What If Humanity Fell Asleep for 1,000 Years

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What If Humanity Fell Asleep for 1,000 Years

سطح پیشرفته

1. Forests would’ve grown back everywhere on Earth.
A heavily damaged rainforest needs over 4,000 years to fully regenerate all its features. That’s because human activity makes it hard for it to do its job faster. So if humans didn’t exist on the planet, trees and all of nature’s elements would grow back much faster than expected.

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2. The planet would have gone pitch black.
The first day after people would go to sleep, most fossil fuel power stations would shut down, resulting in blackouts all over the world. Only Times Square and Las Vegas would still have light for a few more days. All our food in our fridges would start being attacked by cockroaches and mice, which will now rule the world.

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3. Most household animals would be extinct.
Animals like small dogs and sheep would be the most vulnerable, and they’d be in deep danger. Even if they stay inside a building, they will eventually run out of food and be forced to get out and search for it. Bigger dogs, like German Shepherds, sheepdogs, and wild breeds, will be able to adjust in the wild and protect themselves.

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4. Many of the world’s monuments would be history.
Corrosion is one of the biggest enemies of all materials that have been used to build all our beautiful monuments. Only gold is immune to corrosion in the course of time. Today, air pollutants are the number one cause of corrosion and the reason why people have to keep maintaining and fixing their homes nowadays. But even if human activity suddenly stopped, this problem wouldn’t go away.

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5. Many cities would be underwater.
The reason cities like Amsterdam are still in existence is all thanks to drainage systems, dams, and bridges. They all keep the ocean out of our cities and prevent catastrophes, such as floods and tsunamis. But if humans weren’t around to maintain these systems, the force of the water would destroy them. Massive amounts of water would enter our cities and what used to be our homes. That being said, cities like New York City, Miami, and New Orleans would probably go underwater.

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  IDEA.jpg اگه دوست داری راجبه 3 تا حقیقت عجیبی که توی دنیا وجود داره بدونی اینجا کلیک کن. 

سطح مبتدی

1. Forests would grow back everywhere on Earth.
A damaged forest needs over 4,000 years to repair its features. Because human activity makes this repair slower. So if humans didn’t exist on Earth, trees and the nature would grow back much faster than we expect.  

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2. The planet would go black.
The first day after people would go to sleep, most fossil fuel power stations would stop working, which causes blackouts all over the world. Only Times Square and Las Vegas would still have light for a few more days. Cockroaches and mice would attack the food in our fridges.

fell asleep2

3. Most household animals would be extinct.
Animals like small dogs and sheep would be harmed, and they would be in danger. Even if they stay inside a building, they will finally run out of food and will get out and search for it. Bigger dogs, like German Shepherds, will be able to adapt in the wild and protect themselves.

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4. Many of the world’s monuments would be history.
Corrosion is one of the biggest enemies of all materials in all our beautiful monuments. Only gold can stay safe in corrosion. Today, air pollutants are the number one cause of corrosion and the reason why people have to keep maintaining and fixing their homes nowadays. But even if human activity suddenly stopped, this problem wouldn’t go away.

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5. Many cities would be underwater.
The reason why cities like Amsterdam still exist is because of the dams, and bridges. They all keep the ocean out of our cities and prevent floods and tsunamis. But if humans do not exist to keep these systems, the force of the water would destroy them. Large amounts of water would enter our cities and our homes. In this way, cities like New York City, Miami, and New Orleans would probably go underwater.

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چی میشه اگه انسانها 1000 سال بخواب برند و بعدش بیدار شن؟

1. جنگلها روی همه کره زمین رشد میکنند. یک جنگل بارانی آسیب دیده بیش از ۴۰۰۰ سال زمان نیاز دارد تا به صورت کامل تمام اجزای خود را نوسازی کند. به همین خاطر است که فعالیت انسانی سریعتر کردن این فرآیند را سخت میکند. بنابراین اگر انسانها روی این سیاره زندگی نکنند، درختان و تمام المان های طبیعی سریعتر از آنچه انتظار میرود رشد میکنند.

۲. سیاره در تاریکی مطلق فرو میرود. اولین روزی که انسانها به خواب بروند، بیشتر نیروگاههای سوخت فسیلی خاموش میشوند، که منجر به تاریکی تمام جهان میشود. فقط میدان تایمز و لاس وگاس برای چند روز دیگر برق خواهند داشت. تمام غذاهای داخل یخچال توسط سوسک ها و موشهایی که الان به دنیا سلطنت میکنند، مورد حمله قرار میگیرند.

۳. بیشتر حیوانات خانگی منقرض میشوند. حیواناتی مانند سگ ها و گوسفندها آسیب پذیرترند، و اونها در معرض خطر عمیقی قرار میگیرند. حتی اگر اونها در داخل یک ساختمان باشند، سرانجام غذابشان به اتمام میرسد و مجبور میشوند برای جستجوی غذا از خانه خارج شوند. سگ های بزرگتر مثل جرمن شفرد، سگ گله و گونه های وحشی قادر خواهند بود در این دنیای وحشی خودشان را تطبیق دهند و از خود حفاظت کنند.

۴. فرسایش یکی از دشمنان اصلی تمام موادی است که برای ساخت مکانها و سازه های زیبای ما استفاده شده است. تنها طلا در برابر فرسایش در طول زمان ایمن است. امروزه، آلاینده های هوا، اولین دلیل فرسایش به شمار میروند و به همین دلیل افراد باید امروزه خانه های خود را مرتب نگهداری و تعمیر کنند. اما حتی اگر فعالیت انسانی به صورت ناگهانی متوقف شود، این مشکل از بین نمیرود.

۵. بسیاری از شهرها زیر آب میروند. دلیل اینکه شهرهایی مانند آمستردام امروزه هنوز وجود دارند، به خاطر سیستم زهکشی، سدها و پلهاست. آنها، اقیانوس را از شهرهای ما دور کرده و از فجایعی مانند سیل ها و سونامی ها جلوگیری میکنند. اما اگر انسانها نباشند تا از این سیستم ها حفاظت کنند، نیروی آب، آنها را ویران خواهد کرد. حجم بالایی از آب به شهرهای ما و آنچه قبلا خانه های ما بودند وارد میشوند. به همین ترتیب، شهرهایی مانند نیویورک، میامی و نیواورلوین هم احتمالا زیر آب میروند.




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ارسال دیدگاه جدید (2)

امتیاز 4 از 5 بر اساس 2 رای
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Hi dear Bayan Bartar
I've got a question for you and it is although the text was written to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical situatuion in the future,The first two items regarding advanced level have been wirrten in a way using a mixed...

Hi dear Bayan Bartar
I've got a question for you and it is although the text was written to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical situatuion in the future,The first two items regarding advanced level have been wirrten in a way using a mixed conditional that describes "a contary to fact present condition and a contrary to fact past result"

? ?What do you think

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محسن احسانی
  1. 3.5 / 5
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It was perfect ??

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  1. 4.5 / 5
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