Karl Lagerfeld

بازدید: 3058

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

This news is about Karl Lagerfeld. He works for Chanel. Chanel is a fashion company. He is the most important person in Chanel. He works there for 36 years. He becomes a fashion icon.

Now Karl Lagerfeld is old. He is 85. He becomes unwell. He dies.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Chanel-s-Karl-Lagerfeld-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Company: شرکت

Icon: نماد

Unwell: مریض/ بیمار

سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

Karl Lagerfeld was born in 1933, and he worked for Chanel as the creative director for 36 years. He was a fashion icon. He always wore similar clothing – a shirt, suit, tie and black glasses. This became his typical look.

Last month, he missed Chanel’s culture show. He was not well and recently he died. He was 85.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Chanel-s-Karl-Lagerfeld-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Creative:خلاق/ نوآور

Typical: معمولی


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld died at the age of 85. He was the creative director of Chanel, and he was a legend who continued working until his last days.

He had been unwell for a number of weeks, and he missed Chanel’s culture show in Paris last month. Born in 1933, he spent an impressive 36 years working at the fashion house and he was well-known for this signature suited look.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Chanel-s-Karl-Lagerfeld-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Culture: فرهنگ

Impressive: تاثیرگذار

Well-known: مشهور/ شناخته شده

Signature: امضا

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