Changing Your Clothes Can Change Your Mood

بازدید: 2136

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-53-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


Ponder this before you select your next outfit!

Be more powerful

The “power tie” is a real thing. Researchers had certain people wear formal business attire and complete a series of five experiments that challenged their cognitive processing abilities. Those who dressed up felt significantly more powerful and in control of the situation than their under-dressed peers.

Be a better thinker

In addition to feeling more powerful, researchers found that the ones who dressed in business formal clothing could think faster on their feet and had more creative ideas. The scientists speculated that how you dress can change your perception of the objects, people, and events around you.

Be smarter

Dressing in clothing that is associated with intelligence, like doctor’s coats or pilot’s uniforms, may not only make you look smarter but may actually make you act smarter too. Researchers gave doctor’s lab coats to subjects (none of whom were doctors) and then asked them to perform a series of complex tasks. Those in white coats made significantly fewer mistakes than the people in their street clothes.

Be more honest

There may be a sneaky side effect of wearing knock-offs. Researchers gave people fancy new sunglasses, telling half of a group they were designer while the other half was told they were counterfeit. Those wearing the knock-offs were more likely to cheat during a subsequent game and expressed more suspicion of other players. Wearing fake clothing, it turns out, may make you feel like a fake.

میخوای زبانت رو شروع کنی؟

اگه از صفر میخوای شروع کنی، اینجا رو کلیک کن و از توی دوره‌ها، سطح IntroA رو ثبت نام کن. ده ماه دیگه تمومش میکنی.ثبت نام

اما اگه قبلا زبان خوندی، از این لینک استفاده کن و یه بیست دقیقه برای تعیین سطح وقت بذار. تعیین سطحمون هم هیجان انگیزه. تعیین سطح

اگر هم اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد کلاسها و نحوه تدریس میخواد برو توی صفحه زیر، همه اطلاعاتش هست. صفحه WIKI

Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-53-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Consider this before you select your next outfit!

Be more powerful

The “power tie” is a real thing. Researchers had certain people wear formal business clothes and complete a series of five experiments that tested their cognitive processing abilities. Those who dressed up felt much more powerful and in control of the situation than the ones in informal clothes.

Be a better thinker

In addition to feeling more powerful, researchers found something else. Wearing business formal clothing could make you think faster and have more creative ideas. The scientists guessed that the way you dress can change the way you think about the objects, people, and events around you.

Be smarter

Dressing in clothing that is related to intelligence, like doctor’s coats or pilot’s uniforms, may make you look smarter and may actually make you act smarter too. Researchers gave doctor’s lab coats to people in an experiment. None of them were doctors. Then they asked them to perform a series of difficult tasks. Those in white coats made significantly fewer mistakes than the people in their street clothes.

Be more honest

There may be a sneaky side effect of wearing a cheap copy of a popular product. Researchers gave people fashionable new sunglasses. They told half of a group they were made by a well-known designer. The other half was told they were fake. Those wearing the cheap copies were more likely to cheat during a subsequent game and didn’t trust other players. Wearing fake clothing may make you feel like a fake.


ترجمه فارسی

عوض کردن لباسهاتون میتونه حال و هواتونو عوض کنه

قبل از اینکه لباس بعدیتون رو انتخاب کنید به این موارد فکر کنید.

قوی تر بشین

"کروات قدرت" یه مفهوم واقعیه. محققان از تعدادی از افراد خواستن که لباس رسمی بپوشن و در یک آزمایش پنج مرحله ای شرکت کنن که توانایی پردازش شناختی اونها رو به چالش میکشید. اونهایی که لباس رسمی و شیک پوشیده بودن نسبت به کسایی که لباس معمولی به تن داشتند بطور قابل توجهی بیشتر احساس قدرت و تسلط داشتن.


بهتر فکر کنین

محققان پی بردن اونهایی که لباس رسمی پوشیدن، علاوه بر احساس قوی تر بودن میتونستن سریعتر تصمیم بگیرن و ایده های خلاقانه تری داشتن. دانشمندان حدس میزنن اینکه شما چطور لباس میپوشین میتونه درکتون رو نسبت به اشیا، افراد و اتفاقات دوروبرتون تغییر بده.

باهوش تر بشین

پوشیدن لباسهایی که به هوش ربط دارن مثل روپوش دکترها یا یونیفرم خلبانها نه تنها میتونه باعث بشه شما باهوش تر به نظر بیاین بلکه میتونه عملا باعث شه هوشمندانه تر رفتار کنین. محققان روپوش دکتری رو به شرکت کنندگان در تحقیق (که هیچکدومش دکتر نبودن) دادن و بعد ازشون خواستن یه سری کارهای سخت و پیچیده انجام بدن. اونهایی که روپوش سفید پوشیده بودن خیلی کمتر از اونهایی که لباس معمولی پوشیده بودن اشتباه کردن.

راستگوتر بشین

پوشیدن لباسهای غیراصل ممکنه اثر جانبی نهان داشته باشه . محققان به افراد عینکهای آفتابی جدید فانتزی دادن و به نصف اونها گفتن که این عینکها اصل هستن و به نصف دیگه گفتن این عینکها تقلبی هستن. اونهایی که عینک تقلبی زده بودن احتمال تقلب کردنشون در طول بازی ای که بعدش در اون شرکت کردن بیشتر بود و نسبت به بقیه بازیکنها بیشتر سوءظن داشتن. از قرار معلوم، پوشیدن لباسهای غیر اصل باعث میشه احساس غیرواقعی کنین.


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