More Influential Profile Photo

بازدید: 3177


Tweaks to Look More Influential in Your Profile Photo

سطح پیشرفته

If you want to land better jobs and make more money, appearing influential is key. People who look influential have a better shot at management roles and promotions. They are also treated with more respect.

But how can you do it? Does it come down to luck: I either look like a boss or I don’t? In a word: no. There are simple actions anyone can take to appear more like a leader.

1. Power pose

Postures that embody a spirit of confidence, i.e. “power poses” — a term made popular in a TED talk by Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy — are scientifically proven to make you look and feel more like a leader.

As you can see in the image above, low power poses generally involve making yourself seem smaller. Power poses, on the other hand, involve spreading out, taking up more space, standing tall, or opening yourself up.






2. Wear a suit jacket

Want to see a magic trick? Observe the difference between someone wearing a t-shirt and jeans and someone wearing a business blazer or coat over.

Fact is, suit jackets and coats have been the standard in “important business person” for many years, and that association isn’t going away any time soon.



3. Take the picture at slightly below eye level

Many people make the mistake of taking their photos from above. Sadly, this hurts your perceived influence by forcing the viewer to “look down on you.” As a result, you seem less important.

Conversely, by taking your pictures from slightly below eye level, you can subconsciously give viewers the feeling of “looking up to you.”

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Small Changes to Look More Influential in Your Profile Photo

سطح مبتدی

If you want to get better jobs and make more money, appearing influential is important. People who look influential have a better chance at management positions. They also get more respect from others.

But how can you do it? Is it because of luck? In a word: no. There are simple things anyone can do to appear more like a leader.

1. Power pose
Body poses that shows confidence or power poses — a term used in a TED talk by Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy  are proven to make you look and feel more like a leader.
As you can see in the image above, low power poses usually make you seem smaller. Power poses, on the other hand, are the poses in which you take up more space, stand tall, or open yourself up.






2. Wear a suit jacket
Want to see a magic trick? Look at the difference between someone who is wearing a t-shirt and jeans and someone who is wearing a business blazer or coat over.
Suit jackets and coats have been the standard in “important business person” for many years, and that link will remain for a long time.



3. Take the picture at below eye level
Many people make the mistake of taking their photos from above. Sadly, this decrease your influence because the viewer will “look down on you.” As a result, you seem less important.
But, by taking your pictures from a little below eye level, you can give viewers the feeling of “looking up to you.”





تغییراتی کوچکی که باعث میشه در عکس پروفایل یا رزومه خود تاثیرگذارتر به نظر برسید

اگه میخواین شغل های بهتری پیدا کنید و یا درآمد بیشتری داشته باشید، تاثیرگذار به نظر رسیدن کلید آن است. افرادی که تاثیرگذار به نظر میرسند شانس بهتری در شغل های مدیریتی و یا برای ارتقاء شغلی خواهند داشت. همچنین با آنها با احترام بیشتر رفتار خواهد شد.

اما چطور میتونید به این تاثیرگذاری برسید؟ واقعا شانسی است: اینکه یا مدیر به نظر میرسم یا نه؟ در یک کلام: نه! کارهای کوچکی است که هرکس میتواند برای اینکه شبیه یک رهبر به نظر برسد انجام دهد:

۱. فرم قدرت

وضعیت بدنی که در خود حس اعتماد به نفس و یا "فرم قدرت" دارد - عبارتی که برای اولین در یک سخنرانی TED توسط امی کادی از محققین دانشگاه هاروارد معروف شد - از نظر علمی ثابت شده است که باعث میشود به صورت یک رهبر به نظر برسید.

۲. یک ژاکت یا کت به تن داشته باشید

میخواین یک حقه جادویی ببینید؟ به تفاوت بین کسی که یک تی شرت و شلوار جین به تن داره و کسی که یک ژاکت رسمی و یا کت روی اونها پوشیده دقت کنید.

حقیقت اینه که ژاکت و کت از قدیم به عنوان یک شخص بیزینسی مهم به حساب میامده است و این ارتباط به این زودی ها از بین نمیرود.

۳. عکس را کمی پایین تر از سطح چشم بگیرید

بسیاری از افراد این اشتباه را میکنند که عکس خود را از بالا میگیرند. جای ناراحتی دارد که این با تاثیرگذاری درک شده از شما تاثیر منفی دارد چون کسی که شما رو میبینه رو وادار میکنه به شما نگاه از بالا به پایین داشته باشه. در نتیجه، شما کم اهمیت تر به نظر میرسید.

بالعکس، وقتی عکس کمی پایین تر از سطح چشم شما گرفته شود، ناخودآگاه به بیننده این حس را میدهید که نگاه پایین به بالا به شما داشته باشد.
 google icon png 344541برای حمایت از خدمات رایگان بیان برتر،
کلیک کنید و در گوگل بهمون رای بدید


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (6)

امتیاز 5 از 5 بر اساس 2 رای
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. Thanks alot for your efforts.
This method is so excellent..
Sadly, this decrease your ... I think it should be decreases...
S is missed

نجمه شریفی
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I click the purple words bu unfortunately there is no translation or interpretation

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این بخش سایت بهترین قسمت سایت هست

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good job
unfortunately, this reading does not have meaning of word, would you please correct them?

فاطمه دوانی
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The new words have their meaning as tooltips. You can click on the purple words to see their meaning

دپارتمان آکادمیک بیان برتر
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