Feng Shui

فنگ شویی

بازدید: 2161
subtitle: فنگ شویی

 Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-58-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


Feng shui is the practice of arranging elements in a space to promote the maximum possible flow of positive energy, otherwise known as chi. This philosophy suggests you can increase your abundance, vitality, and happiness by creating a harmonious environment. But beware: It’s easy to disrupt your chi, and when you do that, things can go very wrong.

Keep the entrance clear

Shoes, coats, bags, backpacks—we could go on, but why bother? You know all the stuff that has a tendency to accumulate near the front door. But it’s essential to clear it if you want good mojo in your house.

Declutter your hallways

Got an oversized console table in your hallway? Toss it! Think of hallways as the arteries of the home. Visualize them aiding in the circulation of the energy throughout your home and remove anything that impedes the natural flow.

Throw out items with negative associations

In Feng shui, the goal is to promote your well-being by surrounding yourself with positive energy. Holding onto items that dredge up negative reminders every time you see them doesn’t contribute to the overall positive vibe of your home.

Ditch damaged kitchenware

When we use chipped dishes for eating and scratched pans to cook with, their damage confers poor health and impoverishment. You should discard dented silverware and pans, as well as chipped mugs, plates, and bowls.


What do you do to keep the energy flowing in your house? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.




Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-58-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Feng shui is the practice of arranging objects in a space to have the highest level of positive energy. It is also known as chi. This philosophy is of the opinion that you can increase your wealth, energy, and happiness by creating harmony around you. But you should be careful: it’s easy to ruin your chi, and this can cause bad things to happen.

Keep the entrance clear

You definitely know the list of things that can be usually found near the front door: Shoes, coats, bags, backpacks etc. But it’s necessary to clear them if you want good luck in your house.

Get rid of clutter in your hallways

Do you have a big console table in your hallway? Get rid of it! Remember that hallways are like big veins of your home. They help the energy circulate throughout your home. So, you should remove anything that prevents this circulation.

Throw out things that are negative

In Feng shui, the goal is to improve your well-being by having positive energy around you. Keeping objects that remind you of negative memories every time you see them doesn’t help you have a positive atmosphere.

Get rid of damaged objects in your kitchen

When we use damaged dishes for eating and cratched pans to cook with, their damage causes poor health and poverty. You should throw away useless silverware and pans, as well as damaged mugs, plates, and bowls.


What do you do to keep the energy flowing in your house? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.




 میدونستی یک سری وسایل دکوری ای هستن که میتونن نحسی رو به خونتون بیارن!

اگر دوست داری بدونی اونا کدوم وسایلن اینجا کلیک کن


ترجمه فارسی

فنگ شویی به عمل چیدن عناصر متفاوت در محیط برای به حداکثر رسوندن جریان انرژی مثبت – که به "چی" هم شناخته میشه – گفته میشه. از نظر این فلسفه شما با ایجاد یک محیط هماهنگ میتونید فراوانی، سرزندگی و شادی خودتون رو افزایش بدین. اما دقت کنین: خیلی راحته که "چی" خودتون رو مختل کنین و وقتی این کار رو میکنین اوضاع میتونه بهم بریزه.

ورودی رو خلوت نگه دارین

کفش، لباس، کیف، کوله پشتی ... میتونیم همینطور ادامه بدیم، ولی چرا خودمونو به زحمت بندازیم؟ شما همه چیزایی که ممکنه نزدیک در ورودی تلمبار بشن رو میشناسین. اما اگر میخواین توی خوتنون نیروی مثبت داشته باشین، لازمه که نزدیک در ورودی رو تمیز کنین.

راهروهاتون رو مرتب کنین

میزکنسول خیلی بزرگی توی راهرو دارین؟ بندازینش برین. راهروها رو مثل شریانهای خونتون تصور کنین. تجسم کنین راهروها به گردش انرژی در خونتون کمک میکنن و هرچیزی که مانع جریان طبیعی میشه رو بردارین.

اقلامی که حس منفی دارن رو دور بریزین

در فنگ شویی هدف افزایش سلامتی شما از راه احاطه کردن خودتون با انرژی مثبته. نگه داشتن اقلامی که هربار نگاه کردن بهشون چیزهای منفی رو به خاطرتون میارن، نقشی در ایجاد موج مثبت خونه تون ایفا نمیکنه.

ظروف آشپزخانه داغون رو دور بریزین

وقتی تو ظرفهای لب پَر شده غذا میخوریم و تو ماهی تابه های خش دار غذا درست میکنیم، این آسیبها باعث بیماری و فقر میشه. شما باید ماهی تابه ها و قاشق چنگالهای قُر شده و ماگها و ظرفها و کاسه های لب پر شده رو دور بریزین.


  شما برای اینکه خونه تون سرشار از انرژی باشه چیکار میکنین؟  یادتون نره برامون کامنت بزارین!


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