Tombstones With Funny Epitaphs

سنگ قبرهایی با سنگ نوشته های بامزه

بازدید: 1970
subtitle: سنگ قبرهایی با سنگ نوشته های بامزه

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-47-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]

In Princeton, New Tombstones with Funny Epitaphs Jersey, you’ll find the gravestone of one William H. Hahn Jr, who ordered his tombstone himself a week or two before his demise. With its simple and to-the-point phrase, “I told you I was sick,” it gives the distinct impression that Hahn may have been a cantankerous sort of fellow, albeit one with a pretty good sense of humor.


When Barbara Sue Manire “expired” on her 64th birthday in 2005, her children made sure her legacy of humor would live on in the form of a parking meter with a “64-year time limit.” Apparently, it was what Barbara wanted, too.


Clearly, Frances Eileen Thatcher was well-loved by her family and friends, who wrote kindly of her “beautiful heart” in her 2006 obituary. What they didn’t mention was her sense of humor, which must be inferred by the inscription on the back of her tombstone, “Damn, it’s dark down here.”


Both John Denby and his son, Maurice, were dentists. When John, born in 1870, passed away in 1927, his tombstone was inscribed with the phrase: “I’m filling my last cavity.” When Maurice passed in 1964, “Me too” was added to the stone. 


Elementary Level


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-47-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]

In Princeton, New Jersey, you’ll find the gravestone of one William H. Hahn Jr, who ordered his tombstone himself a week or two before his death. With its simple and to-the-point phrase, “I told you I was sick,” it gives the clear feeling that Hahn may have been a bad-tempered type of man, although one with a pretty good sense of humor.


When Barbara Sue Manire “died” on her 64th birthday in 2005, her children made sure her humor would live on in the form of a parking meter with a “64-year time limit.” Apparently, it was what Barbara wanted, too.


Clearly, her family and friends loved Frances Eileen Thatcher very much, and wrote kindly of her “beautiful heart” in her 2006 obituary. They didn’t mention her sense of humor, which must be understood by the piece of writing on the back of her tombstone, “Damn, it’s dark down here.”


Both John Denby and his son, Maurice, were dentists. When John, born in 1870, passed away in 1927, this phrase was written on his tombstone: “I’m filling my last cavity.” When Maurice passed in 1964, “Me too” was added to the stone.


ترجمه فارسی

سنگ قبرهایی با سنگ نوشته های بامزه

در پرینستون نیوجرسی، سنگ قبر فردی به نام ویلیام اچ هان پسر رو پیدا میکنین که سنگ قبرش رو خودش یکی دو هفته قبل از مرگش سفارش داده بود. با عبارت ساده سر راست «بهتون گفته بودم مریضم» این حس رو واضح انتقال میده که هان احتمالاً یه مرد بدخلقی بوده، اگر چه حس شوخ طبعی خوبی داشته


وقتی باربارا سو مانیر در روز تولد 64 سالگیش در 2005 فوت کرد، فرزندانش با استفاده از یه پارکومتر با محدوده زمانی 64 ساله از این که میراث شوخ طبعی او زنده بمونه اطمینان حاصل کردن. باربارا هم همینو میخواست.


واضحه که خانواده و دوستانش فرانسیس آیلین تچر رو خیلی دوست داشتن که در آگهی ترحیمش در 2006 با مهربونی از «قلب مهربونش» نوشتن. چیزی که بهش اشاره نکردن حس شوخ طبعیش بود که باید از سنگ نوشته روی سنگ مزارش استنباط میشد، «لعنتی، این پایین چقدر تاریکه.»


جان دنبی و پسرش موریس هر دو دندانپزشک بودن. وقتی جان که در سال 1870 به دنیا اومده بود، در سال 1927 فوت کرد روی سنگ قبرش این عبارت رو نوشتن: «من دارم آخرین کرم خوردگیمو (اشاره به گودال/ قبر) پر میکنم». وقتی موریس در سال 1964 فوت کرد «من هم همینطور» به سنگ قبر اضافه شد.


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