Sandstorm in Egypt

بازدید: 2788

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

Sandstorms are normal in Egypt in late winter and early spring. An extreme sandstorm hits the country. It closes highways. It closes the port of Alexandria, too. Cairo is in an orange cloud of sand. The winds blow more than 50 kilometres per hour.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Sandstorm-in-Egypt-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Extreme: زیاد/ غیرعادی

Sandstorm: طوفان شن

Port: بندر

Blow: وزیدن


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

Sandstorms are common in Egypt during late winter and early spring. An extreme sandstorm hit the country recently, closing highways and the port of Alexandria.

An orange cloud of sand plunged Cairo into darkness. The winds blow more than 50 kilometres per hour.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Sandstorm-in-Egypt-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Common: رایج

Plunge somebody/something into something:  بطور ناگهانی در شرایط بدی قرار گرفتن


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)


Sandstorms are common in Egypt during late winter and early spring, and an extreme one forced the closing of highways and the port of Alexandria.

An orange cloud of sand plunged Cairo into darkness with winds reaching speeds of more than 50 kilometres per hour.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Sandstorm-in-Egypt-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Force: اجبار کردن

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (6)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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