Why Seven Is Considered a Lucky Number

چرا عدد 7 عدد شانس در نظر گرفته میشه

بازدید: 2877
subtitle: چرا عدد 7 عدد شانس در نظر گرفته میشه


Why Seven is Considered a Lucky Number

سطح پیشرفته

If you ask anyone to choose a number between one and ten, many times that person will choose lucky number 7. But why? Is it something about being larger than five, but just not quite being ten? There are actually many reasons why the number seven is considered a lucky number, similar to the four-leaf clover.


There are the Seven Wonders of the World. The seven dwarfs. Seven days in a week. Seven colors in the rainbow. Seven notes on a musical scale. The list goes on. Some mathematicians and scientists believe that there are specific properties of the number seven that make it appealing to people. Alex Bellos, a mathematician and writer for The Guardian, set out to find the world’s favorite number in a massive, public vote on his website—which received more than 44,000 votes from numberphiles around the world. Voters gave many reasons for their choices. Often, a number signified an important date or a memorable age, or exuded “friendliness and warmth.” With nearly 10 percent of the total vote, the world’s favorite number is seven.

Seven is the only number among those we can count on our hands that cannot be divided or multiplied within the group. One, two, three, four, and five can each be doubled to reach two, four, six, eight, and ten. Nine is divisible by three. Seven, then, is the only number between two and ten that is neither a multiple nor a factor of the others. In this way, “lucky number seven” stands alone—and we grasp this implicitly.

Moreover, there is a strong connection between the number seven and many religions around the globe. Lucky number 7 is even the basis for many myths and folklore. Ancient beliefs from around the world believed that the seventh son of the seventh son would be gifted with magical powers (both good and evil). In the Bible, scholars claim that God created the world in six days and used the seventh day to rest. Because of this, the number seven is used to illustrate an idea of completeness throughout the Bible.

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Why Seven is Considered a Lucky Number

سطح مبتدی

If you ask anyone to choose a number between one and ten, many times that person will choose lucky number 7. But why? Is it because seven is larger than five, but it is not ten? There are actually many reasons why the number seven is thought to be a lucky number, similar to the four-leaf clover.


There are the Seven Wonders of the World. The seven dwarfs. Seven days in a week. Seven colors in the rainbow. Seven notes on a musical scale. The list continues. Some mathematicians and scientists believe that there are certain features of the number seven that make it attractive to people. Alex Bellos, a mathematician and writer for The Guardian, started to find the world’s favorite number in a huge public vote on his website—which received more than 44,000 votes from people who are interested in numbers around the world. Voters gave many reasons for their choices. Often, a number is a signof an important date, a memorable age, or simply showed “friendliness and warmth.” With nearly 10 percent of the total vote, the world’s favorite number is seven.

We can count the number seven on our hands, but it cannot be divided or multiplied by two to ten and still stay in the range of two to ten.  One, two, three, four, and five can be doubled to reach two, four, six, eight, and ten. Nine can be divided by three. So. seven is the only number between two and ten that does not divide into the others. Also, it is not the result of multiplying the others. In this way, “lucky number seven” is alone—and we understand this unconsciously.

Moreover, there is a strong connection between the number seven and many religions around the globe. Lucky number 7 is even the basis for many ancient and traditional stories. Ancient beliefs from around the world believed that the seventh son of the seventh son would have magical powers (both good and evil). In the Bible, scholars claim that God created the world in six days and used the seventh day to rest. Because of this, the number seven is used to show an idea of completeness all over the Bible.



چرا عدد 7 عدد شانس در نظر گرفته میشه؟

اگه از کسی بخواین یه عدد بین 1 تا 10 انتخاب کنه، بیشتر وقتا اون فرد عدد شانس 7 رو انتخاب میکنه. اما چرا؟ به خاطر اینکه این عدد از 5 بزرگتره اما دقیقا عدد 10 هم نیست؟ در واقع دلایل بسیاری وجود داره که چرا عدد هفت مثل شبدر چهار برگ که پیدا کردنش شانس و خوشبختی میاره به عنوان عدد شانس در نظر گرفته میشه.

عجایب هفتگانه، هفت کوتوله، هفت روز هفته، هفت رنگ رنگین کمان، هفت نُت موسیقی، این لیست ادامه داره... بسیاری از ریاضیدانان و دانشمندان بر این باورن که عدد هفت ویژگی های خاص و مشخصی داره که برای مردم جذاب به نظر میرسه. الکس بلوس، ریاضیدان و نویسنده روزنامه گاردین، در وبسایت خودش و از طریق یه رای گیری بزرگ همگانی شروع به پیدا کردن عدد محبوب مردم کرد که بیش از 44000 رای از عدد دوست ها در سراسر دنیا دریافت کرد. رای دهندگان دلایل بسیاری برای انتخاب عدد مورد نظرشون ذکر کردن. اون عدد اغلب نشونه یه تاریخ مهم یا یه سن خاطره انگیز و یا نمایانگر دوستی و محبت بود. عدد هفت با 10 درصد از رای کل عدد محبوب جهان شد.

عدد هفت از بین عددایی که میتونیم با انگشتامون بشماریم، تنها عددیه نه تقسیم میشه و نه حاصلضربش با هر عددی تو انگشتامون پیدا میشه. یک، دو، سه، چهار و پنج میتونن دو برابر بشن و اعداد دو، چهار، شش، هشت و ده رو بسازن. عدد نه هم به سه بخشپذیره. پس عدد هفت تنها عدد بین دو تا دهه که نه مضرب و نه مقسوم بقیه اعداده. در این صورت، عدد  شانس 7 تنها میمونه و ما اینو ناخودآگاه میدونیم.

علاوه براین، رابطه قوی ای بین عدد هفت و بسیاری از مذاهب در سراسر جهان وجود داره. عدد شانس 7 حتی پایه و اساس بسیاری از افسانه ها و رسومه. عقاید سنتی و قدیمی از سراسر دنیا بر این عقیده هستن که پسر هفتم هفتمین پسر دارای نیروهای جادویی (خوب و بد) میشن. در کتاب مقدس، پژوهشگران ادعا میکنن که خداوند جهان رو در شش روز آفریده و در روز هفتم به استراحت پرداخته. به همین دلیل از عدد هقت برای نشان دادن ایده ی تکامل سراسر کتاب مقدس استفاده شده.



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عالی بود ممنون ? خیلی لغات خوب و جدید یاد گرفتم و خیلی هارم که بلد بودم جایگاهشون و طرز استفاده شون رو تو جمله یاد گرفتم ، کارتون عالیه?

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It was interesting,i did not know that thanks a lot

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