Scientific Benefits Of Chocolate

بازدید: 2558


Tell someone that chocolate is good for them, and it's doubtful you'd hear many complaints. But that may very well be true. Chocolate isn't all sugar and calories; scientific research suggests that there are beneficial properties in chocolate (particularly dark chocolate). Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which terminate the chain reactions that create harmful free radicals. Flavonols are present in cocoa, which, according to recent research, may enhance brain blood flow and improve cognitive health. Many people would tell you that eating chocolate has the ability to just make them feel better, and there's science to explain that. Eating chocolate releases serotonin in your brain, which is a "feel-good" chemical and mood stabilizer.

  1. The amount of sugar, flavoring, and dairy of a piece of chocolate can be identified by the remainder of the percentage cacao it has.
  2. To impact the flavor of chocolate in the processing, you can under- or over-roast the bean, keep it raw, ferment it differently, and more.
  3. Your brain releases the feel-good chemical serotonin when you eat chocolate.

Doubtful: شک برانگیز

Complaint: شکایت

Particularly: بخصوص

Contain: شامل بودن

Terminate: خاتمه دادن

Chain: زنجیره/ سلسله

Enhance: زیاد کردن/ بهبود دادن

Flow: جریان

Cognitive: شناختی/ ادراکی

Stabilizer: تثبیت کننده

Roast: تفت دادن/ برشته کردن

Ferment: تخمیر کردن


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (7)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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چقدر خوب که در حلول این ماه عزیز و مبارک شروع کردید ، حتما صوابتون بیشتر خواهد بود

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I've got a chocolate this morning , this essay remind me that I forgot to eat it, before going to work

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Pretty easy to understand . I've expected more challenging article rather than it.

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یک صبح پر انرژی با یک صبحانه خوشمزه.... مثل همیشه عالی .

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Such a lovely and delicious article?
Thanks you

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