It's Worth Living Longer

ارزششو داره که طولانی‌تر عمر کنیم

بازدید: 1950
subtitle: ارزششو داره که طولانی‌تر عمر کنیم

 Advanced Level

105-year-old Louisiana woman sets world record in 100-meter dash. For Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins, no amount of years can stop her from running to international stardom.

Hawkins became the first female track and field athlete and first American to set a world record in the 100-meter dash for her age bracket at the 2021 Louisiana Senior Games competition.

With a fresh flower tucked behind her ear and a throng of cheering loved ones surrounding her, the track star completed the 100 meters with a time of 1:02:95.

The more you grow old, the more passions you ought to have... Refusing to lead a sedentary lifestyle is one of my most important passions.


Elementary Level

105-year-old Louisiana woman sets world record in 100-meter run. For Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins, number of years can’t stop her from running and now she is known as an international star.

Hawkins became the first female track and field athlete and first American to set a world record in the 100-meter run for her age group at the 2021 Louisiana Senior Games competition on Saturday.

With a fresh flower in her hair and a crowd of her loved ones cheering her, the track star completed the 100 meters with a time of 1:02:95.

The older you get, the more passions you ought to have... Keeping active is one of my most important passions.

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