Walking Increases the Brain’s Ability to Think as You Age

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Walking Increases the Brain’s Ability to Think as You Age

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{Play}Exercise can do more for one’s body besides building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight and heart. A new study suggests walking can actually remodel the white matter in one’s brain. A report by The New York Times said a new study of walking, dancing, and brain health suggests our ability to think and remember as we age can be improved by regular exercise, which the study found can remodel the white matter in our brains.

{Play}White matter connects and supports the cells in our brains. The study showed that when people become more physically active, white matter “remodels itself,” while in those who remain sedentary, white matter will “fray and shrink.”

{Play}That brains can be pliable is a rather recent finding. Up until the late 1990s, the majority of researchers thought the human brain after early childhood was “physically fixed and inflexible,” and that the brain cells we had at birth were the most we would ever have and could not make more — a scenario where our brains would only decline with age — both its structure and function.



Photo shows a section of a preserved human brain on display at the Museum of Neuroanatomy at the University at Buffalo, in Buffalo, N.Y. A new study finds that walking can build white matter in the brains of older adults.

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Walking Increases the Brain’s Ability to Think as You Get Older

سطح مبتدی

{Play}Exercise can be helpful for building muscle and save your health. A new study shows walking can change the white matter in your brain. A report by The New York Times said waking, dancing and regular exercise can change the white matter in our brains when we are getting old.

{Play}White matter connects the cells in our brains. The study showed that when people do physical exercise, white matter changes its shape, but if you are not physically active, the white matter shrinks.

{Play}Until 1990s, researchers thought that the brain is not flexible after childhood and after childhood, we cannot make more cells. They thought that our brain's ability decreases when we get older. But now they found we can change the structure of the brain with physical exercise.  

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