Oceans Are Warmer

بازدید: 2748

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

In 1958, people start to record ocean temperatures. In 2018, the oceans are the hottest ever.

This is written in a report. The authors of the report say that this is proof of climate change. They say that this is a big problem. They also say that the oceans are getting warmer very fast.

Sea water can go up. There can be strong storms. There can be heavy rains.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Oceans-Are-Warmer-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Record:ثبت کردن




Proof:گواه/ دلیل

Climate change: تغییر آب و هوا


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

In 1958, people began recording ocean temperatures. According to a new report, ocean temperatures in 2018 were the hottest ever.

The authors of the report say that this is solid proof of climate change. They say that this is a big problem for everybody. The authors are the same scientists who also published another report last week. It says that oceans are getting warmer faster than people thought.

This can lead to problems like rising sea levels, heavier rainfall, stronger storms, and melting polar ice.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Oceans-Are-Warmer-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Solid: قوی

Melt: ذوب شدن

Polar: قطبی


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

According to a new report, ocean temperatures in 2018 were the hottest that they have been since the record keeping began in 1958.

The authors of the report say that ocean heating is solid proof of climate change, and that the findings are a ‘major concern’ for both the scientific and global communities.

The scientists are the same group of researchers who published a report last week showing that the world’s oceans are heating up faster than people previously thought. Warmer oceans can cause a number of issues, such as rising sea levels, heavier rainfall, stronger storms, and melting polar ice. In fact, another study found that Antarctica’s ice sheet has been melting over the past four decades at an alarming rate.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Oceans-Are-Warmer-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Major concern: دغدغه و مشکل اصلی

Issue: مساله

Rise: بالا آمدن

Decade: دهه


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (10)

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چقدر خوب وشیرین بودن این ریدینگها♥

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عالیییییی مثل همیشه . موفقیت روز افزونو براتون خواستارم.
اه لطف کنید فایا ها پی دی اف باشن بهتر میشه.

آنا مالکی
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به نظر من هم اگر این قسمت تکرارشه هرروزوهرشب عالیه ..سپاس فراوان

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این قسمت رو اگه هر روز به عنوان extensive لیسنینگ و ریدینگ که اساتید در رادیو برتر توصیه کردند استفاده کنیم کافیه آیا؟
ممنون میشم پاسخ بدید
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♥ عالی

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lovely breakfast... miss alot، could not mention it❤

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