Volcano of Fire

بازدید: 2706

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

This news is from Guatemala. The Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) erupts. It spews ash and lava. The lava can be up to 700 degrees Celsius. The lava comes down the volcano. It burns villages and roads. It burns houses.

Sixty-two people die. Two of them are children. They are a brother and a sister.

This eruption is deadly. A worse eruption was in 1902. Thousands of people die then, also.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Volcano-of-Fire-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Spew: فوران کردن

Ash: خاکستر

Lava: گدازه/ مواد مذاب آتش فشانی

Eruption: فوران


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

The Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala erupted last Sunday and spewed clouds of ash and lava as hot as 700 degrees Celsius.

The lava came down the volcano into the villages and roads around, burning houses and making rescue efforts difficult. Sixty-two people died and two of them were children. They were a brother and a sister who were watching the eruption from a bridge.

The eruption was the deadliest in the country since 1902, when thousands of people died after the Santa María volcano erupted.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Volcano-of-Fire-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Rescue effort: عملیات نجات


 main 900 compressor

سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

The Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala erupted last Sunday, spewing ashy plumes and lava as hot as 700 degrees Celsius.

The lava sped down the volcano’s slopes and into the surrounding villages, covering roads, burning houses and hindering rescue efforts. According to news reports, 62 people lost their lives, and two of them were children. A brother and a sister burned to death as they watched the eruption from a bridge.

The eruption was the deadliest in the country since 1902, when the country’s Santa María volcano killed thousands of people.

[audio url="/file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Volcano-of-Fire-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Plume: ابر/ غیار

Speed down: کاهش یافتن

Slope: سرازیری

Hinder: مانع شدن

Volcano: کوه آتش فشان


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (13)

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محمدرضا سلیمانی
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خیلی ممنون از زحمات.عالی وپرفکت.
خوابش ببره ،بهتر ازاینکه اینقدر تن صداش بلند و تهاجمی باشه که تا چندروز قلبت درد بگیره .اینجوری گوش نواز تره. دلخراش باشه خوبه؟ همدردی که بهتره

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عالی ولی گوینده بی حاله داره خوابش میبره وسط متن

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Anita bavarian
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مثل همیشه عالی... ???

Anita bavarian
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عالی بود و بسیار مفید، آنا صدای گوینده طوری هست انگار داره با مردم گواتمالا همدردی میکنه

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بسیار عالی ممنونم از شما. اما صدای گوینده واقعا یکنواخت و بی حاله.

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davod akbarzadeh
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