
بازدید: 2831

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

Indonesia is the 5th biggest producer of tobacco. Children younger than 15 must not work in Indonesia. It is illegal.

However, around 1.5 children work in agriculture. Thousands work on tobacco plantations.

Many have “green tobacco sickness”. They get weak. They get headaches. They cannot go to school. They help their families make money. They make only one dollar a day.

Human rights groups are trying to change this. They talk to big Indonesian tobacco companies.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tobacco-children-in-Indonesia-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Illegal: غیرقانونی

Agriculture: کشاورزی

Plantation: مزرعه بزرگی که محصول آن معمولا چای و یا تنباکو می باشد.

Sickness: بیماری

Weak: ضعیف

Headache: سردرد


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

Indonesia is the 5th biggest producer of tobacco. Hiring children under 15 years of age in Indonesia is illegal but around 1.5 million children work in Indonesia’s agriculture. Thousands of them work on rubber, palm oil, and tobacco plantations.

Many of them suffer from “green tobacco sickness” – they get headaches, get dizzy and sick. They skip school to help their families make money, but they make only one dollar a day.

Human rights groups are trying to change things. They ask the biggest companies in Indonesia to educate the families about the dangers.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tobacco-children-in-Indonesia-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Producer: تولید کننده

Dizzy: گیج و منگ


TobaksplantorFotoSvenHansenByflickrcom compressor


سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

People estimate that more than 1.5 million children in Indonesia work in the agricultural sector – mainly in tobacco, rubber and palm oil plantations.

Those who work on tobacco farms plant it, apply pesticidesharvestbundle and dry the leaves,  and do all of this mostly with bare hands.

The working conditions are hazardous and the children suffer from ‘green tobacco sickness’ – an acute nicotine poisoning. Some of the symptoms they commonly experience are nausea, headaches and dizzy spells.

In Indonesia, hiring children under 15 years of age is illegal, but traders or companies do not directly hire the children. They skip school or drop out altogether in order to help their families make a living. One day’s work earns them an equivalent of a dollar a day.

The firms who buy the tobacco never question the process behind the production, which is what groups like Human Rights Watch are trying to change. They reached out to some of the biggest companies operating in Indonesia, asking them to educate the families about the dangers of this work.

Indonesia is one of a few countries that have not signed the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – a global public health treaty aimed at protecting the population from the consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Tobacco-children-in-Indonesia-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Estimate: تخمین زدن/ ارزیابی کردن

Pesticide: ضدآفت/ سم

Harvest: محصول برداشت کردن

Bundle: بسته بندی کردن

Bare: برهنه/ لخت

Hazardous: خطرناک

Suffer from: رنج بردن

Poisoning: مسمومیت

Acute: شدید

Symptoms: علائم

Nausea: احساس بیماری

Spell: دوره/ مدت زمان کوتاه

Equivalent: معادل/ برابر

Treaty: توافقنامه/ قرارداد

Consequence: نتیجه/ پیامد

Consumption: مصرف

Exposure to: در معرض چیزی بودن



ارسال دیدگاه جدید (15)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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سلام خیلی خیلی ممنون این تیکه های کوتاه ریدینگ کمترین فایده اش اینه که حتی وقتی حوصله ی درس خوندن ندارم حوصله ی خوندن اینارو دارم چون واقعا جذابن، من که خیلی دوستشون دارم ، مرسی از زحمتای شما.

Azade azadi
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باسلام وخسته نباشید
کارتون فوق العاده هست .دستتون درد نکنه ?

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از زحماتی که می کشید سپاسگزارم.

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این تمرینها فوق العاده خوبن واقعا ممنون ❤❤❤

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there is no one I'd rather have by my side during it، than you
bayane bartar

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Thanks a lot!

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I really appreciate

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مرسی مرسی ، دستتون درد نکنه ♥

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ممنون از وقتی که میزارین...

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دست کسی که اینارو آماده می کنه واقعا درد نکنه ... ❤❤❤ عالی هستن

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