Do You Twitch as You Fall Asleep?

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Do You Twitch as You Fall Asleep? Here's What Your Body's Trying to Tell You


سطح پیشرفته

Maybe you've had a rough day and are looking forward to cozying up in bed. As you blissfully doze off, though, you're suddenly woken up by a sensation of your arms and legs jerking. You're awake again and, in your sleepy haze, wondering what just happened.

twitch sleep

While they're nothing to worry about, they can serve as a clue that something's off with your lifestyle or that you could use a little self-care. Here's what might be going on:

1. You’re Sleep-deprived

When it comes to jerks, sleep deprivation is the most common cause, Dr. Dasgupta says. "This might be that you're not getting a good quantity or quality of sleep," he explains.

2. You’re Stressed

Mental and emotional stress can also trigger these twitches. "It would be very interesting to know if people started experiencing more jerks during the pandemic," Dr. Dasgupta says. This plays perfectly into the idea that you could use some relaxation or wind-down time before bed to ease any anxieties that might be keeping you awake and physically relax, so you can fall asleep peacefully.

3. You’re Over-Caffeinated

Stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine, are also associated with jerks, Dr. Dasgupta says. And it's no surprise that sleep deprivation and caffeine consumption can go hand in hand. The more sleep-deprived you get, the more you might rely on caffeine to keep you awake, and you may drink it later in the day, thus disrupting your sleep even more.


Does Your Body Have Sudden Movements as You Fall Asleep? Here's What Your Body's Trying to Tell You

سطح مبتدی

Maybe you have had a hard day and are expecting to rest in bed. As you go to sleep suddenly, you are suddenly woken up by feeling that your arms or legs are moving quickly. You are awake again, and you are surprised what has happened.

There is nothing to worry about, but they are some signs that something is wrong with your lifestyle. Here is what might be going on:

1. Your Body needs Sleep

Lack of Sleep is the most common cause of these sudden movements, Dr. Dasgupta says. "This might be that you're not getting a good quantity or quality of sleep," he explains.

2. You’re Stressed

Mental and emotional stress can also cause these movements. "It would be very interesting to know if people started experiencing more sudden movements during the pandemic," Dr. Dasgupta says. A good solution is to have some relaxation before bed to ease any stress that might be keeping you awake and physically relax, so you can fall asleep peacefully.

3. You’re Over-Caffeinated

Caffeine and nicotine are also related with these movements, Dr. Dasgupta says. And it's no surprise that lack of sleep and using caffeine can go hand in hand. If you do not sleep well, you might need more caffeine to keep you awake, and this ruins your sleep even more.

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That 's great

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That's great. Thank you.

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