Compliments that Are Actually Insulting

تعریف هایی که در واقع توهین آمیز هستن

بازدید: 2656
subtitle: تعریف هایی که در واقع توهین آمیز هستن

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-67-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-67-2-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


You may have the best of intentions, but you need to check yourself before uttering any of these sentences.

You’re a really good driver… for a woman!”

This compliment has many nauseating variations and is often used as a subtle form of racism, sexism, or other problematic biases. You’re so articulate…for a Black person. You’re in such a good shape…for a mom. You’re so smart…for someone who’s never been to college. You never need whatever follows the for”. Phrases like these are more than just insulting compliments”; they can also be microaggressions you need to stop saying.

You look great for your age!”

When you tell someone they look great for their age, the subtext is they don’t look pretty or handsome in general, just in comparison to wizened crones. Instead of subtly insulting their looks, just leave off the qualifier—"for your age"—and tell them they look great. Besides, age is beautiful.

You’re so pretty, how are you still single?”

There’s nothing single people love more than being publicly and repeatedly reminded of their single status, right? Of course not. Add in a bewilderingbut you’re so pretty” and you’re implying that not only are they sad spinsters but that there must be something else wrong with them. As a rule, don’t comment on someone else’s relationship status unless she brings up the topic first.

Wow, you’ve lost so much weight, you’re not fat anymore!”

Weight is a sore spot for so many people that you really shouldn’t give unsolicited comments about a person’s shape or size, even if you think you’re being kind. Not sure what to say? Follow the other person’s cues. If they want to talk about their weight loss, they will bring it up. Learn the polite” habits most people secretly dislike.

your-turn.jpg  What is the worst compliment you've ever received? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.



میخوای زبانت رو شروع کنی؟

اگه از صفر میخوای شروع کنی، اینجا رو کلیک کن و از توی دوره‌ها، سطح IntroA رو ثبت نام کن. ده ماه دیگه تمومش میکنی.ثبت نام

اما اگه قبلا زبان خوندی، از این لینک استفاده کن و یه بیست دقیقه برای تعیین سطح وقت بذار. تعیین سطحمون هم هیجان انگیزه. تعیین سطح

اگر هم اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد کلاسها و نحوه تدریس میخواد برو توی صفحه زیر، همه اطلاعاتش هست. صفحه WIKI


Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-67-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-67-2-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


You may mean well, but you need to check yourself before saying any of these sentences.

You’re a really good driver… for a woman!”

this compliment has many disgusting forms and is often used as a kind of racism or sexism that isn’t very obvious. You’re so fluent…for a Black person. You’re in such a good shape…for a mom. You’re so smart…for someone who’s never been to college. Never use these “for” phrases because they are rude and also judgmental about minority groups.

You look great for your age!”

When you tell someone they look great for their age, the hidden meaning is that they don’t look pretty or handsome in general, just in comparison to wrinkled old women. Instead of insulting them indirectly, drop the phrase “for your age” and tell them they look great. Besides, age is beautiful.

You’re so pretty, how are you still single?”

Do you think single people love being reminded that they are single all the time and in front of others? Of course not. If you add “but you’re so pretty” it means that you think they are single and also there is something wrong with them. Generally, don’t comment on someone else’s relationship status unless she mentions the topic first.

Wow, you’ve lost so much weight, you’re not fat anymore!”

Weight is such a sensitive topic for so many people that you really shouldn’t give uninvited comments about a person’s shape or size, even if you think your comments are kind. Not sure what to say? Pay attention to what the other person says. If they want to talk about their weight loss, they will mention it. Learn the polite” habits most people actually don’t like.

your-turn.jpg  What is the worst compliment you've ever received? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.





ترجمه فارسی


تعریف و تمجیدهایی که در واقع توهین آمیز هستن

ممکنه شما نیت بدی نداشته باشید اما قبل از گفتن هرکدوم ازین جمله ها باید جلوی خودتونو بگیرین.

"واقعا راننده خوبی هستی ... به عنوان یه خانم"

این تعریف انواع منزجرکننده ی بسیاری داره و معمولا بعنوان یه نوع غیرمستقیم تبعیض نژادی، تبعیض جنسیتی یا سایر تبعیضهای مشکل ساز استفاده میشه. خیلی شمرده و فصیح حرف میزنی ... به عنوان یه سیاه پوست. خیلی بدنت رو فرمه ... به عنوان یه مادر. خیلی باهوشی ... به عنوان کسی که هیچوقت دانشگاه نرفته. شما هیچوقت به چیزی که بعد "به عنوان" میاد نیاز ندارین. عبارتهایی مثل اینا چیزی بیشتر از "تعریف توهین آمیز" هستن؛ اینا ریزپرخاشگری هایی هستن که نباید ازشون استفاده کنین.

نسبت به سنّت خیلی خوب موندی

وقتی به کسی میگین نسبت به سنت خیلی خوب موندی مضمونش اینه که بطور کلی زیبا نیستن، فقط در مقایسه با یه عجوزه سن و سال دار قشنگین. بجای اینکه به ظاهرشونو خیلی ریز توهین کنین، اون توصیف کننده – "نسبت به سنت" – رو حذف کنین و بهشون بگین خیلی زیبا هستین. تازه، سن خیلی هم زیباست.

خیلی زیبا هستی، چرا هنوز مجردی؟

افراد مجرد هیچ چیزی رو بیشتر ازین دوست ندارن که مرتبا در ملا عام / جلوی بقیه بهشون یادآوری بشه که مجردن، درسته؟ البته که نه! وقتی جمله گیج کننده "اما خیلی زیبایی" رو میگین، دارین سربسته میگین که نه تنها اونا یه دختر ترشیده غمگین هستن بلکه یه مشکل دیگه دارن. بعنوان یه قانون، راجع به رابطه فرد دیگه نظر ندین مگر اینکه خودشون اول موضوع رو مطرح کنن.

وای، خیلی لاغر شدی، دیگه چاق نیستی

وزن برای خیلی از آدما یه موضوع حساسه و شما نباید راجع به اندازه و قواره کسی سرخود نظر بدین، حتی اگر با لحن مهربون بگین. نمیدونین چی بگین؟ از خودشون خط بگیرین. اگر بخوان راجع به کاهش وزنشون حرف، خودشون این موضوع رو مطرح میکنن. عادتهای "مودبانه" ای که بیشتر مردم ازشون متنفرن رو یاد بگیرین.

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (5)

امتیاز 5 از 5 بر اساس 1 رای
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Thanks a bunch
You look great for a fundamental site

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.Thank you so much for this amazing content
I think this kind of complement are common in
.our culture.Many of us use them unsolicated
The worst insulting complement I've ever
recieved is about being single. Comments like
... "you are...

.Thank you so much for this amazing content
I think this kind of complement are common in
.our culture.Many of us use them unsolicated
The worst insulting complement I've ever
recieved is about being single. Comments like
... "you are really beatiful, why you are still single"

ادامه مطلب
معصومه قاسمی
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Dear Masoomeh
Thanks for your comment
Some compliments really break our heart
I hope you won't hear such annoying sentences. You are the best

دپارتمان محتوا
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you are the best

Del aram Fateminejad
  1. 5 / 5
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Dear Del aram
Thank you so much
YOU are the best

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