Makers of Sophia the Robot Plan Mass Rollout Amid Pandemic

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Makers of Sophia the Robot Plan Mass Rollout Amid Pandemic

سطح پیشرفته

{Play}Makers of Sophia the robot unveil an eerily human-like robotic NURSE designed to interact with the elderly and those isolated amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Since being unveiled in 2016, Sophia - a humanoid robot - has gone viral. Now, the company behind her has a new vision: to mass-produce robots by the end of the year.

{Play}Hanson Robotics, based in Hong Kong, said four models, including Sophia, would start rolling out of factories in the first half of 2021, just as researchers predict the pandemic will open new opportunities for the robotics industry. “The world of COVID-19 is going to need more and more automation to keep people safe,” founder and chief executive David Hanson said.

[video url="/images/breakfast/Steps-for-Sophia-as-humanoid-robot-can-now-move-around--Daily-Mail-Online.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/sophie.jpg" volume="100"] 


Makers of Sophia the Robot Decide to Make it Available During the Covid-19


سطح مبتدی

{Play}Makers of Sophia the robot show a strange robotic NURSE similar to human, which is designed to talk to old people and those people who are in isolation because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the first show in 2016, Sophia has become viral on the social media. Now, the producer company has a new plan: to produce the robots in large numbers by the end of the year.

{Play}Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong, said four models of Sophia will come to the market in the first half of 2021. "The world of COVID-19 is going to need more and more automation to keep people safe," the head manager David Hanson said.

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سپاسگزارم عالی بود.صبح ها عشقمه که زود بیام و ریدینگ های جذاب بیان برتر رو ببینم.مرسی????

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سلام صبح بخیر،،، ،چقدر فرسوده ترشدیم از دوره قبلی این ریدینگهای شیرین...! ممنون که انگیزه مطالعه رو دردلمون باز هم روشن کردید...

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دمتون گرم ، هر روز صبح یک ریدینگ خیلی مفیده ..?

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