New Cancer Treatment

بازدید: 2751

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

A teenager goes to hospital. Doctors find a brain tumour in his brain. They send him to get cancer treatment. He gets the treatment at a new centre.

It is the first centre of this type in Britain. It uses new technology. The technology is very good. It destroys only the tumour. The rest of the brain is fine.

The new centre can help 750 people a year. People are building another centre in London. It opens next year.

The teenager likes the machines at the centre. He says that they are beautiful. He says that they look like things from the future. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/New-Cancer-Treatment-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Brain: مغز

Cancer: سرطان

Treatment: درمان/ معالجه

Destroy:از بین بردن/ تخریب کردن


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

Three months ago, a teenager’s doctors found a rare brain tumour in his brain. He is going to receive new cancer treatment at the UK’s first proton beam treatment centre.

The proton beam targets the tumour exactly and does not damage other parts of the brain.

The new centre will help 750 people a year, and people will open a second one in London next year.

The teenager liked the proton beam machines and said that they were beautiful and looked like things from the future. He thinks that they will help him ‘really well’. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/New-Cancer-Treatment-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Rare: نادر/ کمیاب

Beam: پرتو

Target:مورد هدف قرار دادن

سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

Fifteen-year-old Mason Ketly has a rare brain tumour that doctors found three months ago, and now he is going to receive pioneering cancer treatment at the UK’s first proton beam treatment centre.

The proton beam can remove only the tumour and avoid damaging other parts of the brain.

The new centre will help 750 people every year, and people plan to open a second one in London next year.

Mason said that the machines were ‘beautiful-looking’ and ‘futuristic’, and he thinks that they will help him ‘really well’. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.

In 2014, the treatment centre was in the news when Ashya King’s parents took him out of a different hospital to take him out of the country to find a hospital that also had proton beam therapy.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/New-Cancer-Treatment-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Pioneering: مبتکر

Avoid: پرهیز کردن/ اجتناب کردن


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (5)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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پرفکت و یونیک، متشکررازشما♥♥?

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I suggest that It would be better to mean pioneering as leading or foremost. I mean the meaning you indicated doesn't take into account persian translation principles considering persian sentence structure.
I am new to Bayane Bartar and warmly...

I suggest that It would be better to mean pioneering as leading or foremost. I mean the meaning you indicated doesn't take into account persian translation principles considering persian sentence structure.
I am new to Bayane Bartar and warmly greeting to all English lovers who are currently learning English at this institute.

ادامه مطلب
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you are the best one

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Thank you very very much❤❤❤

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Momnoonaaam ❤❤

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