Why Is the Mona Lisa So Famous

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Why Is the Mona Lisa So Famous

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Five centuries after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa (1503–19), the portrait hangs behind bulletproof glass within the Louvre Museum and draws thousands of jostling spectators each day. It is the most famous painting in the world, and yet, when viewers manage to see the artwork up close, they are likely to be baffled by the small subdued portrait of an ordinary woman.

There is no doubt that the Mona Lisa is a very good painting. Many scholars, however, point out that the excellent quality of the Mona Lisa was not enough by itself to make the painting a celebrity. There are, after all, many good paintings. External events contributed to the artwork’s fame.

The writers of the 19th century aroused interest in the Mona Lisa because Leonardo became more popular after his death not only as a very good painter but also as a great scientist and inventor. However, the theft of the painting in 1911 and the ensuing media frenzy brought it worldwide attention. When news of the crime broke on August 22 of that year, it caused an immediate sensation. People flocked to the Louvre to gape at the empty space where the painting had once hung, and the Mona Lisa was certainly more famous after the heist.


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Why Is the Mona Lisa So Famous

سطح مبتدی

Five centuries after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa (1503–19), the painting hangs behind bulletproof glass in the Louvre Museum and attracts thousands of people each day. It is the most famous painting in the world, but when viewers finally see the artwork in the museum, they might not understand why a normal portrait of an ordinary woman is famous.

There is no doubt that the Mona Lisa is a very good painting, but many scientists say that Mona Lisa was not excellent enough by itself to make the painting so famous. There are many other good paintings. Some other events helped to make this artwork famous.

The writers of the 19th century were attracted to the Mona Lisa because Leonardo became more popular after his death not only as a very good painter but also as a great scientist and inventor. However, the theft of the painting in 1911 and the news on the media brought it worldwide attention. When news of the crime was on the media on August 22, 1911, people went to the Louvre to look at the empty space of the painting, and the Mona Lisa was certainly more famous after this theft.



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ردینگ ها عالی هستن..عاالییی

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کارتون عالیه ممنون...؟؟

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عالی بود ??❤️

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عالی هستید?

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عالی شمایین با این انرژی

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بابت این ایده عالیتون واقعا از خانواده بیان برتر تشکر می کنم. مثل همیشه عالی هستید. این ایده برای من واقعا عالی است از یک طرف روزانه لغات جدید یاد می گیرم از طرفی هر روز یک تمرین برای ریدینگ انجام می دهم . متن های که انتخاب می...

وقتتون بخیر
بابت این ایده عالیتون واقعا از خانواده بیان برتر تشکر می کنم. مثل همیشه عالی هستید. این ایده برای من واقعا عالی است از یک طرف روزانه لغات جدید یاد می گیرم از طرفی هر روز یک تمرین برای ریدینگ انجام می دهم . متن های که انتخاب می شود هم خیلی جذاب است. با تمام وجودم از این خانواده تشکر می کنم و روز به روز منتظر رشد و شکوفایی شما هستیم. من تو گوگل هم بهتون فول رای دادم.

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سپاس از انرژی فوق العاده تون

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بسيار سپاسگزار از طرح فوق العاده تون. روزى حداقل ده لغت جديد ياد ميگيرم و چون متن ها موضوعاتش جالبه، لغت ها اينطورى بيشتر توى ذهنم ميمونه. خيلى ممنون كه اين خدمات را به صورت رايگان در اختيارمون قرار ميديد❤️ داخل گوگل هم بهتون راى ٥ ستاره دادم....

بسيار سپاسگزار از طرح فوق العاده تون. روزى حداقل ده لغت جديد ياد ميگيرم و چون متن ها موضوعاتش جالبه، لغت ها اينطورى بيشتر توى ذهنم ميمونه. خيلى ممنون كه اين خدمات را به صورت رايگان در اختيارمون قرار ميديد❤️ داخل گوگل هم بهتون راى ٥ ستاره دادم. شايد نظر من هم بتونه به ديده شدن بيشترتون كمك كنه❤️

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