Life After COVID

زندگی بعد از کرونا

بازدید: 2009
subtitle: زندگی بعد از کرونا

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="/images/breakfast/BR-No-51-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


Remember this time last year? We were coming to terms with the fact that a deadly virus never before seen in humans was circulating the globe. But with the vaccine rollout picking up steam, a return to some version of “normal” is getting increasingly closer. But what is that going to be like? Here are some predictions from experts.

The interior design of our homes will matter more

Whether you’re a news anchor broadcasting live from your basement or an intern joining a departmental meeting, the insides of our homes have been on display in a way that they have never been before. Because of this, interior designers will be called upon more to help design beautiful and functional home offices, as many people will continue working from home. This won’t be the first time an infectious disease has influenced our home design.

Food delivery will continue to be popular

Shopping has become more accessible. While meal delivery has been around for a long time, more restaurants are now offering this as an option. But while convenient for consumers, it’s not always great for businesses, which may earn very little from delivery orders but still need to keep them around to allow them to stay in business. Either way, the use of food delivery apps has more than doubled during the pandemic.

Telehealth will likely stick around post-pandemic

Teletherapy will become more widely accepted (and used) even after the pandemic ends, but the same appears to be true of other types of telehealth—including routine health care visits. According to research, 30 percent of all doctor visits occurred via telehealth since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, some appointments work better within the confines of a video visit than others.

میخوای زبانت رو شروع کنی؟

اگه از صفر میخوای شروع کنی، اینجا رو کلیک کن و از توی دوره‌ها، سطح IntroA رو ثبت نام کن. ده ماه دیگه تمومش میکنی.ثبت نام

اما اگه قبلا زبان خوندی، از این لینک استفاده کن و یه بیست دقیقه برای تعیین سطح وقت بذار. تعیین سطحمون هم هیجان انگیزه. تعیین سطح

اگر هم اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد کلاسها و نحوه تدریس میخواد برو توی صفحه زیر، همه اطلاعاتش هست. صفحه WIKI

Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="/images/breakfast/BR-No-51-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Remember this time last year? We were learning to accept the fact that a deadly virus never before seen in humans was spreading. But the vaccine is becoming available faster. So, we are returning to “normal”. But what is that going to be like? Here are some predictions from experts.

The interior design of our homes will matter more

You may be a newsreader broadcasting live from your basement or an intern joining a departmental meeting. People have been able to see the insides of our homes in a way that they like never before. Because of this, interior designers will be asked more to help design beautiful and practical home offices. This is because many people will continue working from home. This won’t be the first time an infectious disease has influenced our home design.

Food delivery will continue to be popular

Shopping has become more accessible. Meal delivery has been around for a long time. But more restaurants are now offering this as an option. It saves time for consumers, but it’s not always great for businesses. Some of them may earn very little from delivery orders but still need to keep them around to allow them to stay in business. Either way, the use of food delivery apps has more than doubled during the pandemic.

Telehealth will remain popular after the pandemic

More people will accept and use Teletherapy even after the pandemic ends. The same appears to be true of other types of telehealth—including routine health care visits. According to research, 30 percent of all doctor visits occurred via telehealth since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, some appointments work better within the limits of a video visit than others.


ترجمه فارسی 

زندگی بعد از کرونا

پارسال این موقع رو یادتونه؟ داشتیم با این حقیقت کنار می اومدیم که یه ویروس کشنده که هرگز قبلا بین آدمها نبوده داره تو دنیا پخش میشه. اما با سرعت گرفتن عرضه ی واکسن ، بازگشت به مدلی از زندگی عادی داره نزدیک و نزدیک تر میشه. اما این مدل چه شکلی خواهد بود؟ در ادامه چند تا از پیش بینی های متخصصان رو مروز میکنیم.

تزئینات داخلی خونه هامون بیشتر اهمیت پیدا میکنن

شما چه یه گوینده خبر باشین که تو زیرزمین خونتون بطور زنده خبر میخونه یا یه کارآموزی که به یه جلسه کاری میپیونده، داخل خونتون بطوری که هیچوقت قبلا سابقه نداشته در معرض نمایش قرار می گیره. به همین دلیل، بیشتر به طراحان داخلی مراجعه میشه تا تو طراحی یه دفترخونگی زیبا و کاربردی کمک کنن، چون خیلی از مردم همچنان به کار کردن تو خونه ادامه میدن. این اولین باری نیست که یه بیماری ویروسی روی طراحی خونه ها تاثیر میذاره.

پیک غذا همچنان محبوب خواهد بود

خرید راحت تر شده. با اینکه پیک های غذا خیلی وقته رایجن، الان رستورانهای بیشتری گزینه استفاده از پیک رو دارن. با اینکه این کار برای مشتریها راحت تره، برای کسب و کارها همیشه هم خوب نیست چون باعث میشه از سفارشات بیرون بر درآمد خیلی کمی به دست بیارن ولی برای اینکه کارشون دوام بیاره ناچارن این گزینه رو همچنان داشته باشن. در هر حال استفاده از اپلیکشین های سفارش غذا در طول همه گیری بیش از دو برابر شده.

سلامت از راه دور در دوره بعد از کرونا احتمالا باقی میمونه

درمان از راه دور حتی بعد از پایان همه گیری بیشتر پذیرفته و استفاده میشه. این موضوع برای بقیه انواع سلامت از راه دور مثل ویزیتهای مراقبت بهداشتی عادی هم صدق میکنه. بر اساس تحقیقات، از ابتدای همه گیری کووید 19 سی درصد ویزیت پزشکان از راه دور بوده. البته بعضی از ملاقاتها تو محدودیتهای ویزیت تصویری بهتر از بقیه جواب میدن.

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