Sniffing Out Love

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Sniffing Out Love

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Sniffing the odours of our loved ones—whether consciously or unconsciously—continues throughout our lives. Siblings and married couples are able to correctly identify the smell of people with whom they cohabit. Even adult siblings who haven’t seen or smelled each other for more than two years can still correctly recognize their brother’s or sister’s unique odour print, the signature mixture of chemicals floating off their bodies. {Play}

Our sniffing abilities and their role in establishing and maintaining social structures can be surprising to some, likely because the human sense of smell has long been belittled by scholars. Throughout history, many thinkers have argued that vision is a much more civilized way of experiencing the world. {Play}

However, the importance of odour for social cohesion is perhaps best exemplified by the challenges of those who cannot smell. People with anosmia—the inability to smell—often face relationship challenges: men without a sense of smell have fewer sexual partners while nonsmelling women are insecure in their relationships. Both are more prone to getting depressed. Meanwhile, some research suggests that empathetic people are more likely to remember the odour of another person. {Play}

 sniffing out love


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Feel the Smell of Your Love

سطح مبتدی

Smelling the odours of our loved ones is a part of our lives. Brothers and sisters, wives or husbands can correctly identify the smell of people who they live with. Even after two years of not seeing each other, they can detect the odour of chemicals from their bodies.  {Play}

Our sniffing abilities and their role in our relationships can be surprising to you, maybe because scientists did not pay attention to human sense of smell for a long time. Many of them thought that the ability to see is a much more civilized way of experiencing the world.  {Play}

But, the importance of odour for social relationships can be explained by the problems which people who cannot smell have. These people often face problems in their relationships: men without a sense of smell have fewer partners, and women are not safe in their relationships. Both men and women in this way may develop depression. Also, studies show kind people can remember the odour of other people better. {Play}


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