Why Do You Blow Out Birthday Candles

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Why Do You Blow Out Birthday Candles

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The earliest known reference to a birthday is 4,000 years ago. In Ancient Egypt, the coronation date of a Pharaoh was a big deal, since they believed that was when the king transformed from a human into a god. The Bible mentions the celebration of a Pharaoh's birthday — which Egyptologist Dr. James Hoffmeier believes actually references his coronation date, or "birth" as a god — as far back as the second millennium B.C.E. But they didn't bake a cake for the occasion, as far as historians know.

The Greeks put candles on cakes for a different reason. Artemis, the daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo, was the goddess of the hunt and the moon. To honor her, Greeks would bake round or moon-shaped honey cakes in offering, adorning them with lit candles to help them resemble the glow of the full moon. The candles may have been more than symbolic: some ancient cultures believed that smoke could help carry prayers up to the gods.

Birthday cakes these days are more often associated with children than with grownups. The modern kid's birthday cake began with the German Kinderfest in the late 18th century. These events celebrated children with cakes topped with one candle for each year the child had been alive, plus one in the hopes they'd live another year. They also involved blowing out the candles and making a wish, hearkening back to those early religious traditions.



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Why Do You Blow Out Birthday Candles

سطح مبتدی

The first records of a birthday belongs to 4,000 years ago. In Ancient Egypt, the crowing party date of a Pharaoh was important, because they believed that in this time the king is changed from a human into a god. The Bible mentions the celebration of a Pharaoh's birthday — which Egyptologist Dr. James Hoffmeier believes is exactly the same as the date of his crowning party or the birthday of a God. But they didn't bake a cake for the party.

The Greeks put candles on cakes for a different reason. Artemis, the daughter of Zeus and sister of Apollo, was the goddess of the hunt and the moon. To respect her, Greeks would bake round or moon-shaped honey cakes, and decorate them with candles making  them similar to the glow of the full moon. Some ancient cultures believed that smoke of candles could help carry prayers up to the gods.

Birthday cakes these days are more often related to children than with adults. The modern kid's birthday cake began with the German Kinderfest in the 18th century. These events celebrated children with cakes with one candle for each year the child had been alive, plus one in the hopes they'd live another year. They also blow out the candles and make a wish, as a reminder to those religious traditions.



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