American Soy Beans in China

بازدید: 2509

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

China buys soy beans from the USA. It normally buys a lot of them. In July, however, a trade war starts. China stops buying the soy beans. This is terrible for American soy bean farmers.

It is possible that things will go back to normal. China buys 1 million tonnes of soy beans  in December. This is not a lot. However, it is better than nothing.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/American-Soy-Beans-in-China-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Trade: تجارت

Beans: حبوبات


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

China usually buys tonnes of soy beans from the USA, but a trade war began between the two countries in July.

Normally, China buys more than half of the soy bean annual export from the USA. This number dropped by 94% since the war began. Such news is terrible for American soy bean farmers.

However, things may be going back to normal. As of December 14, China purchased more than 1 million metric tonnes of soy beans.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/American-Soy-Beans-in-China-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Annual: سالانه

Export: صادرات

Drop: کاهش یافتن/ سقوط کردن

Purchase: خرید کردن


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

China is buying soy beans from the United States for the first time since the trade war began between the two countries in July.

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), China has purchased more than 1 million metric tonnes of soy beans as of December 14th. This may be a promising sign, but it is not nearly enough to make up for the losses that the American soy bean farmers endured during the trade war.

Until the trade war, China had taken in more than half of the annual US soy bean exports, but tariffs on US soy beans have driven down sales to China by 94% since the same time last year.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/American-Soy-Beans-in-China-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Agriculture: کشاورزی

Make up: جبران کردن

Endure: تاب آوردن/ تحمل کردن

Tariff: تعرفه

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (3)

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hi perfect ??

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I love America, and I think in this trade war America will be winner.... I pray for victory of America

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