Three Bonkers Facts About The World

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Three Bonkers Facts About The World

سطح پیشرفته

You could fit the entire human race in the volume of a sugar cube

{Play}This is because atoms are 99.9999% empty space. If you could squeeze all the empty space out of all the atoms in all the 7 billion people in the world, you could indeed fit them in the volume of a sugar cube.


You age more quickly on the top floor of a building than the ground floor

{Play}This is an effect of Einstein’s theory of gravity, which predicts that time flows more slowly in strong gravity. On the ground floor of a building, you are closer to the mass of the Earth, so gravity is marginally stronger and time flows marginally more slowly (If you want to live longer – move to a bungalow!)


You are 95% alien

{Play}That’s right. 95% of the cells in your body do not belong to you. They are microorganisms hitching a ride. Many are essential, like the gut bacteria that help you digest your food. You get all the alien microorganism only after you are born – from your mother’s milk and the environment. You are born 100% human, but die 95% alien!


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Crazy Facts About The World

سطح مبتدی

You can put all human race in the volume of a sugar cube

{Play}This is because atoms are 99.9999% empty space. If you could remove all the empty space of all the atoms in all the 7 billion people in the world, you can put them in the volume of a sugar cube.


You age faster on the top floor of a building than the first floor

{Play}This is an effect of Einstein’s theory of gravity, which says that time passes more slowly in strong gravity. On the first floor of a building, you are closer to the Earth, so gravity is stronger and time passes more slowly (If you want to live longer – move to a bungalow!)


You are 95% alien

{Play}That’s right. 95% of the cells in your body do not belong to you. They are microorganisms that are necessary, like the bacteria that help you digest your food. You get all the alien microorganism only after you are born – from your mother’s milk and the environment. You are born 100% human, but die 95% alien!




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ممنون از زحمات شما عزیزان.با صدا بینظیر شد???

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Mohsen soltani
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that's great ????

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