burden on the the state but also is to be dedicated to and invested on more frutful and demanding issues. Nonetheless, For the sake of what are elaborated below I am absoloutly against this notion.

ادامه مطلب
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people cannot be in plural // FEAST is not a good replacement for Celebrations /// Territory is not a good choice of word here. /// Good introduction but you have to be more careful with your paraphrasing

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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?investing money for celebrations ,which are takan place in public areas in larg number of countries(such as national day,festival ,etc),costs too much.This idea ,that governors have to pay money for more functional stuff,are expressed by some...

?investing money for celebrations ,which are takan place in public areas in larg number of countries(such as national day,festival ,etc),costs too much.This idea ,that governors have to pay money for more functional stuff,are expressed by some citizens.

ادامه مطلب
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FOR is not a preposition for Invest /// PUBLIC AREA is not mentioned in the topic /// DO NOT use () in your writings. /// STUFF is informal /// The introduction is good but you have to be more careful with your paraphrasing.

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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Nowadays, copious nationas celebrate specific events annually. Being utterly extravagant, these celebrations are critisized to be replaced with more indispensable plans in states' budget programmes. Personally, I do advocate this approach and...

Nowadays, copious nationas celebrate specific events annually. Being utterly extravagant, these celebrations are critisized to be replaced with more indispensable plans in states' budget programmes. Personally, I do advocate this approach and believe that holding these events are not the responsibility of governments.

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Great paraphrasing and perfect introduction. Keep going bro

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Even though, withnessed to be celebrated in the majority of terrotories, costly feasts are to be superseded by more fruitful subjects; however, I am not personally in favor of this impression for diverse reasons.

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The structure is great, though some words have not been chosen properly (Like FEAST and TERRITORY). You will lose scores because of the semantic field.

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It is sometimes argued that allocating money by the government on extremely costly carnivals, such as national holidays and festivals which are celebrated in most nations, is pointless, and such expenses should be spent on more beneficial stuff....

It is sometimes argued that allocating money by the government on extremely costly carnivals, such as national holidays and festivals which are celebrated in most nations, is pointless, and such expenses should be spent on more beneficial stuff. I completely disagree with this view.

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Great paraphrasing Bahar! the only problem is with the use of STUFF, as it is informal for such a formal context

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There are many national events which are annually celebrated in different nations. I agree that these celebrations, entailing a huge sum of money, would not to be deserved to be
funded by the state, as there are more priorities in the society...

There are many national events which are annually celebrated in different nations. I agree that these celebrations, entailing a huge sum of money, would not to be deserved to be
funded by the state, as there are more priorities in the society to be spent on.

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Perfect paraphrasing, though there are some minor mistakes in grammar (not to be deserved???)

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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In most countries, universal celebrations(such as national days , festival etc) are thrown . From some people's point of view expending money on more beneficial things can be better than hosting costly celebrations by governments.

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you cannot use () in your writings. But you are so great in paraphrasing

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There are several nations in the world that celebrate different days, national days and festivals for instance. Holding these kinds of great events puts governments under economic pressure because it needs a huge amount of money to be held;...

There are several nations in the world that celebrate different days, national days and festivals for instance. Holding these kinds of great events puts governments under economic pressure because it needs a huge amount of money to be held; therefore, critics say that authorities should change their minds about spending budget on holding national events and allocate it in other economic spheres.

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مسعود شماره 2
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There is a compelling evidence suggesting that while special occasions such as festivals or national days have being held in many countries for a long time,they can be relatively expensive.So as to some advocating the idea that what authorities...

There is a compelling evidence suggesting that while special occasions such as festivals or national days have being held in many countries for a long time,they can be relatively expensive.So as to some advocating the idea that what authorities should undertake is the responsibility of adopting proper budetary policies and alocate it to another important activities.although this fact that costs brought about by these kinds of celebrations are huge is undeniable, I partially agree with this statement and believe they are necessary as well as other important things.

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have being held? WHAT IS THE TENSE??!!! /// your introduction is too long and redundant in some parts, though you are so great in choice of words and paraphrasing

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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In many countries, the authorities ,holding some special occasions such as fedtivals and national days, allocates a great deal of budget to these situations. While people strongly believe that this expenses should be devoted for the betterment of...

In many countries, the authorities ,holding some special occasions such as fedtivals and national days, allocates a great deal of budget to these situations. While people strongly believe that this expenses should be devoted for the betterment of the essential needs of the community.

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The intro is great, though there are some minor grammatical errors like ALLOCATE instead of ALLOCATES

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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In many countries,people assert that in replacement of holding social events such as National days and Festivals which are mostly cost very much government would better expend in more beneficials things

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good introduction but be careful SOCIAL EVENTS is different from CELEBRATIONS

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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While public celebrations used to have low costs to run, the recent decades have seen expensive festivals, which are hard on budget of states. Placing a premium only on more essential Needs from governments and prohibiting society from having...

While public celebrations used to have low costs to run, the recent decades have seen expensive festivals, which are hard on budget of states. Placing a premium only on more essential Needs from governments and prohibiting society from having these celebrations, however, seems not to be a good measure to take for expending, owing to a number of compelling reasons.

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seems must change to SEEM // there is no need for a comma before OWING TO... your introduction is perfect

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A great deal of money is annually devoted on public celebrations, held in most countries, such as special occasions, international days and the like. This is to say, governments have no choice, but to allocate a lot of funds and financial aids...

A great deal of money is annually devoted on public celebrations, held in most countries, such as special occasions, international days and the like. This is to say, governments have no choice, but to allocate a lot of funds and financial aids for such occasions. To some, these events should not be supported financially by governments, the amount of money spent on these occasions should be allocated for the good of the community.

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AND THE LIKE is not considered a good choice in formal contexts /// you are perfect in choice of words and structures bro. Keep going

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