Lunar New Year

بازدید: 2554

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

It is Lunar New Year. In China, thousands of people celebrate. People get together with their families. They have dinner parties. People also burn joss sticks. They believe that these sticks can brings them good luck.

In North Korea, people celebrate, too. They put flowers below the statues of their leaders. They bow to the statues.

In Singapore, people also celebrate. They have many fireworks.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Lunar-New-Year-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Celebrate: جشن گرفتن

Joss sticks: عود

Bow: تعظیم کردن


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

It is Lunar New Year. In China, thousands of people are celebrating. People are re-enacting historical ceremonies, and families are coming together and having parties. People also burn joss sticks to bring them good luck.

In North Korea, people celebrated by putting flowers at the statues of their leaders. North Korea did not have this holiday in the past. Now it does, but people must give respect to their leaders.

In Singapore, people celebrated with many fireworks.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Lunar-New-Year-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Lunar: قمری

Re-enact: تکرار کردن داستان

Ceremony: مراسم

Respect: احترام گذاشتن


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

On February 5thLunar New Year began. This year is the Year of the Pig.

In China, thousands of people celebrated it. Some performers re-enacted historical ceremonies, while people had family meetings and parties. Others burned the first joss sticks of the year to bring them good fortune.

In North Korea, people celebrated the new year, too, although a bit differently. They laid wreaths at the statues of their leaders and bowed to them. North Koreans did not use to recognise Lunar New Year, but now it is a holiday there, too. However, North Koreans must pay their respects to the country’s leaders.

In Singapore, people celebrated by having fireworks displays.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Lunar-New-Year-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Wreath:تاج گل/ حلقه گل

Recognise: تشخیص دادن

Firework: آتش بازی

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (6)

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You are the one، many thanks

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You are the best

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سلام ریدینگها عالیه ❤❤❤، ولی داره تموم میشه...

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Perfect as alwaysss ❤❤❤

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