Baby Has 25 Heart Attacks

بازدید: 4979
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سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

Some parents have a baby. It is a little boy. He is not well. His heart does not work right. Doctors say that the baby can die.

The baby has 25 heart attacks in one day. However, he survives. He has two operations. The doctors say that he is an amazing baby. He gets better very quickly.

Eighteen months later, the baby is doing well. His parents are so happy. The mother says that he loves life. The father says that the baby is going to do something great one day.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Baby-Has-25-Heart-Attacks-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Heart: قلب

Heart attack: حمله قلبی/ ایست قلبی

Survive: زنده ماندن

Operation: جراحی


A baby’s heart was not working correctly, and doctors told the parents that their child may die. However, the baby defied the odds when he survived 25 cardiac arrests in one day.

He had two operations, and a doctor said that it was amazing how quickly the baby got better.

Eighteen months later, the baby is still doing well and his parents are very proud of him. His mother said that he enjoys life, and his father said that the baby survived to do something special.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Baby-Has-25-Heart-Attacks-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Defy the odds: انجام دادن كاري كه تقريبا غير ممكن به نظر مي رسد

Cardiac arrest: حمله قلبی/ ایست قلبی

 Proud of: افتخار کردن


At eight days old, doctors told baby Theo’s parents that he might not survive because his heart was improperly pumping blood. However, Theo defied the odds when he survived 25 cardiac arrests in just one day.

He had two operations and a doctor said that it was amazing how quickly the baby recovered.

Eighteen months later, Theo is still doing well and his parents are very proud of him. His mother said that he has ‘a zest for life’, and his father said that ‘he was kept on this earth to do something special’.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Baby-Has-25-Heart-Attacks-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Improperly: بطور نادرست

A zest for life: شور و شوق برای زندگی

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