Being Too Busy May Be Killing Your Creativity

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Being Too Busy May Be Killing Your Creativity

If you've ever stared at a blank page with little to no inspiration, then you know how angst-ridden the experience can be. No matter how hard you will for an idea to pop into your head, it won't. Until, perhaps, you hop into the shower or go for your morning walk. Why? Creative ideas come to us by way of daydreams and moments of relaxation, and that's backed by research. If you work nonstop, you may be killing your creativity. {Play}

Because Tesla Says So

If you're a skeptic, consider this: Nikola Tesla had an "aha" moment about rotating magnetic fields while walking with his college friend. That leading to the development of AC current, the basis for nearly all of today's electric power. Similarly, Albert Einstein listened to Mozart when he needed inspiration. "Whenever he felt that he had come to the end of the road or into a difficult situation in his work, he would take refuge in music," The New York Times quoted his older son, Hans Albert, as saying. "That would usually resolve all his difficulties." {Play}

In her book The Happiness Track, Stanford University's Emma Seppälä introduces research by University of California Santa Barbara, which found that people are more creative after letting their mind wander. Among the research the paper cited is a 2012 report in the journal for the Association for Psychological Science, which found that engaging in an undemanding activity that encouraged mind-wandering led to better performance on the "Unusual Uses Task," a test of creative thinking. Hear that daydreamers? We've got the creative process down. {Play}

It's All About Balance

In addition to interjecting periods of relaxation (like a long walk) into your busy week, Seppälä points to research that suggests creativity could benefit from diversifying your experiences (like traveling abroad) and boosting your positivity by allowing for some play time. Can you say ping pong? {Play}

If this sounds like a lot, you can simply organize your day with relaxation in mind. Try infusing some simple tasks into your focused work. Research says people perform better at a challenging task when they precede it with something easy. Let that mind wander! {Play}


[video url="Simon/Breakfast/The-Secret-to-Creativity-sub.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/The-Secret-to-Creativity.jpg"]

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[video url="Simon/Breakfast/The-Secret-to-Creativity.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/The-Secret-to-Creativity.jpg"]

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Inspiration: الهام بخش
Angst-ridden: اضطراب آور و نگران کننده
Pop into your head/mind: بطور ناگهانی به چیزی فکر کردن
Hop into something: پریدن
Backed by: پشتیبانی شدن
Skeptic: شکاک
Come to the end of the road:به پایان رسیدن
Take refuge in something: پناه بردن به چیزی (به دنبال آرامش بودن)
Let someone’s mind wander: درگیر شدن مغز با افکار هدایت نشده / گیج شده
Cited: ذکر شده / گفته شده
Engage in something: درگیر چیزی بودن
Interject something into something: قطع کردن / در میان انداختن
Diversify: متنوع ساختن
Boost: بهبود بخشیدن
Infuse something into something: پر کردن، ادغام کردن
Precede: مقدم بودن / جلوتر بودن



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سلام واقعا مطالب فوق العاده هست بسیار سپاسگذارم ولی من نمیتونم فیلم ها یا صوت را ببینم و. بشنوم فکر. میکنید اشکال از. چی هست

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واقعا شما عالی هستید


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With little to no inspiration با هم هست

ینی بدون inspiration یا با کمی inspiration

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If you've ever stared at a blank page with little to noinspiration,
درجمله اول with little to به چه معناست؟

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خیلی ممنون
فقط فیلم با زیرنویس صدا نداره

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That is all what i say
Thank and wish you luck

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I repeat this sentence until tonight: Creative ideas come to us by way of daydreams and moments of relaxation

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