The Benefits of Crying

فواید گریه کردن  

بازدید: 2419
subtitle: فواید گریه کردن  


Shedding a few Tears: The Benefits

سطح پیشرفته

Crying is a response human beings have to a range of emotions, including grief, joy, and frustration. It is not unusual to cry, and both genders cry more than people may assume. In the United States, women cry an average of 3.5 times per month and men cry an average of 1.9 times a month. This article elaborates on why we cry and what health benefits crying may have.

People consider crying as a sign of weakness and try to suppress it, but a number of studies suggest that this is a myth which can contribute to missing out on a range of benefits. Researchers have found that shedding a few tears can have four significant advantages. Crying

1. Gets support from others

Crying is primarily an attachment behavior, as it rallies support from the people around us. This is known as a social benefit.

2. Enhances mood

Crying may help lift people’s spirits and make them feel better. As well as relieving pain, oxytocin and endorphins can help improve mood. This is why they are often known as “feel good” chemicals.

3. Aids sleep

Some studies found that crying can help babies sleep better. Whether crying has the same sleep-enhancing effect on adults is yet to be researched. However, it seems that the calming and pain-relieving effects of crying may help a person fall asleep more easily.

4. Improves vision

Basal tears, which are released every time a person blinks, help to keep the eyes moist and prevent them from drying out. As the National Eye Institute explains, the lubricating effect of basal tears helps people to see more clearly. When the eyes dry out, vision can become blurry. google icon png 344541

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The Benefits of Crying

سطح مبتدی

Crying is a reaction humans have to a range of emotions, including sadness, happiness and frustration. It is normal to cry. Men and women cry more than people may think. In the United States, women cry an average of 3.5 times per month and men cry an average of 1.9 times a month. This article gives more information about the reasons and health benefits of crying.

People think crying is a sign of weakness and try to stop it, but many studies suggest that this is not true, which can cause losing a lot of benefits. Researchers have found that crying can have four important advantages. Crying

1. Gets support from others

Crying is mainly an attachment behavior, as it gathers support from the people around us. This is known as a social benefit.

2. Enhances mood

Crying may help lift people’s spirits and make them feel better. As well as relieving pain, oxytocin and endorphins can help improve mood. This is why they are often known as “feel good” chemicals.

3. Aids sleep

Some studies found that crying can help babies sleep better. It is not certain if crying has the same effect on adults, and it needs more research. However, it seems that the calming and pain-relieving effects of crying may help a person sleep more easily.

4. Improves vision

Basal tears, which are released every time a person blinks, help to keep the eyes wet and prevent them from drying out. National Eye Institute explains that the lubricating effect of basal tears helps people to see more clearly. When the eyes dry out, vision can become unclear.



فواید گریه کردن

گریه کردن پاسخیه که انسانها به انواع احساسات مثل غم، شادی و یا ناامیدی نشون میدن. گریه کردن  اصلا کارعجیبی نیست و خانم ها و آقایون بیشتر از اون چیزی که مردم تصور میکنن گریه میکنن. مثلا در آمریکا خانم ها بطور متوسط 3.5 بار و آقایون 1.9 بار در ماه گریه میکنن. این متن درباره چرایی گریه کردن و فوایدی که میتونه روی سلامتی داشته باشه توضیح میده.

آدما گریه کردن رو به عنوان نشونه ی ضعف در نظر میگیرن و تلاش میکنن تا این حس رو سرکوب کنن اما تحقیقات زیادی نشون میده که این یه باورغلطه که میتونه موجب از دست دادن بسیاری از مزایا بشه. محقق ها به این نتیجه رسیدن که اشک ریختن میتونه 4 مزیت چشمگیر داشته باشه. گریه کردن

۱. باعث حمایت دیگران میشه

گریه یک رفتار وابستگی مهمه که باعث بدست آوردن حمایت اطرافیان میشه. به این میگن منفعت اجتماعی.

۲. روحیه رو بالا میبره

گریه کردن میتونه به بالابردن روحیه آدم ها کمک کنه و باعث بشه احساس بهتری داشته باشن. هورمون های اکسی توسین و اندورفین در کنار کاهش درد میتونن به بهبود روحیه هم کمک کنن. به همین دلیله که به اونا مواد شیمیایی "حال خوب کن" هم میگن.

۳. به خواب کمک میکنه

تحقیقات بسیاری نشون دادن که گریه کردن به خواب کودکان کمک میکنه اما اینکه آیا گریه کردن در افزایش خواب بزرگسالان هم موثره یا نه هنوز بررسی نشده. گرچه اینطور به نظر میرسه که تاثیرات آرامشبخش و تسکین دهنده ی گریه میتونه به هر انسانی کمک بکنه تا بهتر بخوابه.

۴. باعث بهبود بینایی میشه

اشک های پایه ای که هنگام هر پلک زدن میان باعث رطوبت چشم ها میشن و از خشک شدن اونها جلوگیری میکنن. طبق توضیحات موسسه ملی چشم خاصیت روان کننده اشک های پایه ای به آدمها کمک میکنن تا واضح تر ببینن. هنگامی که چشم ها خشک بشن بینایی هم ناواضح میشه. google icon png 344541برای حمایت از خدمات رایگان بیان برتر،
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