Wildfires in California

بازدید: 2638

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

There are wildfires in California again. The forests are dry. The winds are strong. Fires spread fast because of this. Over 177 kilometres of land burns.

Thousands of buildings burn down. One town of 30,000 people is completely destroyed. Around 250,000 people flee. Nine people die. Five of them die in their cars.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Wildfires-in-California-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

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Wildfire:آتش سوزی

Spread:گسترش یافتن/ منتشر شدن 

Destroy:نابود شدن



سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

There are wildfires in California again because the forests are dry and the winds are strong. They spread fires quickly, and over 177 kilometres of land burns.

Thousands of buildings burn down and one town called Paradise is completely destroyed. Around 30,000 people lived there.

Around 250,000 people have to flee. Nine or more people die – five of them are found dead in their burned-out cars. In Malibu, the homes of Hollywood stars burn down, too. Everybody from Malibu is evacuated.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Wildfires-in-California-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

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Burn down:سوختن


Evacuate:تخلیه کردن

 Wildfires in California compressor 1

سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

In California, wildfires are raging again and strong winds and dry forests mean that the flames spread over 177 kilometres and destroy thousands of buildings.

Around 250,000 people have been forced to flee and at least nine people died – five of them found dead in burned-out vehicles after attempting to flee.

Hollywood stars are included in those who have lost their homes due to the blazes and the city of Malibu has been entirely evacuated. A town called Paradise of 30,000 residents has been completely destroyed.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Wildfires-in-California-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

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Rage: سریع گسترش یافتن

Flame: شعله

Attempt: تلاش کردن

Due to: بخاطر

Blaze: شعله

Residents: ساکنین


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ای کاش با فاجعه تمومش نمیکردید ، اینجوری تک تک سلولهای آدم آتیش میگیره، هربار مرور میکنه اتفاقات و پایانهای اینقدرر تلخ رو...
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تمووومم شد صبحانه؟؟
ای کاش با فاجعه تمومش نمیکردید ، اینجوری تک تک سلولهای آدم آتیش میگیره، هربار مرور میکنه اتفاقات و پایانهای اینقدرر تلخ رو...
ایشالا که با اتفاقات شیرینتر هر صبح بیدارشیم دوباره
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حرف نداری

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,thanks for breakfast best

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Tank you for your best selection

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ممنون...چه صبحانه خوشمزه ای??

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خیلی عالی
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ممنون واقعا عالی و سخاوتمندانه

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سلام خدا قوت
دستت تون درد نکنه
خدا رحمت شون کنه
یه گروه هم تو تلگرام میزنید که این ویس این متن ها رو بفرستیم خیلی عالی میشد، اون موقع متوجه میشدیم که چطور داریم پیش میریم

davod akbarzadeh
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