A Cold Shower Benefits Your Body

فواید دوش آب سرد برای بدنتون

بازدید: 2681
subtitle: فواید دوش آب سرد برای بدنتون

Advanced Level


[audio url="images/breakfast/BR-No-35-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]

A cold shower in the morning is a pretty unpleasant way to start the day. Yet many have been tempted to take up the habit because being immersed in cold water has many purported health benefits, both physical and mental.

Cold showers were first administered for health reasons in the early 19th century when doctors designed them for use on asylum. By the mid-19th century, the Victorians realized that the shower had other uses, namely washing people – and it would be better if the water was warm. So the shower went from being a device used to inflict unpleasantness for an hour and a half to one that was very pleasant and lasted about five minutes.

Cold water appears to activate the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that governs the "fight-or-flight" response (an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as dangerous, stressful or frightening). When this is activated, such as during a cold shower, you get an increase in the hormone noradrenaline. This is what most likely causes the increase in heart rate and blood pressure observed when people are immersed in cold water, and is linked to the suggested health improvements.

Cold water immersion has also been shown to improve circulation. When exposed to cold water, there is decreased blood flow to the skin. When the cold water stops, the body has to warm itself up, so there is an increase in blood flow to the surface of the skin. Some scientists think that this could improve circulation. A study that looked at cold-water immersion after exercise found that, after four weeks, blood flow to and from muscles had improved.

There is also some evidence that a cold shower can help you lose weight. A study found that cold-water immersion at 14℃ increased metabolism by 350%. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy, so a higher metabolism roughly equals more energy burned.


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Elementary Level


[audio url="images/breakfast/BR-No-35-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]

Taking cold shower is not a good way to start a day. But many people continue to do that because they think that being under shower has many physical and mental benefits.

Cold showers were for health reasons in early 19th century when doctors designed them for the mentally ill people. By the mid-19th century, the Victorians understood that shower could have other uses, such as washing people, especially under warm water. So at first, taking a shower was an unpleasant experience because it used to take an hour and a half. But then it became pleasant, since it took about five minutes.

Cold water activates the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that controls the "fight-or-flight" response which is an automatic physical reaction when something happens in dangerous, stressful and frightening situations. When this system is activated by taking a cold shower, for example, the rate of your noradrenaline hormone increases. This is the main reason that your heart rate and blood pressure increases when you are under cold shower which is connected to health improvement.

Taking a cold shower also improves circulation. When people go under cold water, their flow of blood towards the skin lessens. When people are not under cold water anymore, the body should warm itself so flow of the blood increases towards the skin. Some scientists think that this could improve circulation. One study about being under cold water showed that after 4 weeks, the flow of blood towards and from muscles becomes better.

Also, a cold shower can help you to lose weight. One study says being under cold water which is 14 degrees makes your metabolism to work better by 350%. Metabolism is the process by which your body changes what you eat and drink into energy, more metabolism means more energy burned.



ترجمه فارسی

فواید دوش آب سرد برای بدنتون
یه دوش آب سرد حال بدنتون رو خوب میکنه. یه دوش اب سرد در صبح یه جورایی نمیتونه شروع یه روز خوب به حساب بیاد. اما هنوز تعدادی هستن که تمایل دارن به همین عادتشون ادامه بدن چون رفتن زیر آب سرد یه سری جنبه های مثبت اثبات شده داره، هم از نظر فیزیکی و هم از نظر روحی.

دوش آب سرد در ابتدای قرن نوزدهم برای دلایل سلامتی در نظر گرفته و اجرا شده بود زمانیکه پزشکان اونارو در آسایشگاه ها به کار می بردن. تا اوایل قرن نوزدهم که ویکتوریایی ها متوجه شدن دوش گرفتن موارد دیگه ای هم داره، مثلا برای شستشوی آدم ها، خصوصا با آب گرم. بنابراین دوش گرفتن از ابزاری که موجب حس بدی در افراد میشد اونم به مدت یک ساعت و نیم تبدیل شد به حسی خوشایند که پنج دقیقه بیشتر هم طول نمیکشید.

به نظر میرسه که آب سرد دستگاه عصبی سمپاتیک رو فعال میکنه. این دستگاه قسمتی از سیستم عصبیه که پاسخ جنگ یا گریز (واکنشی فیزیولوژیکی به یه اتفاق که برای بدن خطرناک، استرس زا و ترسناک) رو اداره میکنه. زمانیکه این پاسخ در طول دوش آب سرد فعال بشه، شخص میزان هورمون نورادرنالین بیشتری رو تجربه میکنه. همین موضوعه که سبب افزایش ضربان قلب و فشار خون به هنگام قرار گرفتن زیر دوش آب سرد و همینطور منجر به بهبود سلامتی میشه.

قرار گرفتن زیر دوش آب سرد حتی به عنوان دلیلی برای بهبود گردش خون نشون داده شده. زمانی که فرد در معرض آب سرد قرار میگیره، جریان خون در پوست کمتر میشه و زمانیکه تماس بدن با آب سرد قطع میشه، بدن مجبود به گرم کردن خودش میشه. بنابراین جریان خون به سمت پوست افزایش پیدا میکنه. برخی از دانشمندان بر این باورن که این مورد میتونه چرخش خون رو بهبود ببخشه. مطالعه ای که به تاثیرقرار گرفتن در زیر دوش آب سرد پرداخته بود نشون داده که بعد از چهار هفته جریان خون از ماهیچه و یا به ماهیچه ها عملکرد بهتری داشته.

شواهد دیگه ای هم وجود داره که آب سرد میتونه به کاهش وزن کمک کنه. یه مطالعه نشون داده که قرار گرفتن زیر آب سرد 14 درجه سوخت و ساز بدن رو تا 350 درصد افزایش میده. سوخت و ساز یه روند طبیعی ای به شما میده که بدن شما در طی اون تمام چیزی رو که مصرف میکنین و یا مینوشین رو به انرژی تبدیل میکنه، بنابراین سوخت و ساز بالای بدن به طور کلی برابره با انرژی بیشتر سوخت شده.



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