Superstitions Exist All Around the World

خرافات همه جای دنیا وجود دارن

بازدید: 6297
subtitle: خرافات همه جای دنیا وجود دارن

Advanced Level

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Most people are at least a little superstitious. Whether it’s placing trust in lucky numbers or trying to avoid bad omens, different cultures have fascinating stories behind their superstition. Superstitions are misconceptions or rituals considered harbingers of disastrous outcomes, usually based on groundless assumptions. Let’s read about three unusual superstitions from around the world.

Saying “God Bless You”

For some, it’s courteous, pure and simple; but blessing someone after he or she sneezes is actually a common superstition. In 6th century Europe, people congratulated anyone who sneezed, assuming the person was expelling evil spirits. Early Romans believed that a strong sneeze could release your soul into the world and a “bless you” would guarantee its safety.

Opening an Umbrella Inside

It seems like a no-brainer that opening an umbrella inside brings misfortune, since it poses a risk of breaking invaluable items and poking someone in the eye. But one common superstition holds that it may even signify impending death or ill fortune for both the person who opened it and the people who live within the home.

Black Cats

This superstition is a tough one for cat lovers to swallow, but in the Middle Ages it was thought that witches kept black cats as companions. Some people even believed that these kitties could turn into witches or demons after 7 years. Prominent men like Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte may have been prepared to conquer nations, but both were petrified of a black cat.

Prevailing superstitions still have a place today. After all, you never know when a simple action to counteract bad luck will make you and those around you a little bit luckier.

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اگه از صفر میخوای شروع کنی، اینجا رو کلیک کن و از توی دوره‌ها، سطح IntroA رو ثبت نام کن. ده ماه دیگه تمومش میکنی.ثبت نام

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Elementary Level


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Most people are at least a little superstitious. Some still believe in lucky numbers while others simply try to avoid bad signs. But there are amazing stories behind these beliefs. Superstitions are things or happenings that people believe will cause certain outcomes, usually without any basis in fact or logic. Let’s read about three unusual superstitions from around the world.

Saying “God Bless You”

For some, it’s polite and simple; but blessing someone after he or she sneezes is actually a common superstition. In 6th century Europe, people congratulated anyone who sneezed; they believed the person was protecting themselves from evil spirits. Early Romans believed that a strong sneeze could release your soul into the world and a “bless you” would keep it safely at home.

Opening an Umbrella Inside

It seems really easy that opening an umbrella inside brings bad luck, since it presents a risk of breaking valuable items and injuring someone’s eye. But one common superstition holds that it may even mean approaching death or bad fortune for both the person who opened it and the people who live within the home.

Black Cats

Cat lovers find it hard to believe this superstition, but in the Middle Ages it was thought that witches kept black cats as companions. Some people even believed that these kitties could turn into witches or evil spirits after 7 years.

Even powerful men like Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte who were able to defeat other countries, both were terrified of a black cat.

Many superstitious are still common today. This may be explained by the fact that people are unaware of how to make themselves and their loved ones a little luckier.


ترجمه فارسی

خرافات همه جای دنیا وجود دارن

بیشتر مردم حداقل یکم خرافاتی ان. چه به اعداد شانس اعتقاد داشته باشی چه سعی کنی از نشونه های بد اجتناب کنی فرهنگ های مختلف داستانای جذابی پشت خرافاتشون دارن. خرافات باورهای غلط یا مراسمی هستن که تصور میشن نویدبخش عاقبتی فاجعه بارن اما اغلب براساس فرضیات بی اساسن. بیاین راجع به سه خرافه از سرتاسر دنیا بخونیم.

گفتن عافیت باشه

برای بعضیا این یه کار مودبانه، خالصانه و ساده ست اما گفتن عافیت باشه بعد از عطسه کسی درواقع یه خرافه متداوله.در اروپای قرن ششم مردم به کسی که عطسه می کرد تبریک می گفتن چون فکر می کردن اون شخص ارواح خبیثه رو دور می کنه. رومیان باستان بر این باور بودن که اگه کسی محکم عطسه کنه روحش رو در دنیا ازاد می کنه و بنابراین گفتن عافیت باشه ایمنی روح زو ضمانت می کنه.

باز کردن چتر توی خونه

کاملا پرواضحه که باز کردن چتر در محیط داخل باعث بدیمنی میشه چرا که ممکنه اجسام باارزش رو بشکونه یا تو چشم کسی بره. اما یه خرافه متداول بر این باوره که می تونه نشونه یه مرگ غریب الوقوع یا بدبیاری هم باشه هم برای کسی که چترو باز کرده و هم ساکنین خونه.

گربه سیاه

شاید باور و هضم این خرافه برای دوستداران گربه سخت باشه ولی در قرون وسطی تصور می شد که ساحره ها گربه سیاه نگه می داشتن. برخی حتی باور داشتن که این گربه های کوچولو بعد از هفت سال به شیاطین یا ساحره تبدیل میشن. مردان برجسته ای مثل هیتلر یا ناپلئون بناپارت شاید آمادگی این رو داشتن که کشورهای مختلفی  رو فتح کنن اما هر دو از گربه سیاه وحشت داشتن.

خرافات شایع هنوز بین ما جایی دارن. به هر حال هیچ کس نمی دونه که چه وقت یه حرکت ساده برای مقابله با بدیمنی می تونه خود شخص و اطرافیانش رو کمی خوش شانس تر کنه.


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امتیاز 5 از 5 بر اساس 1 رای
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And how lucky we are to have you here ?. But in Iran, when we say "God bless you", we usually wish for the audience, which means that we hope that the sneeze you caused is for health and not for illness.
But I agree, we have a lot of superstitious.

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