Turtles and Plastic

بازدید: 2826

سطح اول - آیلتس 5-4 (A2 - B1)

On Kenya’s beaches, there is a lot of plastic waste. This is a big problem for turtles. They eat the plastic. The plastic kills them. They eat it because they think that it is jellyfish.

People find out that young turtles eat plastic more often than adults. They die, also. When there is plastic on beaches, turtles cannot lay eggs. Plastics also blocks the way to the ocean. This is a problem for young turtles. They cannot get into the water.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Turtles-and-Plastic-level-1.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Waste: هدر دادن 

Turtle: لاک پشت

Jellyfish: عروس دریایی

Lay eggs: تخم ریزی کردن

photo 1496196614460 48988a57fccf compressor


سطح دوم - آیلتس 6-5 (+B1- B2)

Water deposits plastic waste from all over the world on Kenya’s beaches. That is a big problem for turtles as many of them eat the plastic because they think that it is jellyfish, and then they die.

A new report found that young turtles die more often than adults because of plastic. Moreover, when there are a lot of plastics on beaches, turtles cannot lay eggs. When the baby turtles hatch on beaches with plastics, they cannot get to the ocean.

Out of every 1,000 turtles hatched, only one grows into adulthood, according to the WWF.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Turtles-and-Plastic-level-2.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Deposit: گذاشتن/ سپردن

Hatch: از تخم بیرون آمدن

WWF: بنیاد جهانی طبیعت، بزرگترین اتحادیه بین‌المللی در زمینه حفاظت از محیط زیست است

 BabyTurtleLarge compressor

سطح سوم - آیلتس 7+ ( C1 - C2)

Global currents deposit marine debris from all over the world on Kenya’s beaches which is a big problem for turtles.

A report found that 23% of juvenile and 54% of post-hatchling turtles ingested plastic, suggesting that young turtles are more likely to die than the adults by eating plastic.

Hassan Mohammed from the World Wildlife Fund said that turtles sometimes confuse plastics for food, thinking that they are jellyfish. Moreover, when there are a lot of plastics around hatching sites, turtles are unable to lay eggs and when baby turtles hatch, they cannot reach the ocean.

Out of every 1,000 turtles hatched, only one grows into adulthood, according to the WWF.

[audio url="file-dl/breakfast-reading/audio/Turtles-and-Plastic-level-3.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی

Current: حرکت آب

Marine: دریایی

Debris: آشغال/ باقی مانده 

Juvenile: نوجوان/ خردسال

Hatchling: تازه از تخم بیرون آمده

Confuse: باهم اشتباه گرفتن


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (13)

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thanks I injoy and it was very good

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عالی بود. ممنون..

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Good morning

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Good morning good job

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hi, good job
it is awesome

davod akbarzadeh
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Salam, kheili khobeee , mamnon

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Thank you so much for your efforts. Your tips not only improve our awareness about different levels of writing but also help us to grasp new knowledge.

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Hello good morning ، Thank u so much

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