Tigers and a Dog

بازدید: 5027

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

In Germany, there are two little tigers in a safari park. Their mother leaves them. Their names are Peach and Pearl. A dog in Germany helps these tiger cubs.

A woman named Jeanette works in the zoo. She takes the cubs home. She gives them some milk. Now, the cubs live in her living room.

Jeanette has a dog. His name is Leon. He helps with the cubs. He is their teacher. The cubs like him. They play together.

Jeanette and Leon help little tigers and lions often. She says that they are not good pets. When they are big, they are dangerous.

The cubs will go to another place soon. But for now, they are still friends with the dog.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tigers-and-a-dog-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Pet:حیوان خانگی

Dangerous: خطرناک


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)


A dog in Germany is helping to look after tiger cubs. Their mother abandoned them in a safari park in northern Germany. Their names are Peach and Pearl.

A zookeeper named Jeanette took the abandoned cubs into her home. She gave them some milk. Now, the cubs live in her living room.

The dog Leon quickly adopted the cubs. He is like their teacher. The cubs want to be near him all of the time. He tries to educate them. They spend some time together. They also play together.

Jeanette and her dog Leon looked after tiger and lion cubs before. She warns that they are not good pets. When they grow up, they can be dangerous. Soon, the cubs will go to another place, but for now, they are still friends with the dog.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tigers-and-a-dog-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Abandon: ترک کردن/ رها کردن

Warn: هشدار دادن

cute siberian tiger cub 2 compressor

سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

A dog in Germany is helping to raise tiger cub twins. Their mother abandoned them soon after birth in a safari park in northern Germany. Their names are Peach and Pearl.

A zookeeper named Jeanette took the abandoned cubs into her home and fed them some milk. Since then, the cubs have lived in her living room.

Her dog Leon quickly adopted the role of a mother. He is acting as an educator and an entertainer. The cubs want to be near him all of the time. He is responsible and tries to educate them. They will spend a little more time together and he will show them how far they can go when they play.

Jeanette and her dog Leon have raised tiger and lion cubs before. She warns that they are not suitable pets. When they grow up, they can be dangerous. Soon, the cubs will go back into a suitable place, but for now, they are still like puppies for their dog friend.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tigers-and-a-dog-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Raise: بزرگ کردن/ پرورش دادن

Entertainer: سرگرم کننده



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اگر امکان داره درتعطیلات آموزشهای مجازی رابزارید لطفا..خیلی ممنون♥

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thanks million

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Thank U

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Cute Tiger Cub

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دست شمادردنکنه ممنون..چه ببر مهربونی :-)

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